I hope you get caught.

One of my uncles got a DUI a year ago or so. Son had to drop mad money in fines and school and all this other sutff. I think his car got impounded too, so he had to drop around a stack to get it out. Yea, I don't think I'll ever do something like that. I know never say never, but yo, I'm already frugal as ****, I can't afford to drop that type of money for no reason.

Not drinking ftw?
That was a real ***** thing to say

This is why if you decide to drive, then drink, you either foot it home or hit a JO with the...

Yuuup. Or split a cab with the homie and let them crash at your house. And split cabs back to DA wip in the morning.
That was a real ***** thing to say
was it bro? I got a dollar you'll be one of the people entering a theard about a drunk driver killing his friends and saying some **** like "why was he driving? who let him drive?" asking the most probervial questions like the man didn't know any better. Son said 2 close calls my dude. Not 1, but 2! deux, dos! What is it going to take for someone to smarten up, huh? To get caught? To get in an accident? Son should have smartened up the first time around, but 2? It doesn't matter if what I said was a ***** thing to say, when you're putting other peoples lives at risk and you don't change your act up, you need to get in trouble. Log off.
A lot of people are awful drivers. Adding alcohol to the mix is just a bad idea. Don't drink and drive. It's not worth it. 
That was a real ***** thing to say
was it bro? I got a dollar you'll be one of the people entering a theard about a drunk driver killing his friends and saying some **** like "why was he driving? who let him drive?" asking the most probervial questions like the man didn't know any better. Son said 2 close calls my dude. Not 1, but 2! deux, dos! What is it going to take for someone to smarten up, huh? To get caught? To get in an accident? Son should have smartened up the first time around, but 2? It doesn't matter if what I said was a ***** thing to say, when you're putting other peoples lives at risk and you don't change your act up, you need to get in trouble. Log off.

Why you had to shut him down like that?
was it bro? I got a dollar you'll be one of the people entering a theard about a drunk driver killing his friends and saying some **** like "why was he driving? who let him drive?" asking the most probervial questions like the man didn't know any better. Son said 2 close calls my dude. Not 1, but 2! deux, dos! What is it going to take for someone to smarten up, huh? To get caught? To get in an accident? Son should have smartened up the first time around, but 2? It doesn't matter if what I said was a ***** thing to say, when you're putting other peoples lives at risk and you don't change your act up, you need to get in trouble. Log off.
So instead of being mature and say you hope he smartens up and stops, you tell him you hope he gets caught meaning you hope he DOES drive drunk again and gets caught, which makes you sound like a childish female..I don't condone drinking and driving in no shape or form..I hope fam does smarten up and stops doing it..If he does decide to do it again, I hope they do pull him over, definitely..However, I'm not going to say "I hope you do it again and get caught"
My parents bought my brother a brand new car and he totaled it driving drunk

I told them that someone as reckless as him with no job should not be given a brand new car

Him and two of my friends almost all died in the accident

My parents spoil him and probably paid for all his court fees and everything

I wouldn’t know because I cut off all ties with my family after this
[QUOTE name="spsfinest212"]
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

[QUOTE name="GingersAintBad"]
Originally Posted by GingersAintBad

DUIs are serious. I have absolutely no respect for anyone that gets one. Picking up a phone to call a friend or a cab is all it takes to avoid that. Its irresponsible and the potential for damage is immense.



perhaps but this is usually easier said than done.

very few people are gonna come pick me up from the bar at 2am.

and taxis are expensive


>D compared to what? medical bills? high insurance? funeral costs? legal fees? etc?
Same goes for burning in the whip...

If you're dirty like that don't even risk it. 
Caught 3 dui within 2 1/2 years. 1st no jail/ 2nd 48 hours /3rd 13 days

1st blew .26 /2nd blew .19 /3rd didnt blow at all

A dui doesnt affect your career to much. A DUI is like getting a speeding ticket now days

I got 3 and I used to work for a major billion dollar silcon valley company but quit to work on my own
Caught 3 dui within 2 1/2 years. 1st no jail/ 2nd 48 hours /3rd 13 days

1st blew .26 /2nd blew .19 /3rd didnt blow at all

A dui doesnt affect your career to much. A DUI is like getting a speeding ticket now days

I got 3 and I used to work for a major billion dollar silcon valley company but quit to work on my own

It doesn't matter if it doesn't affect your career. You're putting other people's lives in danger because of your irresponsibiltiies.
Also in certain states you can get a DUI even if you our not driving and let a friend drive rather or not your in the passenger seat or not. Seen it happen although it always get dismissed when the driver plead
It doesn't matter if it doesn't affect your career. You're putting other people's lives in danger because of your irresponsibiltiies.
To tell you the truth in my 15 years of driving/drinking I never got in a accident or close to one. Im a good driver when drinking, most people cant tell the diffrence. I dont drink anymore but when I did its not like I was swerving across the road or speeding. I usually never drove smashed, just buzzed up and very alert.

I was more at risk of a accident driving sober
I used to drink n drive damn near every weekend 19-22. Never got pulled over or in an accident but had some crazy sorties to tell. I barely even drink anymore let alone drink n drive. I have been in an accident where a drunk driver smacked the back of my car n knocked me into oncoming traffic so I kno the feel of almost losing my life to some irrespnsible **** like that. If u do it take caution n learn from your mistakes before u make a mistake that ruins lives. Im not as critical as others in here tho, **** happens sometimes n when u r young u really just don't give a damn. (at least in my situation)
So instead of being mature and say you hope he smartens up and stops, you tell him you hope he gets caught meaning you hope he DOES drive drunk again and gets caught, which makes you sound like a childish female..I don't condone drinking and driving in no shape or form..I hope fam does smarten up and stops doing it..If he does decide to do it again, I hope they do pull him over, definitely..However, I'm not going to say "I hope you do it again and get caught"
Oh, so now you're trying to purposely put words that I never said. nice...

lel I never implied anything other than, if the man chooses to do that one more time, he deserves and should get caught. Some people are stubborn and won't learn until **** hits the fan. so yea, keep looking for something I never said to sway this to your side lol. You're just knitpicking just to name call, but it's alright papi. I still stand by what I said.

It doesn't matter at the end of the day though because we have no control over his morality, specially when under the influence as to wether or not he should drive home that night or get a cab.oh yea, I should clarify it for you since you're so keen to look for hidden messages and implication never pronounced in the message; I hope someone sways him from driving a different night because I won't be there to do it and you won't either.

inb4 oh but you're saying he should go and drive

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Everyone should look down on people who get DUI's. Really unfair to give people a pass when they don't hurt anyone either.

Just not worth it, and if you have to get lawyers. Extremely expensive.
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