ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Dude did give a good speech.

Feel like Duke just beat UNC, but i'll get over it.
Originally Posted by Air Murphy 23

What are you stonefacing me for? It is dissapointing the amount of talk about him being assassinated in this thread. We should be celebrating his victory, not worrying about that.
Reading comprehension FTL on my part. I took what you said wrong. My bad.
excellent speech ... i was worried that it wasn't going to live up to this historic night but it did and then some

what a crowd

the part about the 106 year old woman was just amazing ... how he tied her life too various times of change throughout the country's history
Originally Posted by triple5sole

Historic Day my fellow NT'ers
I'm extremely touched by his speech. I don't know what to think. I'm just lost for words but it's such an inspiring point in mylife. I'm so glad to have been able to take a part in this election. This is my very first and it will always and forever be one to remember. I'm happyto have been able to experience this with the people here on NT. It's definitely something else. From the laughs to the flames. lol. There's no placelike NT. I'm officially out. Good night everybody. God bless America.
"Our stories are singular but our destiny is shared, a new dawn of American leadership is at hand."

Our kids will see this quote in their history books.

Very powerful.

Originally Posted by 4wrestling

Alright, time for the car horns to stop. I need to get to sleep.
No you don't Obama 08!!!!

Na but seriously, I know people are excited but its past midnight. A little courtesy.
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