ELECTION DAY 2008:........... Barack Obama, the next President of the United States of America

Powerful...i shed a man tear from the speech.

Dude can give one hell of a speech, and looks and sounds sincere with every word. Piffery in the making.
lol at people crying

Originally Posted by XAleXShaneX

This whole time my Obama supporters had me going, "It's not a black or white thing!"

I guess I was wrong.

I understand the significance but we haven't won anything.

We did our civil duty and voted.

Now HE needs to do HIS civil duty, and change America for better.

It's cool to be proud of your race and all, but we have not won anything.
didnt you hear? its on us..
Its dissapointing that we have to talk about assassination like 30 minutes after dude is elected.

Congrats Obama
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