E3 Thread of confusion, rage, and other stuff.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]They are giving "grades" out right now. going in order and i think they are pretty spot on with, what i said, about MS.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Completely losing out on their first parties. Minus Halo of course with a new trilogy coming. But no new titles for the gamer, everything leaning towards the kinect. eh....[/color]
Originally Posted by quiickz

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Nintendo you could have stole the thunder from everyone. Now you will die a horrible death like your crappy Wii. WE HATE GIMMICKS

Isn't Nintendo in 1st, though?

With console sold? Yes.
In the console race? HELL NO
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]early feeling is Uncharted3 will be goty...... personally I'm thinking skyrim. that looks beyond amazing with over 300 hours of gameplay.[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]early feeling is Uncharted3 will be goty...... personally I'm thinking skyrim. that looks beyond amazing with over 300 hours of gameplay.[/color]
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by quiickz

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Nintendo you could have stole the thunder from everyone. Now you will die a horrible death like your crappy Wii. WE HATE GIMMICKS

Isn't Nintendo in 1st, though?

With console sold? Yes.
In the console race? HELL NO
This is a business. I doubt you'll find anyone that will says the Nintendo Wii is, from a business perspective, a failure. Sure its a failure for the hardcore gamer but thats not necessarily the point when you run a company. Nintendo made a choice when it came to the Wii to not compete with 360/PS3, I don't think that was a bad choice at all...

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Originally Posted by quiickz

Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Nintendo you could have stole the thunder from everyone. Now you will die a horrible death like your crappy Wii. WE HATE GIMMICKS

Isn't Nintendo in 1st, though?

With console sold? Yes.
In the console race? HELL NO
This is a business. I doubt you'll find anyone that will says the Nintendo Wii is, from a business perspective, a failure. Sure its a failure for the hardcore gamer but thats not necessarily the point when you run a company. Nintendo made a choice when it came to the Wii to not compete with 360/PS3, I don't think that was a bad choice at all...

[h1]E3 2011: Could PS3 + PS Vita = Wii U?[/h1][h2]How Nintendo's new way to play could be brought to you by Sony.[/h2][h2]Australia, June 7, 2011[/h2]

E3 2011

Upon first glance Nintendo seems to have once again revealed an entirely new and unique way to experience videogames. The Wii U controller, with its iPad-with-buttons design and its ability to work as a companion screen to your HDTV is undoubtedly cool, at least based off the conceptual demos and trailers Nintendo teased in its press conference and on the E3 show floor. 

But is this 'new way to play' a gaming setup that is exclusive to Nintendo? Perhaps not. It's possible if not entirely likely that Sony will be able to deliver similar experiences this Christmas and beyond with the PlayStation Vita and PS3 working in tandem, and before the Wii U even has a chance to release. 

The price of a PS3 and PS Vita combined would presumably be more expensive than a Wii U and its controller, but if you are already one of the 50 million PS3 owners worldwide then $249 USD for the Wi-Fi PS Vita could be more appealing than shelling out for the Wii U – with the added bonus of gaining a genuine portable entertainment device that you can throw in your bag and play with away from home. 

Sony certainly has experience with a setup similar to Nintendo's WiiU with its Remote Play service for PS3, which allows PSP owners to browse and stream content from their PlayStation 3 console. And though largely unheralded, Lair – one of the very earliest titles for the PS3 – allowed the player to stream the game to their PSP screen with no lag. The downside was the sacrifice of control – the PSP only has one thumbstick when the game needed two to perform adequately. But such issues won't arise with the PS Vita, given it practically has every control interface type known to man – from twin sticks to touch screens. 

Of course, there are plenty of other factors to consider. No specifications for the Wii U console itself have been revealed, and the final console could well be uber powerful, play Blu-rays, vacuum your carpet – who knows? But the point is: do you want to make space for a new (admittedly tiny) box under your TV, or do you want to make room in your bag for a new handheld?
[h1]E3 2011: Could PS3 + PS Vita = Wii U?[/h1][h2]How Nintendo's new way to play could be brought to you by Sony.[/h2][h2]Australia, June 7, 2011[/h2]

E3 2011

Upon first glance Nintendo seems to have once again revealed an entirely new and unique way to experience videogames. The Wii U controller, with its iPad-with-buttons design and its ability to work as a companion screen to your HDTV is undoubtedly cool, at least based off the conceptual demos and trailers Nintendo teased in its press conference and on the E3 show floor. 

But is this 'new way to play' a gaming setup that is exclusive to Nintendo? Perhaps not. It's possible if not entirely likely that Sony will be able to deliver similar experiences this Christmas and beyond with the PlayStation Vita and PS3 working in tandem, and before the Wii U even has a chance to release. 

The price of a PS3 and PS Vita combined would presumably be more expensive than a Wii U and its controller, but if you are already one of the 50 million PS3 owners worldwide then $249 USD for the Wi-Fi PS Vita could be more appealing than shelling out for the Wii U – with the added bonus of gaining a genuine portable entertainment device that you can throw in your bag and play with away from home. 

Sony certainly has experience with a setup similar to Nintendo's WiiU with its Remote Play service for PS3, which allows PSP owners to browse and stream content from their PlayStation 3 console. And though largely unheralded, Lair – one of the very earliest titles for the PS3 – allowed the player to stream the game to their PSP screen with no lag. The downside was the sacrifice of control – the PSP only has one thumbstick when the game needed two to perform adequately. But such issues won't arise with the PS Vita, given it practically has every control interface type known to man – from twin sticks to touch screens. 

Of course, there are plenty of other factors to consider. No specifications for the Wii U console itself have been revealed, and the final console could well be uber powerful, play Blu-rays, vacuum your carpet – who knows? But the point is: do you want to make space for a new (admittedly tiny) box under your TV, or do you want to make room in your bag for a new handheld?
^ exactly @thehealthinspector, they're getting too comfortable, the Nintendo loving in here is astounding.
To the people claiming Nintendo won:
At one point Hannah Montanna was selling more than your fav rapper's album, back then were rocking Hannah Montana shirts,playing her music, and proclaiming she was the best to everyone you knew based on how much money she made?

I'm going to assume because of the demographic of this forum that you were not,(hopefully). That said, this is more or less a gamer thread, not a business forum. For GAMERS, Nintendo is not fulfilling the standard; I personally would rather buy an Ipad. Nintendo showed where their fan base loyalties lie, and it not the seasoned players.

So stop it, Nintendo is really looking like Sega more and more everyday. Everything they're showing you sans the controller (which is really just promises and PS3/Xbox footage [i.e. Ninja Gaiden]) you are going to get six months earlier for consoles you probably already have. Excited for what they showed you? Cool that's your prerogative. Claiming Nintendo won? Relax; You're getting hype for nothing new, blind consumerism at it's finest.
^ exactly @thehealthinspector, they're getting too comfortable, the Nintendo loving in here is astounding.
To the people claiming Nintendo won:
At one point Hannah Montanna was selling more than your fav rapper's album, back then were rocking Hannah Montana shirts,playing her music, and proclaiming she was the best to everyone you knew based on how much money she made?

I'm going to assume because of the demographic of this forum that you were not,(hopefully). That said, this is more or less a gamer thread, not a business forum. For GAMERS, Nintendo is not fulfilling the standard; I personally would rather buy an Ipad. Nintendo showed where their fan base loyalties lie, and it not the seasoned players.

So stop it, Nintendo is really looking like Sega more and more everyday. Everything they're showing you sans the controller (which is really just promises and PS3/Xbox footage [i.e. Ninja Gaiden]) you are going to get six months earlier for consoles you probably already have. Excited for what they showed you? Cool that's your prerogative. Claiming Nintendo won? Relax; You're getting hype for nothing new, blind consumerism at it's finest.
OK guys. I've been at work all day. Did N shut E3 down like so many people thought?

Who said Sony could go bankrupt? Did anyone smack them?
OK guys. I've been at work all day. Did N shut E3 down like so many people thought?

Who said Sony could go bankrupt? Did anyone smack them?
Originally Posted by RKO2004

OK guys. I've been at work all day. Did N shut E3 down like so many people thought?

Who said Sony could go bankrupt? Did anyone smack them?
They didn't come close to shutting it down or living up to the pre E3 HYPE.
People came away after Nintendo's press conference more confused.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

OK guys. I've been at work all day. Did N shut E3 down like so many people thought?

Who said Sony could go bankrupt? Did anyone smack them?
They didn't come close to shutting it down or living up to the pre E3 HYPE.
People came away after Nintendo's press conference more confused.
No opinion on the controller yet, though I do think it will make or break the system. I want to guess a $350-$400 console w/ $80-$100 controllers.

I really want to know how much more powerful the Wii U is compared to the PS3/360. Though it probably won't matter until a couple years into the console's life.

Hope they %@#%%@! fix online this time.
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