No comment. I have 3. I got em all before 20 did 6 months jail, never hurt anybody. I'm 24 now. I lost my liscense for 10 years, 6 more to go. IM still paying them off. It's a 1000 for 3 years x 3 . But no need to get on my case. I did my time. I was young, dumb, and it's inexcusable. I got story's for days. To keep it G I feel soo much wiser than i did. I'm a stagehand in Philly. I live in jersey. It sucks. But I got a bike, take the train. And there's nowhere I can't get in the city. It sucks I can't just jump in the whip and go. Having to rely on people. Sometimes I see some wild **** on the train, goin from lindenwold to camden to philly . Pure comedy. Anyway yea, I'm a **** up. Or was. Whatever I have no problems with admitting anything about my past. I been threw some **** in my life. Prolly at 24 than someone who's 50. I bet I have more
Iife expierence . I kno pain. I kno struggle. I kno fear. I lost 2 homies AND my brother for the same reason 5 years ago I caught my cases.

****** get rapped up in the game nd it's hard to get out. But getting threw each day, getting to Philly any means necessary, makin bread, payin bills, livin life. God it fees better to get a check in the mail than to hustle, only to be short cuz ur doin ur own ****. Yeaaa I got no Ls 4 6 more years. But. Life's hell of alot better
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Oh yea only my first DUI was from drinkin, n I refused too blow thinkin I was smart. They whacked me with way more fines and I still got the DuI, I was 17
18 zans n syrup
And finally my last one zans and something..I dunno I just remember going to court KNowing I was going to get locked up, and as they put the cuffs on. How sad my dad was.... I did a lil 6 month joint. Ain't no bail for doing the same crime 3 times in a row..god that was rough times, I'm Lucky, no , Blessed to be alive. I should write a book
13 months since i got mine
blew a .23 spend like 7 hours in a cell by myself
had to go 6 moths of classes
5 months with a breathalyzer in my car (so embarassing on a date she laughed about it with me though) .
MADD class definitely the most intense out of everything really gets in your head
1800 fine give or take i
got dropped by my insurance
definitely a learning im not sober but nomore drinking and driving for me . have my license back and my life together a little more . so in some way it got through to me . only took them 12 years to catch me 16-28 years old . o well live and learn
How much did fines run you guys? Is it worth it to get a lawyer and drop 3k or just deal with the fines and license suspension?
How much did fines run you guys? Is it worth it to get a lawyer and drop 3k or just deal with the fines and license suspension?

Just take the fines and keep it moving. I spent money on a lawyer, and all I did was spend unnecessary money when I basically got the same sentence. All it did was reduce my jailtime from a POSSIBLE 15 days, to 1 day served. All the other fines and community service/classes stayed in the plea bargain. Unless you have a definite case to get out of it, there's no point in getting a lawyer. It will be exactly 6 yrs since I got mine, once October comes around. Being 21 and not giving a damn :smh: Probably the worst mistake i've made, but so thankful it happened the way it did as nobody else was involved.
that last one tho
goin extra hard...
 I caught that last one too.
Yeah, I deal with folks that catch DUIs all the time at work. Seeing how much they have to go through is enough to keep me sober 9 times out of 10 when I drive.

Having a DD, though.
i've driven drunk 1 time in my life :smh:
homie took a walk from my house when we had a kickback and got chased by a couple hoodlums on the highway by my house, dude was mad shook, hiding in bushes.
I don't even know how i feel about it because if i didn't go i risked his life and when i wen't i risked other's :smh:
Yaw paid $3000 for a lawyer? Mayne here in most major cities dui lawyers run around $1000 without trial. I got 3 duisand never did jail until my 3rd which wad 14 days or so. Lawyer only coetme between $750-$1000 each time . FIrst dui got reduced 2nd got it down to a 1st dui 3rd time gotit down to a 2nd

I still drink drive but not drunk. Like on a good sunny day sometimes on the weekend I might cru8se with a bud lime beer or nice cup of a splash of liquior and juice mix cruising the city

Not illegal to drive under the influence as long as your below .08 but I plan on stopping for good soon and only drink at or or with desinated driver
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No comment. I have 3. I got em all before 20 did 6 months jail, never hurt anybody. I'm 24 now. I lost my liscense for 10 years, 6 more to go. IM still paying them off. It's a 1000 for 3 years x 3 . But no need to get on my case. I did my time. I was young, dumb, and it's inexcusable. I got story's for days. To keep it G I feel soo much wiser than i did. I'm a stagehand in Philly. I live in jersey. It sucks. But I got a bike, take the train. And there's nowhere I can't get in the city. It sucks I can't just jump in the whip and go. Having to rely on people. Sometimes I see some wild **** on the train, goin from lindenwold to camden to philly . Pure comedy. Anyway yea, I'm a **** up. Or was. Whatever I have no problems with admitting anything about my past. I been threw some **** in my life. Prolly at 24 than someone who's 50. I bet I have more
Iife expierence . I kno pain. I kno struggle. I kno fear. I lost 2 homies AND my brother for the same reason 5 years ago I caught my cases.

****** get rapped up in the game nd it's hard to get out. But getting threw each day, getting to Philly any means necessary, makin bread, payin bills, livin life. God it fees better to get a check in the mail than to hustle, only to be short cuz ur doin ur own ****. Yeaaa I got no Ls 4 6 more years. But. Life's hell of alot better
That's all I needed to read. 
6 months in jail :x
No liscence for 10 years :x

How do you get knocked for 3 DUIS under the age of 20? You must've been real reckless
My friend got 3 within the course of a year.

Has a breathalyzer attached to whip now. If he blows above the limit, car won't start and it registers as a violation within the system. Costs a $100/month to maintain it and has had it for 2 years.

Has a curfew. Can't drive after a certain time.

Spends like $600/month in car insurance.

If he gets another DUI when the breathalyzer is removed, he'll probably lose his license for life.

Yaw paid $3000 for a lawyer? Mayne here in most major cities dui lawyers run around $1000 without trial. I got 3 duisand never did jail until my 3rd which wad 14 days or so. Lawyer only coetme between $750-$1000 each time . FIrst dui got reduced 2nd got it down to a 1st dui 3rd time gotit down to a 2nd

I still drink drive but not drunk. Like on a good sunny day sometimes on the weekend I might cru8se with a bud lime beer or nice cup of a splash of liquior and juice mix cruising the city

Not illegal to drive under the influence as long as your below .08 but I plan on stopping for good soon and only drink at or or with desinated driver
Lesson not learned. 

You my friend are a repeat offender. Soon, I say soon you will learn.
Not cool fellas. High n fly n better

Lmao at least when your wet you care a lil about causing attention so you try to drive. When I used to get high and drive I just didn't give a **** lol. I'm good on both now thankfully.
Back in high school when I smoked and drove high, I was paranoid as ****

One of the many reasons I stopped puffin :lol:
Yaw paid $3000 for a lawyer? Mayne here in most major cities dui lawyers run around $1000 without trial. I got 3 duisand never did jail until my 3rd which wad 14 days or so. Lawyer only coetme between $750-$1000 each time . FIrst dui got reduced 2nd got it down to a 1st dui 3rd time gotit down to a 2nd

I still drink drive but not drunk. Like on a good sunny day sometimes on the weekend I might cru8se with a bud lime beer or nice cup of a splash of liquior and juice mix cruising the city

Not illegal to drive under the influence as long as your below .08 but I plan on stopping for good soon and only drink at or or with desinated driver
Idiots like this should not be allowed to keep their license.
Driven drunk a handful of times.. I actually do think I drive better because I KNOW I'm drunk and I pay extra attention to the road and my speedometer. I usually cruise control right at speed limit, and make sure my car remains perfectly straight. It's not difficult.
Yaw paid $3000 for a lawyer? Mayne here in most major cities dui lawyers run around $1000 without trial. I got 3 duisand never did jail until my 3rd which wad 14 days or so. Lawyer only coetme between $750-$1000 each time . FIrst dui got reduced 2nd got it down to a 1st dui 3rd time gotit down to a 2nd

I still drink drive but not drunk. Like on a good sunny day sometimes on the weekend I might cru8se with a bud lime beer or nice cup of a splash of liquior and juice mix cruising the city

Not illegal to drive under the influence as long as your below .08 but I plan on stopping for good soon and only drink at or or with desinated driver

You are a foolish, horrible person
No comment. I have 3. I got em all before 20 did 6 months jail, never hurt anybody. I'm 24 now. I lost my liscense for 10 years, 6 more to go. IM still paying them off. It's a 1000 for 3 years x 3 . But no need to get on my case. I did my time. I was young, dumb, and it's inexcusable. I got story's for days. To keep it G I feel soo much wiser than i did. I'm a stagehand in Philly. I live in jersey. It sucks. But I got a bike, take the train. And there's nowhere I can't get in the city. It sucks I can't just jump in the whip and go. Having to rely on people. Sometimes I see some wild **** on the train, goin from lindenwold to camden to philly . Pure comedy. Anyway yea, I'm a **** up. Or was. Whatever I have no problems with admitting anything about my past. I been threw some **** in my life. Prolly at 24 than someone who's 50. I bet I have more
Iife expierence . I kno pain. I kno struggle. I kno fear. I lost 2 homies AND my brother for the same reason 5 years ago I caught my cases.

****** get rapped up in the game nd it's hard to get out. But getting threw each day, getting to Philly any means necessary, makin bread, payin bills, livin life. God it fees better to get a check in the mail than to hustle, only to be short cuz ur doin ur own ****. Yeaaa I got no Ls 4 6 more years. But. Life's hell of alot better

Now this.... This,

You are a foolish, horrible person
its not illegal to drink and drive, its illegal to be over.08 bac..

Wow, you are a dummy. You said you drive with an open container drinking alcohol while driving. I hope you get pulled over and locked up.

That's just blatant and inexcusable. :smh:

I still drink drive but not drunk. Like on a good sunny day sometimes on the weekend I might cru8se with a bud lime beer or nice cup of a splash of liquior and juice mix cruising the city
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Boy, some of you scare me. Makes me not want to be on the roads at all.
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