Dubai has the car game on LOCK vol. Recession? Whats that??

Originally Posted by MnMballa2323

my uncle and cousin just recently moved there temporarily and are working over there cuz there economy is bangin and that country is nuts...they got a Lamborghini at the airport for raffle...$150 a ticket and chances are 1 in 2, thats $300,000 in tickets sold. My cousin was sayin that an american would never win tho cuz if they pull ur name and look at that #+*% they will put it back, pick another name and be like okayyy hamoudyy al wazar, you are the winner! lmaoo
i laughed

and living in dubai: FTW
my friend moved there a few years back.
Apparently the oil shieks just dump cars over there like it ain't no thing.

They got new BMW's and Mercs in landfills. Crazy.
Originally Posted by KTaylor

Originally Posted by MnMballa2323

my uncle and cousin just recently moved there temporarily and are working over there cuz there economy is bangin and that country is nuts...they got a Lamborghini at the airport for raffle...$150 a ticket and chances are 1 in 2, thats $300,000 in tickets sold. My cousin was sayin that an american would never win tho cuz if they pull ur name and look at that #+*% they will put it back, pick another name and be like okayyy hamoudyy al wazar, you are the winner! lmaoo
i laughed

and living in dubai: FTW
my friend moved there a few years back.

living in dubai FTL, 200degree weather, serious jailtime for a spec of dro, and it will be a ghost town soon enough...
too bad most of those cars are tastelessly modded.

that ford makes me want to puke.

i mean props on having the money to buy them, i guess? but jesus christ.

on a more positive note, the SLS AMG came out already? had no idea it was already being sold.
unless you like prison, you better be careful, if thats even possible

In another case, a 43-year-old man from Middlesex was imprisoned earlier this week for four years after Dubai customs officials used highly sensitive screening equipment to detect 0.003g cannabis in the tread of his shoe. Keith Andrew Brown was stopped in transit from Ethiopia to London last September. The amount of the drug found on his shoe would not be visible to the naked eye and weighs less than a single grain of sugar.
I wouldnt be caught dead there.. cars are nice, but my life is too precious to risk that sort of crap they put people through.
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

unless you like prison, you better be careful, if thats even possible

In another case, a 43-year-old man from Middlesex was imprisoned earlier this week for four years after Dubai customs officials used highly sensitive screening equipment to detect 0.003g cannabis in the tread of his shoe. Keith Andrew Brown was stopped in transit from Ethiopia to London last September. The amount of the drug found on his shoe would not be visible to the naked eye and weighs less than a single grain of sugar.
I wouldnt be caught dead there.. cars are nice, but my life is too precious to risk that sort of crap they put people through.

I would get life smh
LOL at people talking like Dubai is a great place. All the cars you see are all bought by the families that run the oil business, only about 5% of the peoplein Dubai are members of the oil family. It is not public record on how much money they exactly have, but yes it is in the billions. If you are born into thesefamilies you can pretty much buy whatever you want whenever you want, money is nothing. The other 95% of Dubai lives nothing like the oil families and is poor.The oil is running out compared to the more oil rich lands else where in the middle east. All their eggs are in one basket, no more money. A fewyears back they decided to diversify and a make Dubai into a tourist destination. Lavish hotels, in door ski resorts, some of the worlds largest and mostextravagant malls, high rise condos and million dollar real estate development etc etc. However most all of this construction has been put to a halt, theeconomy crashed as you know, people are not traveling like they used to, and people from USA and Europe are definitely not buying million dollar 3rd and fourthhomes in the sand. Not to mention all of the construction and maintenance on these lavish buildings is being done by slave labor, mostly northern Africans whoare tricked into going to Dubai in promise of a job, only to find them being held against their will and forced into slavery. The irony of anyone who isAfrican American in here posting, "dang i wanna live in looks sick!!", is well....irony lol.

The oil family runs the show and whatever they say goes. It is not at all what it seems.

check this out...unreal
Originally Posted by keiththekid1

LOL at people talking like Dubai is a great place. All the cars you see are all bought by the families that run the oil business, only about 5% of the people in Dubai are members of the oil family. It is not public record on how much money they exactly have, but yes it is in the billions. If you are born into these families you can pretty much buy whatever you want whenever you want, money is nothing. The other 95% of Dubai lives nothing like the oil families and is poor. The oil is running out compared to the more oil rich lands else where in the middle east. All their eggs are in one basket, no more money. A few years back they decided to diversify and a make Dubai into a tourist destination. Lavish hotels, in door ski resorts, some of the worlds largest and most extravagant malls, high rise condos and million dollar real estate development etc etc. However most all of this construction has been put to a halt, the economy crashed as you know, people are not traveling like they used to, and people from USA and Europe are definitely not buying million dollar 3rd and fourth homes in the sand. Not to mention all of the construction and maintenance on these lavish buildings is being done by slave labor, mostly northern Africans who are tricked into going to Dubai in promise of a job, only to find them being held against their will and forced into slavery. The irony of anyone who is African American in here posting, "dang i wanna live in looks sick!!", is well....irony lol.

The oil family runs the show and whatever they say goes. It is not at all what it seems.

check this out...unreal

GREAT article.
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