dude loses over 300k on a poker hand..pretty sick (this for poker fans)

Originally Posted by smoothrick007

VirgilMalloy wrote:

smoothrick007 wrote:

why would you fold KJ suited automatically? i maybe would understand if it wasnt suited but suited?..yall are too conservative players..but again like

have said it depends on a lot of things

I mean... I already explained why playing KJs utg is terrible. And, lol at me being conservative. At the 1knl game at my local casino I'm known as a

didnt really much read it..but just read it and very useful information....looks like i got a lot to learn..and i mean ALOT to learn..didnt know
there was this whole different view on poker...you must be a good poker player

so UTG what do you call with or raise? just AA and KK or what?

I mean, again, it depends on table dynamics, how often I'm getting 3bet, how loose people are, how good at applying postflop pressure the other playersare, how loose the blinds are, etc.

In a standard game, I'm probably raising TT+, AQo+, AQs+. In a game with some very tough players, I'm probably ditching AQo and TT, but I might also bemixing in 67s, 78s 89s in a 10% raise / 90% fold mixed game just so they are at least a small part of my range. Even playing those cards 10% or 20% of the timeyou get them can add a lot of deception to your range, but usually I reserve that for middle position. UTG and UTG+1 it's tough to play anything other thanvery tight and straightforward preflop since you are so crushed position wise postflop.

In a game with relatively loose/passive/weak opponents I'm probably including 77, 88 and 99, and maybe mixing in KQs AJs like 40% of the time and maybesomething like 78s or 67s or 89s 10-20% of the time.
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