Drugs and the current generation...

How's coming down from Molly or shrooms?
One thing I like about Atlanta is the amount of druggie chicks you come across. One I met a couple weeks is down to do everything. I'm thinking about doing either Molly or shrooms with her. Just trying to get an idea of what to expect.

I don't experience any sort of come down AT ALL on Molly. E-Tarded sounds terrible. Are you guys getting hands on legit pure MDMA? Maybe it's because I use relative infrequently.

Shrooms I feel a little tired, maybe a little heavy hearted, but nothin too bad.
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How do I know if I'm getting legit Molly/pure MDMA? There's a club down here where people sell them in the crowd. As tempted as I've been, I never buy em out of fear it's been cut and stuff.
How do I know if I'm getting legit Molly/pure MDMA? There's a club down here where people sell them in the crowd. As tempted as I've been, I never buy em out of fear it's been cut and stuff.

They have test kits. Not exactly sure of the entire procedure though.
I don't experience any sort of come down AT ALL on Molly. E-Tarded sounds terrible. Are you guys getting hands on legit pure MDMA? Maybe it's because I use relative infrequently.
Shrooms I feel a little tired, maybe a little heavy hearted, but nothin too bad.

Post MDMA serotonin syndrome is real. You can get the purest **** in a world....it's a real thing.
I can't stand molly hangovers. Depending on how much you take...you feel like a zombie next morning. There's no headaches or anything but you just feel...out of it. If you roll on a Saturday...your Sunday will probably consist of not leaving your bed.

this... I plan to roll friday night, then be out of it Saturday, good by Sunday so I'm not half dead on Monday at work.

Thinking about Halloween weekend :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: :pimp: Hang out wit' my white friends and hit a rave or something in costume :lol:
Not exactly practical in a club setting.
This made me lol for some reason. A good amount has to do with who you get your stuff from when it comes to the E and MDMA. I would never get it from randoms, I knew I had bad E whenever my skin would feel like it was buring on the inside but those cut out transformers were the truth 
Definitely been wanting to try shrooms with a friend or two.
Definitely as much research as possible though beforehand.

A shame I can't smoke anymore because of my job, but on the flip side I feel more energetic.
"No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed, and love of power."
This is just me...but I NEVER take psych's to have "fun". I'm trying to learn some ****. Your train of thought enters some level you never thought it can get to and you figure out alot about yourself and your surroundings. I'd say they've been very therapeutic for me. I understand now how some scientists have found that psychs can cure depression.
I prefer LSD to Shrooms though.
Anybody ever **** w/ DXM? My first time...I entered the third plateau and was ******g blown away but it's something I don't think I'll do regularly.

I feel you, if I wanted to laugh and ****, I'd just light a spliff.
The perspective gained from psychedelics IMO can't be overstated.
I really encourage everyone to do them solo just to have that experience within yourself without any outside influence.
Any of yall experienced ego death?
Also you might wanna cool out on the DXM, my mans was ******g with it heavy and ended up in the hospital after having a nervous breakdown.:smh:
Also had stomach ulcers :x

Reboxetine is a drug I have prescribed. Other drugs had done nothing for my patient, so we wanted to try something new. I'd read the trial data before I wrote the prescription, and found only well-designed, fair tests, with overwhelmingly positive results. Reboxetine was better than a placebo, and as good as any other antidepressant in head-to-head comparisons. It's approved for use by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (the MHRA), which governs all drugs in the UK. Millions of doses are prescribed every year, around the world. Reboxetine was clearly a safe and effective treatment. The patient and I discussed the evidence briefly, and agreed it was the right treatment to try next. I signed a prescription.

But we had both been misled. In October 2010, a group of researchers was finally able to bring together all the data that had ever been collected on reboxetine, both from trials that were published and from those that had never appeared in academic papers. When all this trial data was put together, it produced a shocking picture. Seven trials had been conducted comparing reboxetine against a placebo. Only one, conducted in 254 patients, had a neat, positive result, and that one was published in an academic journal, for doctors and researchers to read. But six more trials were conducted, in almost 10 times as many patients. All of them showed that reboxetine was no better than a dummy sugar pill. None of these trials was published. I had no idea they existed.


Long article is long.
yea dt.. what you went through? shrooms looking real interesting right now lol
It's impossible to fully articulate my experience in words.. not possible to fully describe to someone who hasn't tried it.

The excerpt below, is probably the most accurate description of how the world seems when you're on shrooms (but it will prob not make any sense to you, so just go try them for yourself)

T0 BEGIN WITH, this world has a different kind of time. It is the time of biological rhythm, not of the clock and all that goes with the clock. There is no hurry. Our sense of time is notoriously subjective and thus dependent upon the quality of our attention, whether of interest or boredom, and upon the alignment of our behavior in terms of routines, goals, and deadlines. Here the present is self-sufficient, but it is not a static present. It is a dancing present—the unfolding of a pattern which has no specific destination in the future but is simply its own point. It leaves and arrives simultaneously, and the seed is as much the goal as the flower. There is therefore time to perceive every detail of the movement with infinitely greater richness of articulation. Normally we do not so much look at things as overlook them. The eye sees types and classes—flower, leaf, rock, bird, fire—mental pictures of things rather than things, rough outlines filled with flat color, always a little dusty and dim.
But here the depth of light and structure in a bursting bud go on forever. There is time to see them, time for the whole intricacy of veins and capillaries to develop in consciousness, time to see down and down into the shape of greenness, which is not green at all, but a whole spectrum generalizing itself as green—purple, gold, the sunlit turquoise of the ocean, the intense luminescence of the emerald. I cannot decide where shape ends and color begins. The bud has opened and the fresh leaves fan out and curve back with a gesture which is unmistakably communicative but does not say anything except, "Thus!" And somehow that is quite satisfactory, even startlingly clear. The meaning is transparent in the same way that the color and the texture are transparent, with light which does not seem to fall upon surfaces from above but to be right inside the structure and color. Which is of course where it is, for light is an inseparable trinity of sun, object, and eye, and the chemistry of the leaf is its color, its light.
But at the same time color and light are the gift of the eye to the leaf and the sun. Transparency is the property of the eyeball, projected outward as luminous space, interpreting quanta of energy in terms of the gelatinous fibers in the head. I begin to feel that the world is at once inside my head and outside it, and the two, inside and outside, begin to include or "cap" one another like an infinite series of concentric spheres. I am unusually aware that everything I am sensing is also my body—that light, color, shape, sound, and texture are terms and properties of the brain conferred upon the outside world. I am not looking at the world, not confronting it; I am knowing it by a continuous process of transforming it into myself, so that everything around me, the whole globe of space, no longer feels away from me but in the middle.
This is at first confusing. I am not quite sure of the direction from which sounds come. The visual space seems to reverberate with them as if it were a drum. The surrounding hills rumble with the sound of a truck, and the rumble and the color-shape of the hills become one and the same gesture. I use that word deliberately and shall use it again. The hills are moving into their stillness. They mean something because they are being transformed into my brain, and my brain is an organ of meaning. The forests of redwood trees upon them look like green fire, and the copper gold of the sun-dried grass heaves immensely into the sky. Time is so slow as to be a kind of eternity, and the flavor of eternity transfers itself to the hills—burnished mountains which I seem to remember from an immeasurably distant past, at once so unfamiliar as to be exotic and yet as familiar as my own hand. Thus transformed into consciousness, into the electric, interior luminosity of the nerves, the world seems vaguely insubstantial—developed upon a color film, resounding upon the skin of a drum, pressing, not with weight, but with vibrations interpreted as weight. Solidity is a neurological invention, and, I wonder, can the nerves be solid to themselves? Where do we begin? Does the order of the brain create the order of the world, or the order of the world the brain? The two seem like egg and hen, or like back and front.
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