Drugs and the current generation...

Aug 2, 2011
By current generation, I speak of young adults specifically between the ages of 18-23.
So essentially, what I'm wondering is this: at what point in time did drugs use become so common place/acceptable? 

I've honestly been musing about this for weeks now because it has become so glaringly obvious that almost everyone my age, and almost everyone I know, does drugs. It's even gotten to the point that, I get weird looks--blend of surprise, confusion, and disbelief--when I tell people that I don't do anything as far as "drugs" are concerned. I don't and have never even smoked marijuana. Needless to say, a bunch of my friends have made it their goal to get me "high" before I graduate from college, which is both funny and sad.

I just looked up "molly" in the urb-dictionary because I've been hearing it over and over in sooooo many songs. I wasn't sheltered growing up as a child, and I went to a "'hood" high school, but honestly I feel soooo lost when it comes to this stuff. It's like a memo was sent out to my age group concerning indulgent drug use but I missed it...

Just last weekend, I went to a small party at a friends place (rarely go to parties) and I watched her smoke weed, do mushrooms, and ingest acid all in like 2hrs. Lets not forget that she had been drinking all night as well. She also told me she'd pretty much done everything as far as drugs are concerned with the exception of herion. I think she's an awesome person, but after that revelation, I was just like wow...seriously?

So I guess I'm wondering if anyone else in here feels this sort of exclusion (not that it bothers me)? When and how did I, and others like myself, become the anomaly?  

I am all about being progressive and what not, but I refuse to take a liberal stance as far as drug use is concerned. This generation is self medicating itself into nothingness, I feel...

im 25 now.

tried coke, weed, E and shrooms when i was younger (all around 18)

last drug ive done was weed, and i rarely do that.

what i find more eye opening is how much drugs are accepted, ive done drugs with mangers of previous jobs, older family members and so forth.

ive sat down with my younger brother and told him (hes 17) that if he ever wants to try anything let me know, i rather it be with me him being "safe" then with randoms.
I havent smoked weed in 4 years, and i dont think I will ever do it again, its pretty sad really that people NEED to get high to get through their day
I would smoke weed if I knew where to get some. I think the fact it is still illegal is laughable. I want to try it. There's this fake weed stuff called spice or k2 that is legal and sold in stores down here, but I don't know enough about it and what's in it.
Ive smoked spice and its horrible. A kid from Pittsburgh died from a chemical burn on his lungs from it
I'll keep it sweet and simple since there will be loooong replies in regards to this im sure....

I think it just has to do with the "taboo" of drugs becoming more lenient and acceptable in our modern culture, because its not as demonized by our society as it used to be....marijuana has such limited affects to your body that nowadays there's really no point to even trip about it by normal standards

Beyond that, I can't give any word for more substantial drugs as I don't partake, but responsibility is everything...I know people who've tried pills, powders, etc one time and never touched the stuff again just for the sake of the experience.....YOLO
Originally Posted by MMG

im 25 now.

tried coke, weed, E and shrooms when i was younger (all around 18)

last drug ive done was weed, and i rarely do that.

what i find more eye opening is how much drugs are accepted, ive done drugs with mangers of previous jobs, older family members and so forth.

ive sat down with my younger brother and told him (hes 17) that if he ever wants to try anything let me know, i rather it be with me him being "safe" then with randoms.

This is very true
Only time I smoke weed is when I'm drunk and that's only if someone I know is smoking it. I'll probably never try coke but if placed in the right situation, I could see myself popping some e.
Edit: I'm 23 btw.

23 years old, casual burner (cut back drastically since new years), I experiment with chems/psychs.

I'm not the type to throw them in your face like "YEAH BRO IMA GET YOU #%%#++ UP. YOU DONT LIKE DRUGS?! LOLOLOL". explain to your friends that that plan is stupid and you want no parts of it.

some drugs have actual uses, like tree and mdma. and DMT was a great experience. but needles and nose drugs and anything addictive, I'll never understand why people willingly @!@@ with that stuff. I'm 100% sure the new kids talking about molly are doing it after hearing about it from a song. Wiz made it happen with weed, now you have Mac Miller and Wayne talking about molly... "omg I wanna try that lolz"

k2 and spice are incense, don't smoke that
I've only smoked weed twice in my life. Cool experience but it never really appealed to me like that.
Originally Posted by solarius49

 its pretty sad really that people NEED to get high to get through their day

When it gets to this point, then its a problem. Most people i know do it recreationally
Originally Posted by y0ung j33zy

Originally Posted by solarius49

 its pretty sad really that people NEED to get high to get through their day

When it gets to this point, then its a problem. Most people i know do it recreationally
most people SAY they do it recreationally.  My best friend (been best friends for the last 23 years) says that he smokes recreationally, but i dont remember the last time I've seen him sober, and he has to smoke before we go to anything.  He gets fired from jobs all the time ect.  I think alot of people justify it to themselves and their friends by saying its "recreational", but its really a more deep seeded problem.
Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens


23 years old, casual burner (cut back drastically since new years), I experiment with chems/psychs.

I'm not the type to throw them in your face like "YEAH BRO IMA GET YOU #%%#++ UP. YOU DONT LIKE DRUGS?! LOLOLOL". explain to your friends that that plan is stupid and you want no parts of it.

some drugs have actual uses, like tree and mdma. and DMT was a great experience. but needles and nose drugs and anything addictive, I'll never understand why people willingly @!@@ with that stuff. I'm 100% sure the new kids talking about molly are doing it after hearing about it from a song. Wiz made it happen with weed, now you have Mac Miller and Wayne talking about molly... "omg I wanna try that lolz"

k2 and spice are incense, don't smoke that

It's funny you mention Wiz and MMiller, because I only recently began listening to music by these two dudes (3 weeks ago for the former, and a week ago by the latter), and they are partly why I made this thread...

I heard the word "molly" for the first time on a Mac song I've just been hearing it everywhere since. And Wiz, eveeerryyyyy song has some reference to marijuana. It's the strangest thing ever. It's like, he can't make it through a track without referencing smoking, which is honestly quite pathetic. I enjoy his songs, but I'm left wondering if content wise, he has anything else to say. These musicians, who are themselves part of the age group that is at the center of this discussion, really need to consider the impact of their words. They're pretty much dealing through their words.

It's kinda interesting how you and others have brought up this notion of YOLO, but at the same time, think little to nothing of needle and nose drugs. If you really believe in the notion of YOLO, shouldn't you then be open to nose and needle stuff as well? 

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

I would smoke weed if I knew where to get some. I think the fact it is still illegal is laughable. I want to try it. There's this fake weed stuff called spice or k2 that is legal and sold in stores down here, but I don't know enough about it and what's in it.

do NOT smoke this stuff. aside from the fact that its effects are nothing like tree, the packaging even says not for human consumption.
Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

Just last weekend, I went to a small party at a friends place (rarely go to parties) and I watched her smoke weed, do mushrooms, and ingest acid all in like 2hrs. Lets not forget that she had been drinking all night as well. She also told me she'd pretty much done everything as far as drugs are concerned with the exception of herion. I think she's an awesome person, but after that revelation, I was just like wow...seriously?

Kid you 'sposed to be hiiiittin' that....
Originally Posted by LUKEwarm Skywalker

Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens


23 years old, casual burner (cut back drastically since new years), I experiment with chems/psychs.

I'm not the type to throw them in your face like "YEAH BRO IMA GET YOU #%%#++ UP. YOU DONT LIKE DRUGS?! LOLOLOL". explain to your friends that that plan is stupid and you want no parts of it.

some drugs have actual uses, like tree and mdma. and DMT was a great experience. but needles and nose drugs and anything addictive, I'll never understand why people willingly @!@@ with that stuff. I'm 100% sure the new kids talking about molly are doing it after hearing about it from a song. Wiz made it happen with weed, now you have Mac Miller and Wayne talking about molly... "omg I wanna try that lolz"

k2 and spice are incense, don't smoke that

It's funny you mention Wiz and MMiller, because I only recently began listening to music by these two dudes (3 weeks ago for the former, and a week ago by the latter), and they are partly why I made this thread...

I heard the word "molly" for the first time on a Mac song I've just been hearing it everywhere since. And Wiz, eveeerryyyyy song has some reference to marijuana. It's the strangest thing ever. It's like, he can't make it through a track without referencing smoking, which is honestly quite pathetic. I enjoy his songs, but I'm left wondering if content wise, he has anything else to say. These musicians, who are themselves part of the age group that is at the center of this discussion, really need to consider the impact of their words. They're pretty much dealing through their words.

It's kinda interesting how you and others have brought up this notion of YOLO, but at the same time, think little to nothing of needle and nose drugs. If you really believe in the notion of YOLO, shouldn't you then be open to nose and needle stuff as well? 

man I only use yolo flippantly
I'm not doing anything that can kill me. but that's the general attitude of teens and young adults these days. it's seeming more and more to me that use of certain chems has gone from wanting to experiment to wanting to fit in, or seem cool. yeah you can smoke some bud, it's damn near harmless. but there's kids hitting my friends up asking where to get blotters, random local girls at parties downing quarters of shrooms, and kids hitting me up asking for synth instructions and stuff like that. no research done, just a "man I heard about it in a song/from some other kid/on the internet and I wanna try it now".

even as someone who experiments I think it's ridiculous where it's going now.

I can barely listen to Wiz now, dude literally just makes the same songs over and over with different beats and features
You come off as the type that takes pride in being "above the influence" when in reality you've been brainwashed by the American propaganda machine.

Yes, there are plenty of knocks out there that overuse them but that doesn't make drugs as a whole "bad."

A lot of intelligent people are bored by the sober mindset, and responsible drug use allows them to think in new and profound ways.
Originally Posted by BirdsIView

You come off as the type that takes pride in being "above the influence" when in reality you've been brainwashed by the American propaganda machine.

Yes, there are plenty of knocks out there that overuse them but that doesn't make drugs as a whole "bad."

A lot of intelligent people are bored by the sober mindset, and responsible drug use allows them to think in new and profound ways.

so whats some new profound stuff that drugs have helped you think up?  Heroin, Meth, Crack? I used to be a heavy weed smoker, im over that life
I feel a holier than thou type of vibe from Luke. Just sum it up to this: pop culture. All the stuff you're referencing is the reason why drugs/alcohol are prevantly used by people my age (23) and below.
only one that really has dramatically been more accepted, IMO, is marijuana.

*%!# should be legal with a prescription across the nation, not just in Cali (maybe it is in some other states by now?) Idk, I live in Nor-Cal, first time possession without a scrip isn't even a crime now here unless it's a huge amount or bagged up into a bunch of dime sacks lookin like you're dealing or something

that's what I've been told at least...it's so easy to get a scrip here though. I never even bothered because I don't intend on growing right now.
Originally Posted by solarius49

Originally Posted by BirdsIView

You come off as the type that takes pride in being "above the influence" when in reality you've been brainwashed by the American propaganda machine.

Yes, there are plenty of knocks out there that overuse them but that doesn't make drugs as a whole "bad."

A lot of intelligent people are bored by the sober mindset, and responsible drug use allows them to think in new and profound ways.

so whats some new profound stuff that drugs have helped you think up?  Heroin, Meth, Crack? I used to be a heavy weed smoker, im over that life
he's not talking about heroin, meth, or crack
they don't do anything useful.

there's a difference between using marijuana to medicate or to enhance creativity and being a "heavy weed smoker", aka a pothead, who just sits around getting high and eating children's snacks 14 hours out of the day.

psychs should be in a completely different category from hard drugs like the ones you mentioned. the ones that destroy families and lives, cause murders and robberies, cause car accidents... all that bad $@!!. I deplore them. hell I don't even really agree with pain medication.

but a kid with competent sitters, an understanding of what he's doing, and a passion for exploration of self and the universe around him? maybe enhancement for his art, his music, his life in general? using some naturally occurring chems that just so happen to have some fun effects? let that boy trip..
I mean theres alot of artists that do heroin, i guess it increases their creativity though. bottom line is there are alot more people who abuse drugs than there are who use them for anything positive
I got a best friend of 15+ yrs and also states his habit is recreational. Every time I hang out with him, he's high. His facial expression looks like he's brain dead, then he wonders why he doesn't have a GF. He'll always be my homie for life and all, but from what I see, he'll never stop smoking. We're both 30 going on 31. Me and a couple of other friends we hang out with have given up giving him a hard time about it. In our opinion, it's childish, but that's the way he wants to live his life.
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