EDIT: New Question, is LeBron the second greatest player of all time? So, has Steph Curry overtaken

Who is the best basketball player in the world?

  • LeBron James

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Steph Curry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Russell Westbrook

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kevin Durant

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Anthony Davis

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
At the time?  Here's more

What's Chris Paul's excuse? Before injuries he had Griffin, Crawford, DJ, etc

The Clippers play in the west...and are nowhere as stacked as those Miami teams. Clippers actually might be one of the thinnest teams in the NBA due to GM doc. Have you seen Jamal Crawford play in the playoffs?

Bron has made it to the finals 3 times without wade and bosh though so that shouldn't be the only example, go look at that 2007 cavs roster

And you gotta give credit to Bron in 2007. That's all time greatness right there. But he had the best team in the Horribly weak East for the past 6 years.

He was SUPPOSED to make the finals every year. For comparisons sake...last year, the defending champion Spurs who won 55 games...were a #6 seed in the west. They played the #3 seed clippers in the first round in a 7 game series.

Meanwhile, Cleavland won 51 games, was the 2nd seed and played a 40 win team in the playoffs.
You act like Bron has won every single year he's gotten to the finals. I mean if you really want to do silly hypotheticals he takes his squads out west, he's only made 3 Finals. Conversely put OKC in the East with their squad and health, I'm sure their on a run of 3 or 4 straight finals too. Or better yet give KD prime Wade and Bosh in the East, we'd be talking about him as a top 10 all timer right now.
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Here's a team Lebron would've won with if he replaced the best the have to offer.

Hawks-Milsap being their best?

Bron is really that good, his all around greatness covers up a lot of team flaws. He can do every damn thing on the court and do it at high level. That's why he lead the heat in everything when they won and that's why

That is an amazing stat, I can't stop posting it
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He has not, but making it to the finals that many times makes him GREAT. While Jordan was losing in the first and second round for years, Lebron was losing in the FINALS.

What was Bron doing in 04, 05, 06, 08, 10 though? He got just about as many early exits on his resume as MJ. And MJ never lost in the finals in case you forgot. Seriously do you even basketball?
Cause y'all in here talking nonsense right now seriously. Bron is a all time great I even moved him into my top 5, but Heysus y'all stay trying to downplay what he's had around him since the initial decision in 2011. He had 2 HOFers there, that's indisputable that's enough to get to the Finals especially in the East as KG, Pierce, and Ray showed before. He's also had decent to good role players around him in both spots since then that have accomplished things in this league either before he's come to said squad.
Won 2 rings by joining Bron and Wade
All-Star is a popularity vote
Being an olympic medalist isn't difficult ifyou can make the team, USA wins most of the time

All Nba 2nd team he earned though I can't take that from him
Yea I'm out of this thread for the night, can't take anymore.

I'm usually on the other side of you in these debates but man I couldn't help but :smh: @ all the revisionist history taking place. Making the Heatles era Heat out to be some bum *** squad filled with scrubs...I like Bron but come on man :lol: :x. No need to drag down/diminisb others to build him up,dude is already one of the greatest ever,there's no need for it.

Bosh has had a HOF career btw
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For Westbrook and KD: Thunder have been injury plagued 3 outta the last 4 seasons with injuries to Westbrook, Ibaka and KD successively.

And this is the key point that you're missing. Nobody else has LeBron's durability. All the other top players in the league during this run haven't had sustained health, if we're playing hypotheticals - they would seem to have no chance going into mid-June..2, 3, 4, 5 times in a row.
At this point in their careers him and MJ have the same number of championships, and he's more impressive because  MJ never made it past the second round prior to his championships. You really gonna fault Lebron for getting there when MJ was just taking Ls in earlier rounds. :rofl:

What kinda logic is that?:rofl:  

MJ and Bron aren't in the same point in their careers. Mike Spent 3 years in college.

Mike also lost to the Pistons in the ECF in 89 & 90 before he went to the finals in 91.. When the Eastern conference was actually good. What are you even trying to argue here man.

Let's not go THAT route...
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I'm sure by this time next year Coach Nick will be telling us Steph was aftually the best player in that series :lol:

How did MJ get thrown in this discussion?
While I agree with you that Curry underperformed by a lot in the Finals this year, there are many examples of All Time Greats struggling early in their playoff careers only to turn it on later.  Since I assume you are young, I assume you are familiar with the careers of Kobe Bryant or LeBron James?  Both of them were absolutely roasted for their struggles in the playoffs early in their careers.  I would say they turned out ok wouldnt you?  Dont think you or anyone else would have a problem calling them elite players.

Well, LeBron was 22/23 years old in the finals 2007 against the spurs.
How old is Curry now? 27/28? A player usually peaks before they reached 30 physically in speed and jumping ability.
He isn't going to be more explosive than this season. He needs to be more wise in taking shots. Chucking way too many 3s. We know he has a great range to hit his shots but if he misses many of them they almost automatically lead to possession to the opponent as the Warriors aren't that great in rebounding.
Well, LeBron was 22/23 years old in the finals 2007 against the spurs.
How old is Curry now? 27/28? A player usually peaks before they reached 30 physically in speed and jumping ability.
He isn't going to be more explosive than this season. He needs to be more wise in taking shots. Chucking way too many 3s. We know he has a great range to hit his shots but if he misses many of them they almost automatically lead to possession to the opponent as the Warriors aren't that great in rebounding.

Bron was 26 when he underperformed in 2011 against the Mavs. Your peak is usually from about 24-32.

A jump shot is the last thing to go in basketball. Steph will be fine. He has a chance to redeem himself...just like Bron did.

Again, Bron sht the bed just as bad in 2011.
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Bron was 26 when he underperformed in 2011 against the Mavs. Your peak is usually from about 24-32.

A jump shot is the last thing to go in basketball. Steph will be fine. He has a chance to redeem himself...just like Bron did.

Again, Bron sht the bed just as bad in 2011.

I don't know how you have the energy to respond anymore.
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