Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

Why don't we let the authorities continue on with their investigation instead of starting ****.

The damage is done anyway I'm sure police are racing to find out what really happened
You taking the time to type out "ILLest!" after what you said is pretty lame.
If his SN wan't ILLest, and he didn't sign every post he makes like that I would agree with you. But he or anyone else wasn't trying to say that this event in any slightest way was the illest.
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First of all calm your hysterical *** down. Gun laws and control are explicitly tied into this thread whether you like it or not.
Of course sadness can be expressed, but stop being a drama queen.....sadness and discussion can both be expressed at the same time.
no, not really.  it's the same discussion ************* have been having since forever and it's old and tired.  y'all never gon' change each other's minds about gun control no matter which side of the fence you on, so can't we just discuss the ACTUAL topic which is a nutball shooting up a school and the pertinent info of that instead of delving into which guns should be allowed in which area of which planet in which solar system?  guns are here to stay, they're not going anywhere end of story.  i'm not hysterical; but it's like not one thread about anything firearm related can go two seconds without instant trolling about gun control.
Welp...that's not his Twitter. Slim just tweeted 2 minutes ago.
Example #1,000,000,000 about why people need to fall back when this stuff happens.

Can we concentrate on the lives lost yet?

No? We're still worried about finding him on myspace? Xpage?
It's a discussion board.  Condolences were given the first many pages.  The topic of discussion has shifted to motives and solutions.
It wasn't the time to talk about gun control after the Aurora shooting. Wasn't the time to talk about gun control after the Belcher incident. Now it's not the right time to talk about it after this. When the is the time to talk about it? Let's talk about it and try to resolve issues so maybe these kids today will have not died for nothing. We just keep putting it off because each tragedy is too awful to actually change anything.

The time to talk about it would be when we get the final details and in a different thread not related to the tragedy.
His tweets 
check the LATEST tweet
:smh: Thank goodness my real name isn't common. Twitter and social media mob mentality :smh:

news online spread faster than anything else nowadays, less than two hours later, we have his name, facebook and twitter....now dudes with the same name get caught up in this mess because of social medias and people playing detectives.
I always scoffed when people said these things were government ploys to remove our second amendment rights.

I'm starting to feel different about that.
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It's a discussion board.  Condolences were given the first many pages.  The topic of discussion has shifted to motives and solutions.

And the condolences should continue.

When a board full of members start accusing an innocent man (or not) without having any substantial evidence then it is causing more harm than good.

Just leave it alone until more details are revealed.
It wasn't the time to talk about gun control after the Aurora shooting. Wasn't the time to talk about gun control after the Belcher incident. Now it's not the right time to talk about it after this. When the is the time to talk about it? Let's talk about it and try to resolve issues so maybe these kids today will have not died for nothing. We just keep putting it off because each tragedy is too awful to actually change anything.

Exactly this is a forum... so IMO please discuss away in a respectful manner of course. Nothing ever really gets resolved but at least we can post how we feel.

People need to be careful and try to keep their emotions in check because the media will sensationalized this story 24/7 for at least the next week.
Welp...that's not his Twitter. Slim just tweeted 2 minutes ago.
Example #1,000,000,000 about why people need to fall back when this stuff happens.

Can we concentrate on the lives lost yet?

No? We're still worried about finding him on myspace? Xpage?
It's a discussion board.  Condolences were given the first many pages.  The topic of discussion has shifted to motives and solutions.
Word? What do you want to discuss? How "messed up this guy is" judging buy some 140 characters or less comments hes made? You wanna see the posters hes got on his wall and draw conclusions from that?

Why do you even need to know his name? It's recognition like this that gives these guys that are on the edge of losing control motivation.

Aurora killer even dressed up like a movie character... He knew his name and face would be all over the news within hours.

Do you think he would have done it if he didn't think anyone would ever know who he was? I doubt it.
I tried to hold back tears but just couldn't. I hate the world today and the scum we have in it.

I feel so bad for the families of these innocent children. I'm just glad that the children are in a better place where they don't have to experience this cesspool anymore.


And real talk homie was better off not tweeting that it was a mistaken account.
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Word? What do you want to discuss? How "messed up this guy is" judging buy some 140 characters or less comments hes made? You wanna see the posters hes got on his wall and draw conclusions from that?

Why do you even need to know his name? It's recognition like this that gives these guys that are on the edge of losing control motivation.

Aurora killer even dressed up like a movie character... He knew his name and face would be all over the news within hours.

Do you think he would have done it if he didn't think anyone would ever know who he was? I doubt it.
like criminal minds... to understand the shooter's motive and such
i payed my respects... but this thread is not called pay ya repects here, come mourn with NT... naw boy

what are you trying to achive?....why not make another thread if your posts are making the majority feel a certain way?....is it really that hard?
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