ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Speech gave me chills.
I'm not gonna lie I did get a little choked up during his speech. I thought back to when I was in 6th grade and I was reading Thurgood Marshall'sbiography. I saw pictures of lynchings and I asked my mother why were people that looked like me hanging from trees. She started crying and I didn't evenunderstand why. We have come a long way as a people. That is certain. We are all one people never forget that. When people say "we won" don'ttake it the wrong way. We, as American people have won because this change will NEVER be forgotten.
Originally Posted by Sorkoram

My aspirations are to get into politics and this man just opened the door for people like me.

I shed some tears tonight because I, as an African American, actually feel as though the American dream is possible.

Thank you Senator President Obama

To all the folks laughing at a dude like Jesse Jackson crying, can I ask why? Do you not know what that man has been through as a political figure? I mean, thedude attempted to run for president at one point in time. For him, and many other people(not just Black), this moment is the culmination of years of blood,sweat and tears.

If you were involved like that man was and you DIDN'T cry, something would be wrong with you. Dude is just keeping it real. My wager is that half of youare too young to even remember his presidential "run", if we can call it that.
I am completely at a loss for words. I'm so proud to be an African American right now and I'm proud of this country to be able to make the wisedecision and elect Obama. I don't care what anyone says Barack ran the better campaign from start to finish and the results showed it. He deserved to winand he won decisively. I've witnessed history.
hope, inspiration, strength, humility..."amazing" speech doesn't quite cut it

yes we can.

i need the newspapers for this historical event.

that speech ,i even going to lie, it felt like he's really here to help the peolpe out and not get us in to drama. dr. martin luther king jr. " i havea dream speech " has finally came true. damn son, i feel good about this.
yo that speech moved me some strong words. especially when he said. "We cant let wall street prosper and main street suffer"
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