Elementary School Shooting: Newtown, Connecticut. 28 confirmed dead, 18 were children

what are you trying to achive?....why not make another thread if your posts are making the majority feel a certain way?....is it really that hard?
i wasnt addressing you, he was trying to disrespect me so i had to acknowledge him...
My little girl is in school right now, and her class is lucky enough to have IPad's for all of them to work on,and learn from, and she found a way to sneak in chances to send me emails every once in a while, and today when I saw her name in my inbox, it almost broke me. Little kids her age were all scared, and screaming searching for help from one single loser nutjob. Innocent children, trying to learn, nothing more. He had an issue with mommy and daddy, fine, do somethin at home, why would anyone harm innocent children in their comfort zones? Schools, playgrounds, their homes are supposed to be safe and secure for them, at all times. :smh:

I remember Columbine. And I felt bad for those kids, but even then, they were "old enough" to understand and react, whatever. Don't make it right, but they were "older"

These kids.........babies. Only thing on their minds is Christmas, and crayons, and milk and x-box. |I

This ****** world. |I
i wish the shooter was still alive... it pisses me off that he does all this and is dead and gone while everyone else is left to suffer... i wish that he had been kept alive and placed in a room for the rest of his life so he could sit and reflect on what he did....
Word? What do you want to discuss? How "messed up this guy is" judging buy some 140 characters or less comments hes made? You wanna see the posters hes got on his wall and draw conclusions from that?

Why do you even need to know his name? It's recognition like this that gives these guys that are on the edge of losing control motivation.

Aurora killer even dressed up like a movie character... He knew his name and face would be all over the news within hours.

Do you think he would have done it if he didn't think anyone would ever know who he was? I doubt it.
like criminal minds... to understand the shooter's motive and such
You have trouble understanding why someone could possibly be waking up at 3pm EST... How are you going to understand a mass murderers motivations?

Get the hell out of here... Criminal minds.........
no matter whats going on it the world some you just have to make everything about you smfh
I just heard the suspect's mother was a teacher at the school, and was shot and killed.
This dude went in and offed his Mom?
Has anyone else heard that? Feel free to correct me if i heard wrong. (i havent read most of this thread)

A law enforcement official confirmed that the gunman’s name is Ryan Lanza. Before the school shooting today, he fatally shot his mother. His mother worked at the school. A handgun and a rifle have been recovered inside the school. A second person is being questioned, but at this point, law enforcement don’t think he is involved. The gunman killed himself.

 R.I.P to those innocent children who lost there lives today. With christmas being right around the corner for these little ones who prolly couldnt wait to open gifts, **** i cant believe this happend. My heart goes out to all the families this is a tough one
i dont understand how he waking up at 3.. because its too much money to be made, i got that mentality... thats how the streets raised me....

Ok...been on NT for close to 9 years now. U the first dude that's going on ignore.
Welp...that's not his Twitter. Slim just tweeted 2 minutes ago.
Example #1,000,000,000 about why people need to fall back when this stuff happens.

Can we concentrate on the lives lost yet?

No? We're still worried about finding him on myspace? Xpage?
It's a discussion board.  Condolences were given the first many pages.  The topic of discussion has shifted to motives and solutions.
Word? What do you want to discuss? How "messed up this guy is" judging buy some 140 characters or less comments hes made? You wanna see the posters hes got on his wall and draw conclusions from that?

Why do you even need to know his name? It's recognition like this that gives these guys that are on the edge of losing control motivation.

Aurora killer even dressed up like a movie character... He knew his name and face would be all over the news within hours.

Do you think he would have done it if he didn't think anyone would ever know who he was? I doubt it.
Dog, who you speaking to? I never said anything about his twitter or name or whatever.  I never drew any conclusions.  You got your heat pointed at the wrong dude.

All I've been concerned with is if there is solution to all this chaos.  I'll leave that twitter stuff to the kids who can't wait for official info.
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