Earth has a twin.

Originally Posted by Frank 7he T4nk

Originally Posted by RoOk

Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

Imagine if there is intelligent life over there looking right back at us, but closer.
Probably writing how our planet is just a bunch of hairless monkeys running around thinking that they doing it.

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Is it just me or are these nuggets of information being released very close to one another?

-First the UN appoints an ambassador to extra terrestrials...
-Then the news that UFOs have, in the past, disarmed Nuclear Weapons on CNN...
-Now we have a planet they say has a 100% chance of having life on it...

I feel like they're getting us prepared for something.

The life on the dark side of that planet is probably nothing to play with.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]EXACTLY! I feel the same exact way my friend.. Something is going to happen over the next 5 years [/color]

nah, like 2012

UN to appoint Earth contact for aliens
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Is it just me or are these nuggets of information being released very close to one another?

-First the UN appoints an ambassador to extra terrestrials...
-Then the news that UFOs have, in the past, disarmed Nuclear Weapons on CNN...
-Now we have a planet they say has a 100% chance of having life on it...

I feel like they're getting us prepared for something.

The life on the dark side of that planet is probably nothing to play with.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]EXACTLY! I feel the same exact way my friend.. Something is going to happen over the next 5 years [/color]

nah, like 2012

UN to appoint Earth contact for aliens
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Is it just me or are these nuggets of information being released very close to one another?

-First the UN appoints an ambassador to extra terrestrials...
-Then the news that UFOs have, in the past, disarmed Nuclear Weapons on CNN...
-Now we have a planet they say has a 100% chance of having life on it...

I feel like they're getting us prepared for something.

The life on the dark side of that planet is probably nothing to play with.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]EXACTLY! I feel the same exact way my friend.. Something is going to happen over the next 5 years [/color]

nah, like 2012

UN to appoint Earth contact for aliens
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Is it just me or are these nuggets of information being released very close to one another?

-First the UN appoints an ambassador to extra terrestrials...
-Then the news that UFOs have, in the past, disarmed Nuclear Weapons on CNN...
-Now we have a planet they say has a 100% chance of having life on it...

I feel like they're getting us prepared for something.

The life on the dark side of that planet is probably nothing to play with.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]EXACTLY! I feel the same exact way my friend.. Something is going to happen over the next 5 years [/color]

nah, like 2012

UN to appoint Earth contact for aliens
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Is it just me or are these nuggets of information being released very close to one another?

-First the UN appoints an ambassador to extra terrestrials...
-Then the news that UFOs have, in the past, disarmed Nuclear Weapons on CNN...
-Now we have a planet they say has a 100% chance of having life on it...

I feel like they're getting us prepared for something.

The life on the dark side of that planet is probably nothing to play with.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]EXACTLY! I feel the same exact way my friend.. Something is going to happen over the next 5 years [/color]

nah, like 2012

UN to appoint Earth contact for aliens
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Is it just me or are these nuggets of information being released very close to one another?

-First the UN appoints an ambassador to extra terrestrials...
-Then the news that UFOs have, in the past, disarmed Nuclear Weapons on CNN...
-Now we have a planet they say has a 100% chance of having life on it...

I feel like they're getting us prepared for something.

The life on the dark side of that planet is probably nothing to play with.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]EXACTLY! I feel the same exact way my friend.. Something is going to happen over the next 5 years [/color]

nah, like 2012

UN to appoint Earth contact for aliens
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

my post got lost, but i think we should create a big dumb huge !$+ #+%%+*% space shuttle.

all the countries in the world give billions of dollars or however much they can into one pot.
on the shuttle, we need to have it capable to sustain life and create food.

on the shuttle, place some of the best/brightest teachers and scientists in the world, mixed with anybody who's willing to go.

then send them out into space towards the planet. of course they'll die, but have them able to reproduce, eventually the shuttle will reach the planet.

my man, its 20 light years away. we cant even hit speeds anywhere near that. it would take like 500,000 years to get there at with our current technology.
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

my post got lost, but i think we should create a big dumb huge !$+ #+%%+*% space shuttle.

all the countries in the world give billions of dollars or however much they can into one pot.
on the shuttle, we need to have it capable to sustain life and create food.

on the shuttle, place some of the best/brightest teachers and scientists in the world, mixed with anybody who's willing to go.

then send them out into space towards the planet. of course they'll die, but have them able to reproduce, eventually the shuttle will reach the planet.

my man, its 20 light years away. we cant even hit speeds anywhere near that. it would take like 500,000 years to get there at with our current technology.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

I'd say let's visit, but then we would find something of theirs that we want and ultimately ruin another civilization.
That intergalactic AIDS ain't no joke. 
And how would this planet work exactly? There is no night? So the planet never rotates eh? So wouldn't it need more than 1 sun? Or does this planets Sunlight reflect off another things surrounding it? 

I don't understand because of our obvious source of light and how we obtain it here. The earth rotates, so we receive light at different times.. But how does this work?

It's definitely interesting, but am I understanding the article correctly? 
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

I'd say let's visit, but then we would find something of theirs that we want and ultimately ruin another civilization.
That intergalactic AIDS ain't no joke. 
And how would this planet work exactly? There is no night? So the planet never rotates eh? So wouldn't it need more than 1 sun? Or does this planets Sunlight reflect off another things surrounding it? 

I don't understand because of our obvious source of light and how we obtain it here. The earth rotates, so we receive light at different times.. But how does this work?

It's definitely interesting, but am I understanding the article correctly? 
Originally Posted by RoOk

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Is it just me or are these nuggets of information being released very close to one another?

-First the UN appoints an ambassador to extra terrestrials...
-Then the news that UFOs have, in the past, disarmed Nuclear Weapons on CNN...
-Now we have a planet they say has a 100% chance of having life on it...

I feel like they're getting us prepared for something.

The life on the dark side of that planet is probably nothing to play with.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]EXACTLY! I feel the same exact way my friend.. Something is going to happen over the next 5 years [/color]

nah, like 2012

UN to appoint Earth contact for aliens
Originally Posted by RoOk

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Is it just me or are these nuggets of information being released very close to one another?

-First the UN appoints an ambassador to extra terrestrials...
-Then the news that UFOs have, in the past, disarmed Nuclear Weapons on CNN...
-Now we have a planet they say has a 100% chance of having life on it...

I feel like they're getting us prepared for something.

The life on the dark side of that planet is probably nothing to play with.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]EXACTLY! I feel the same exact way my friend.. Something is going to happen over the next 5 years [/color]

nah, like 2012

UN to appoint Earth contact for aliens
Originally Posted by Vsano

Originally Posted by scshift

I don't think it'd be a good idea to move to another planet though. Not to sound negative, but we'd probably end up doing more harm then good and probably destroy that planet and ourselves before moving on to the next one.
I totally agree with this... We might just put our best effort in taking care of our own planet rather than aiming for another one.

i.e. avatar..
Originally Posted by Vsano

Originally Posted by scshift

I don't think it'd be a good idea to move to another planet though. Not to sound negative, but we'd probably end up doing more harm then good and probably destroy that planet and ourselves before moving on to the next one.
I totally agree with this... We might just put our best effort in taking care of our own planet rather than aiming for another one.

i.e. avatar..
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

its kind of crazy to think about. life is seriously, all about location. everything about the way we are is a result of our location. so it's kind of funny to me for people to assume that development and evolution is uniform across the universe...(nothings gonna change my worlllldddd lol).. just as evolution across the world isn't necessarily uniform, and we are on the same planet. so how can one say that it (life in other galaxies) requires the same things as we require? (light, water, co2, o2)

the conditions that we exist in (our earth) will probably never be recreated precisely 100%. even though this planet G bears a lot of similarities, the conditions are not 100% the same. perhaps the varying percentage made all the difference, and developed in a completely different way, with different chemicals and necessities for life?

the key is evolution...

i dont know much about chemical properties in other galaxies and i'm sure there's an answer to my queries but i'm just thinking. hm.

It would be very similar most likely. Think Chimps in Africa vs lemurs in Madagascar. They basically evolved somewhat separately but are nevertheless similar. I think our reaction to things on that planet could be like the first time we saw elephants or giraffes.

Carbon based life is destined to be similar, but there is speculation of silicon based life in the universe. Now THAT would be totally different from us.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

its kind of crazy to think about. life is seriously, all about location. everything about the way we are is a result of our location. so it's kind of funny to me for people to assume that development and evolution is uniform across the universe...(nothings gonna change my worlllldddd lol).. just as evolution across the world isn't necessarily uniform, and we are on the same planet. so how can one say that it (life in other galaxies) requires the same things as we require? (light, water, co2, o2)

the conditions that we exist in (our earth) will probably never be recreated precisely 100%. even though this planet G bears a lot of similarities, the conditions are not 100% the same. perhaps the varying percentage made all the difference, and developed in a completely different way, with different chemicals and necessities for life?

the key is evolution...

i dont know much about chemical properties in other galaxies and i'm sure there's an answer to my queries but i'm just thinking. hm.

It would be very similar most likely. Think Chimps in Africa vs lemurs in Madagascar. They basically evolved somewhat separately but are nevertheless similar. I think our reaction to things on that planet could be like the first time we saw elephants or giraffes.

Carbon based life is destined to be similar, but there is speculation of silicon based life in the universe. Now THAT would be totally different from us.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

its kind of crazy to think about. life is seriously, all about location. everything about the way we are is a result of our location. so it's kind of funny to me for people to assume that development and evolution is uniform across the universe...(nothings gonna change my worlllldddd lol).. just as evolution across the world isn't necessarily uniform, and we are on the same planet. so how can one say that it (life in other galaxies) requires the same things as we require? (light, water, co2, o2)

the conditions that we exist in (our earth) will probably never be recreated precisely 100%. even though this planet G bears a lot of similarities, the conditions are not 100% the same. perhaps the varying percentage made all the difference, and developed in a completely different way, with different chemicals and necessities for life?

the key is evolution...

i dont know much about chemical properties in other galaxies and i'm sure there's an answer to my queries but i'm just thinking. hm.
You are on the right track of thought my friend. I find research like this to be amusing because they are not objective about it. They apply rules and constraints of this planet, our planet, upon others. They fail to see that their own, our own, attributes are not universal. This is a fundamental failure of humanity.

In reality, life, even on this planet, is very diverse. It prevails in even the most extreme of conditions. We have organisms that live in deep sea thermal vents, highly salinated waters, volcanoes, and even the frigid ice of Antarctica. We have organisms that survive on a variety of gases; we even have a multicellular organism that does not require oxygen at all to survive. We have organisms that can survive the vacuums of space, that can be dried out and then reanimated to life later. There are even organisms that have skeletal structure made out of silicon dioxide.

Life can exist anywhere.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

its kind of crazy to think about. life is seriously, all about location. everything about the way we are is a result of our location. so it's kind of funny to me for people to assume that development and evolution is uniform across the universe...(nothings gonna change my worlllldddd lol).. just as evolution across the world isn't necessarily uniform, and we are on the same planet. so how can one say that it (life in other galaxies) requires the same things as we require? (light, water, co2, o2)

the conditions that we exist in (our earth) will probably never be recreated precisely 100%. even though this planet G bears a lot of similarities, the conditions are not 100% the same. perhaps the varying percentage made all the difference, and developed in a completely different way, with different chemicals and necessities for life?

the key is evolution...

i dont know much about chemical properties in other galaxies and i'm sure there's an answer to my queries but i'm just thinking. hm.
You are on the right track of thought my friend. I find research like this to be amusing because they are not objective about it. They apply rules and constraints of this planet, our planet, upon others. They fail to see that their own, our own, attributes are not universal. This is a fundamental failure of humanity.

In reality, life, even on this planet, is very diverse. It prevails in even the most extreme of conditions. We have organisms that live in deep sea thermal vents, highly salinated waters, volcanoes, and even the frigid ice of Antarctica. We have organisms that survive on a variety of gases; we even have a multicellular organism that does not require oxygen at all to survive. We have organisms that can survive the vacuums of space, that can be dried out and then reanimated to life later. There are even organisms that have skeletal structure made out of silicon dioxide.

Life can exist anywhere.
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