Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

I've been wavering on my 2nd amendment stance, but something HAS to be done regarding our gun laws.

I saw Piers Morgan mention something about this, so I looked it up:

1996: Handguns to be banned in the UK
The British Government has announced plans to outlaw almost all handguns following the shocking massacre at Dunblane in Scotland.

On 13 March Thomas Hamilton walked into the gym at Dunblane primary school and killed 16 young children and their teacher. He also injured 13 other children and three teachers. Hamilton, a former scout master, then shot himself.

Today's announcement follows publication of Lord Cullen's inquiry into the massacre which concluded Hamilton's horrific attack could not have been predicted.

But it made 23 recommendations to tighten rules on gun ownership and monitor those who work with children.

The proposal to ban all handguns - except .22-caliber target pistols - would leave Britain with some of the toughest laws on private possession of guns.


I would love to see their handgun crime statistics since, but maybe this is the stance that has to be made by our government.

This is probably better served for a different thread due to the sensitive nature of news that is slowly trickling out of CT. My apologies in advance if anyone thinks my post is out of line.

I'm seriously upset over these turns of events and I HOPE that something can be done about the wave of terror that seems to be a trend in our society.

31 U.S. school shootings since Columbine. School shootings in every other country in the world combined since that time: 14.
"Many of the students were murdered in one classroom--a kindergarten class"...such ********...:smh:
The death penalty was recently repealed in CT so the worst that can happen to the alleged second gunman is life in prison.

Honestly life in prison is the best punishment, once again, killing these mother***** is nothing, let the second shooter rot in prison, once the inmates get hold of who he is and what he did, they will make his life a living hell, well earn, rape, torture, deserves everything!
"Many of the students were murdered in one classroom--a kindergarten class"...such ********...:smh:
The death penalty was recently repealed in CT so the worst that can happen to the alleged second gunman is life in prison.

I'd rather a sucker get life in prison than death penalty

Keep him in a dark cold cell with just enough food to live.

What a piece of trash
i dont have kids but im always so worried about my little brother hes 13 but still my lil brother..

what an awful thing to happen and this close to the holidays...they're already stressful as it is.

Hopefully no NTers have any friends or family at that school..
I'd rather a sucker get life in prison than death penalty


It's only fitting for scumbag pieces of **** that do this type of ****.

The nerve of this punk ***** to do this to little children has still got me wondering what the hell is going on in some peoples heads.

The kids had their whole lives in-front of them and they were just taken from them because of a piece of **** human.

:smh: :smh: :smh:
I'm not a very religious person, but pleaseeeeee I hope this ahole gets his on the other side if there is such a thing...can't possibly be that this man took 18 young lives and doesn't pay for it one way or another....death for him is just too easy, too ***** easy b.
Ain't that the truth. He didnt deserve death...not yet
Did they not have a cop on campus?

I went to school with metal detectors and police.

I don't get how this stuff happens.

Where was the cop or security?

Do suburb schools not have any?
naw not really, white people do that everyday and get away with it.... the system isnt whats wrong its white people controlling the system, with that being said I HOPE HE GETS THAT LIFE SENTENCE
Son there are plenty of black people, and other ethnicity's who participate in the system as well. Once you've been indoctrinated you becoming a conformists. It doesn't even matter about race at that point, because your job is to keep the agenda of the status quo moving. 
Yeah I don't even think life is prison is good enough, there is really no way of punishing such an act....no matter what we do man...

I'm seriously fighting back tears of anger bros....
Did they not have a cop on campus?
I went to school with metal detectors and police.
I don't get how this stuff happens.
Where was the cop or security?
Do suburb schools not have any?

I know at my Elementary school we had 2 cops on duty...

High School we had 3-4 at all times.
Oh god.. don't turn this into a race thing.. yall find anything and turn it into a race war 

RIP to those innocent children and staff members dead
Did they not have a cop on campus?
I went to school with metal detectors and police.
I don't get how this stuff happens.
Where was the cop or security?
Do suburb schools not have any?

Metal detectors in an elementary school?...
BTW the dude in norway that killed over 70 kids is to serve 15 years..after that the judge decides if thats enough punishment or to let him go..and his cell is better than some peoples homes..

the details in the shooting are awful to, he chased em around and it was like a sick game to him..no way for them to escape either, it was an island..

hes also showed no remorse..
I know at my Elementary school we had 2 cops on duty...
High School we had 3-4 at all times.
yeah me too but it was at a black school... high school that is... but we also a department of the police thats dedicated to the district
Son there are plenty of black people, and other ethnicity's who participate in the system as well. Once you've been indoctrinated you becoming a conformists. It doesn't even matter about race at that point, because your job is to keep the agenda of the status quo moving. 

i know the system is the system... but it started with the white man
Dude, shut the **** up.
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