Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

The reason why we will never come together is because every time something like this happens everyone just uses it to push their agendas. The President is pushing his gun control agenda, blacks are using it to push their agenda of not being treated fairly and unfair media coverage, etc... it will continue to be a never ending cycle.

Instead of focusing on why and how these things happen, we would rather call the criminal a cracker or ****** and have fake outrage for a week on social media until the next big news story happens.

Nothing is every going to change.

It's mind-boggling how you don't realize that by discussing and bringing awareness to how minorities, black people especially, are treated unfairly and misrepresented by the media, we are indeed 'focusing on why and how these things happen.' The problem is that you and people like you, don't like and can't face the answer.

And I don't believe I saw one person in this thread call this savage a 'Cracker.' Was that an attempt to deflect?
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I think it would be very nice if we set up a fundraiser for the victims families of the shooting, to help the Emanuel AME church. @Methodical Management
I'd donate. It ain't about the badge either. I just don't like what's been going on with regard to white on black violence. I'm dead serious too.
A fundraiser in the vein of the disaster relief drives or last year's Room to Read drive requires group fundraising tools to process the payments and allow for identification of each contributor via comments to a group fundraising page specific to our community. 

Without that, what we can do is edit the topic post of this thread to prominently display a verified link established to help the victims' families when available.  

While I absolutely understand and appreciate the desire to assist those directly impacted by this vile and cowardly act of terrorism, there's much to be said for raising money for a related cause dedicated to fighting against racism - which is, without question, the root cause and driving motivation behind this attack. 

For example, we've been supporting the Equal Justice Initiative in the hopes of addressing the glaring, racist inequities that still plague "our" criminal justice system in America.  They've also begun establishing memorial markers to honor those lost to lynchings and another acts of racist terror - to ensure that they're never forgotten.  

We could definitely create a fundraiser for an organization like the EJI using a platform like CrowdRise.  There's some funding lost as a result (those fees were waived for the Social Entrepreneurs Challenge we participated in to raise money for Room to Read this past fall, but remain intact at all other times and effect a 3-5% loss), but, in our experience, the badge incentives draw far more participation.  The EJI was designated beneficiary of our last fitted cap release, but obviously the NEED for their work justifies continuous support.  

Of course, everyone is welcome to recommend registered, well-vetted nonprofit organizations performing related work. 

It would be great to create a "ways to help" addendum to the topic post with that information. 
Meth, you're running the show man.

Something needs to happen. I don't know of any charities that put money to good use to fight racism, but if you do, put me on to it. This hurts man. How is this still happening? :smh:
this doesn't fit the usual charities on this site :rolleyes

Maybe I'll be surprised

But to keep it real I want to directly donate to the college student whose mom was killed. I know he had 2 younger siblings

Feel for all three of them
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/HEytFJm8r_o?feature=player_embedded" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I don't get how he got captured alive....... like they didn't kick a door down... sounds like the knocked and let him puit his cuffs on

EVERYBODY ELSE.... would have been shot ,stab, maced, flogged

Remember how the let DORNER burn in a HOUSE on live tv.

Kids gonna get 3 square a day and wont stand trial till 4 years later......

but If was outside selling cigarettes
or in a walmart with a TOY gun
or in a park with a TOY gun

why is the Mass evangelical population mad at this. CHURCH is supposed to be sacred
Racists have really gotten out of had. Well, they've always been out of hand, but they seemed to have bumped up a couple levels the past couple of years, and it seems like there aren't enough people in power that can sympathize with the victims of all these crimes and hate. I don't know what can lead a dude to pull something like this, much less in a church setting. I mentioned this before, but I'm 100% behind cruel and unusual punishment when it comes to senseless murders like this, and I don't care how I'm viewed in saying that. This piece of **** deserves a firing squad execution, but no bullets hitting him in the head. He deserves to feel every ounce of pain that comes with it.

Unrelated to this crime, but a guy here in Houston (or surrounding area, don't exactly remember) used a knife, porcelain toilet top, and one of those hard plastic things you use to turn the blinds to brutally assault and kill a woman (sexual assault included). He gouged her eyes out (while she was alive) and carved a cross on her body. He said "the devil made [him] do it". He deserves to have his body completely dismembered as punishment, Saw style.
I don't get how he got captured alive....... like they didn't kick a door down... sounds like the knocked and let him puit his cuffs on

EVERYBODY ELSE.... would have been shot ,stab, maced, flogged

Remember how the let DORNER burn in a HOUSE on live tv.

Kids gonna get 3 square a day and wont stand trial till 4 years later......

but If was outside selling cigarettes
or in a walmart with a TOY gun
or in a park with a TOY gun

why is the Mass evangelical population mad at this. CHURCH is supposed to be sacred

Because race matters. More than religion. More than socioeconomic status. The last thing they will do is be caught sympathizing with black folk.
Hope this dude gets thrown in solitary for the rest of his life.

Note to all psychopaths: next time you feel like doing something horrible to another person, please try it out on yourself first.
does fox news have Uncle toms on speed dial like are they waiting in the green room like draft day.

if you take the race out it you have a man who shot up a church. one nation under god right.

a country that wants church to be held at a high regard and morale code
people go and get shot

no out rage from the clergy
Bruh, I live in a nice neighborhood and you should see the way some of these folks act just because I LIVE there. I'm not trying to marry their daughters or smoke weed on their front porch. I'm just doing me.

But us... we accept all kinds of people. This is really bugging me. At what point are these fools going to realize all we want is to live in peace with the same damn opportunities that they have?
You can't even walk through a white neighborhood with a backpack on without them calling the cops
Bruh I know you been going in the past couple of pages, because earlier while at work I didn't see you post. 

I know you was sitting in the house loading up the pump, loading up the uzi, with a couple M-16s, couple nines, I know you got a couple joints with some silencers on em. 

Just loading up the clips. Couple of grenades, missle launchers with a couple of missles. 

Ready for war. 
I'm so disappointed how the politicians are turning this into tougher gun control. Yea, let's make it harder to obtain guns.

THAT will curb racism. #Sarcasm
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