Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

I think one of his friends maybe have his password...

This is what I was thinking. Based on his locations and tweets, I don't see how there would someone else with the same name, in the same location(s), with the same mentality. I think a friend has his information/phone or something trying to keep people off of his page.

Also, I wonder if this is the same person that made this page...RIP Ryan Lanza Page
ya cant be serious taking shots at someones sig or not sig in this thread.....grow the **** up.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. In the light of something devastating happening, everyone feels they have license to act out of character and talk reckless.
Welp...that's not his Twitter. Slim just tweeted 2 minutes ago.
Example #1,000,000,000 about why people need to fall back when this stuff happens.

Can we concentrate on the lives lost yet?

No? We're still worried about finding him on myspace? Xpage?
That has to be his Twitter and Facebook. How many depressed, ready to commit murder-suicide Ryan Lanza's are there in the US?

On another note, banning guns won't stop killers from getting them. It only stops good people from having them when it's needed the most.
Guy tweeted from the account that everyone in the world is posting.

Publicizing a madman's name in itself is the wrong thing to do for many reasons. I mean what's the benefit of knowing his name and looking up his Facebook.

Publicizing the wrong one might incite more violence towards a person who is mistaken for the real one.
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man for real, **** all you ****** in here arguin' about some stupid ******g gun control with 28 bodies lying cold out there today for no good reason.  shut the **** up and take it to another thread, you ignorant *******.  this **** be for expressing sadness and praying for those kids' souls.  ***** sake, NT get it together.

First of all calm your hysterical *** down. Gun laws and control are explicitly tied into this thread whether you like it or not.

Of course sadness can be expressed, but stop being a drama queen.....sadness and discussion can both be expressed at the same time.
close to 30 people were massacred in a an elementary school, an elementary school for god's sake.. most of them innocent kids.

and ya'll are in here arguing about guns and knives.. what the hell is wrong with you fools?

i have a niece and nephew and this massacre is making me feel all kinds of emotions.. i can't even begin to fathom what the families are going through.

so please, give them the respect they deserve. argue about the trivial stuff later.
I got nephews too, man.  One in 6th grade and one in 1st grade.  Trust me when I say I feel for these families.

That is exactly why I am arguing about a solution.  This thread deals with all matters of the shooting, from condolences to motives to solutions.
um not really... you can do that on your own time... this a forum board bro, we here for discussion
this thread called, 'gun control ver. who gives a flying ****,'?  no, it's not.  take that discussion where it belongs, not here.  respect famb, that's what it's about.  
ya need to chill, those dudes better stay home and safe, feel bad for them, they can easily catch a slug from someone who cant control their emotions..
close to 30 people were massacred in a an elementary school, an elementary school for god's sake.. most of them innocent kids.

and ya'll are in here arguing about guns and knives.. what the hell is wrong with you fools?

i have a niece and nephew and this massacre is making me feel all kinds of emotions.. i can't even begin to fathom what the families are going through.

so please, give them the respect they deserve. argue about the trivial stuff later.

It wasn't the time to talk about gun control after the Aurora shooting. Wasn't the time to talk about gun control after the Belcher incident. Now it's not the right time to talk about it after this. When the is the time to talk about it? Let's talk about it and try to resolve issues so maybe these kids today will have not died for nothing. We just keep putting it off because each tragedy is too awful to actually change anything.
How does a person reach a breaking point where they decide to commit a massacre? This tragedy touches my heart, but one thing that comes to mind is the psychology of the killer. What triggered him to do this? Was he a born killer? Nature vs. Nurture? What went wrong in his life?

We all have been there. We all have hit a point where we are sad, alone, hit rock bottom, whatever you want to call it. It saddens me that this guy ended up committing this massacre. People, if you have close ones, relatives, who are suffering from depression, going crazy, feel alone, whatever, please reach out to them, because you never know what they are going through and ultimately what they are capable of doing. 
I just heard the suspect's mother was a teacher at the school, and was shot and killed.

This dude went in and offed his Mom?

Has anyone else heard that? Feel free to correct me if i heard wrong. (i havent read most of this thread)
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