Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

I'm lost. So we can't create a fundraiser bc this doesn't involve an organization?
The tools we'd need to do the badges, etc. don't exist.  Platforms like crowdrise work with registered nonprofits.  

If people want to give to individuals directly impacted, using the site to help people learn how and where they may reliably do so is encouraged.  
this doesn't fit the usual charities on this site 
What "usual charities" would that be?  

Over the last few years, we've supported:

Mercy Corps 

Equal Justice Initiative 

Room to Read

Doctors Without Borders

Operation Smile

Maya Angelou Schools

American Indian College Fund

Harlem Children's Zone

Children's Defense Fund

Though one could argue that education has a LOT to do with preventing this sort of thing, the EJI seems extremely relevant here for several reasons.  

First, there's the obvious disparity in the treatment of the alleged murderer, and use of force is an issue addressed by the EJI, along with the broader racial disparities throughout the criminal justice system.  Then there's their recent work in establishing memorials for lynching victims and developing publications like this one:  http://www.eji.org/lynchinginamerica

I could also see supporting something like the Southern Poverty Law Center: http://www.splcenter.org/ which has a history of going after White Supremacist hate groups.  I just personally prefer the EJI given their efficiency and focus on institutionalized racism.  
Meth, you're running the show man.

Something needs to happen. I don't know of any charities that put money to good use to fight racism, but if you do, put me on to it. This hurts man. How is this still happening?
Historically, racist hatred tends to be even more blatant and overt in times of economic stress.  There's scapegoating, but there's also the "public and psychological wage" aspect, where people rely on feelings of superiority to fuel their sense of self-worth to offset their diminished material worth.  Despite the many contemporary parallels to late segregation-era images of police brutality and church bombings, there's still a tremendous degree of denial out there - especially among the "it's 2015, the President is Black so stop complaining" crowd.  

One of my fears on this is that it'll take the emphasis off of institutions and place it back on the lunatic fringe.  

The only type of racism the general public tends to acknowledge as racist are over White Supremacist hate groups.  When it comes to institutional racism, then you get into the deflection and rationalizations.  Eliminating the KKK isn't going to eliminate mass incarceration.  It isn't going to eliminate racial biases in law enforcement, in employment, in education, in real estate, in commercial lending, and so on.  

The focus in recent months has been on law enforcement, on systemic change.  While highlighting the persistence of White Supremacist elements is not necessarily at odds with addressing institutional racism, there tends to be very little breadth within the collective consciousness these days.  Maintaining a consistent narrative is challenging enough when competing against the usual tabloid nonsense, but there are only so many "race" stories that people will pay attention to.  

This is a conversation worth having.  Even the Dolezal case is a conversation worth having, for what it reveals about privilege and identity, but I only hope that can be done without shifting the focus away from the structural and institutional issues that have the greatest impact on the greatest number of Americans.  
Who are this kids parents?...should they be held accountable to a certain extent?
This fool literally sat next to the pastor in prayer for 45 min and reloaded five times. He's a sick individual
What makes you say that? The Boston bomber literally JUST got sentenced to death :lol:
the bomber didn't kill 9 black people. He won't be sentenced to death, our lives don't matter.
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He will suffer far more in prison for the rest of his life....death penalty to these dudes is the icing on the cake....a way to be immortalized....rotting away in prison while he becomes a faint memory is far worst imo.
He will suffer far more in prison for the rest of his life....death penalty to these dudes is the icing on the cake....a way to be immortalized....rotting away in prison while he becomes a faint memory is far worst imo.
Oh please. White Supremacists will protect him in prison.
Who are this kids parents?...should they be held accountable to a certain extent?

They withheld his name last night to probably let them move to a temp location.

They ****** up releasing his age super early
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Who knows....they might just hand him over to maintain order.


21 years old, locked up forever :x I rather be dead
Bruh, I live in a nice neighborhood and you should see the way some of these folks act just because I LIVE there. I'm not trying to marry their daughters or smoke weed on their front porch. I'm just doing me.

But us... we accept all kinds of people. This is really bugging me. At what point are these fools going to realize all we want is to live in peace with the same damn opportunities that they have?

That's why I'm good on living in white neighborhoods. Experienced enough of that as a youth, i refused to be treated like crap and looked at as an outsider in a place I pay rent/mortgage in.
He will suffer far more in prison for the rest of his life....death penalty to these dudes is the icing on the cake....a way to be immortalized....rotting away in prison while he becomes a faint memory is far worst imo.

Brah the Aryan Brotherhood gonna welcome his dude with open arms.
That's why I'm good on living in white neighborhoods. Experienced enough of that as a youth, i refused to be treated like crap and looked at as an outsider in a place I pay rent/mortgage in.

White people own damn near all the neighborhoods though. I've lived in the hood. Crips having meetings and plotting **** right outside of my front door. I'm good on that. I moved up to keep my daughters safe. Never know who's gonna come looking for dudes and I'm caught in the cross. I'm cool on that. But even then, white folks owned those apartments too.

I mean, I feel ya, but at the same time. Out here in SD, "black" neighborhoods are usually the places you don't want to live. The place where black folks are concentrated aren't up to snuff my dude. I'll deal with the corny *** racists for a clean front yard and no one cooking crack right next to my spot.
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So if this goes federal he cannot get the death penalty?

What makes you say that? The Boston bomber literally JUST got sentenced to death :lol:

Both guys are terrorists, yet this guy isn't classified as one. Hmm.

I've seen CNN refer to him as a terrorist multiple times.

Is that what they're leading off with, or are they leading off with him being a troubled youth that was a good kid whose friends didn't see this coming?
He's gonna have a group waiting for him in prison to praise his actions.
Brah the Aryan Brotherhood gonna welcome his dude with open arms.

You might be right....maybe I watch too much OITNB or something and think there is some sort of understanding between racial groups to keep balance and benefit everyone inside...welcoming this scum will def tilt that balance....lol
So if this goes federal he cannot get the death penalty?

What makes you say that? The Boston bomber literally JUST got sentenced to death :lol:

Both guys are terrorists, yet this guy isn't classified as one. Hmm.

I've seen CNN refer to him as a terrorist multiple times.

Is that what they're leading off with, or are they leading off with him being a troubled youth that was a good kid whose friends didn't see this coming?

I literally haven't seen any of that.

They had one of his friends on there earlier saying that the guy would say racist things all the time and how this wasn't surprising. They even mentioned that he wanted to start a race war.
He will be in lock down and nobody is going to touch him. To some he will become a hero like this man

He is not mentally insane. His motives were clear as his actions. He went into that church with malice in his heart and murder on his mind. He was taught this from jump. Indoctrinated by his family to see black people as enemies and sub-human. I don't buy people's excuses for ignorance. We live in a world were black people are still considered 3/5 of a person. It's too much knowledge and reading material that goes ignored year after year of how not only black peoples history has been destroyed but the atrocities committed against us are then met with "Get over it, I wasn't responsible for that"..
You weren't responsible but you definitely benefit from it everyday. Until people realize the history of this country was founded on war, murder and oppression, nothing will change until it affects the bottom line or your family. My wife and I have lost a ton of "friends" this last year because people really show their hands when things like this happen. I've had people tell me"You are not like a regular black person"[emoji]128512[/emoji]
It's truly troubling and frustrating going to work or school becaus people truly are asleep and don't want to be bothered not only with history but the fact that melinated people are having genocide committed against them all over the world. I truly can't fathom how people have tried to spin this story, hell I even remembered how they tried to say the Boston Bomber wasn't really white[emoji]128512[/emoji]
It's just disgusting how this double standards plays out.
I don't know how I'm going to explain to my daughter why people will hate half of her ethinicity purely off the fact that her dad is black. Racism hasn't died it just got better and more mobile. Hate doesn't die with generations, it grows, learns and evolves. This is why the Rachael Doleziel story is so important because it truly shows that as a community black people have no unity and are considered a joke amongst other groups.
We need to look at each other( all the young people of color, specifically black males on this board) as brothers. We might have different povs' but we need to start protecting our own interest first and protecting our families and fight back and stop laying down to this. Others can help but this is our time to get our ish together and make a play. I know it's hard and all the answers aren't clear but we can't keep letting this happen to our loved ones.
So if this goes federal he cannot get the death penalty?

What makes you say that? The Boston bomber literally JUST got sentenced to death :lol:

Both guys are terrorists, yet this guy isn't classified as one. Hmm.

I've seen CNN refer to him as a terrorist multiple times.

Is that what they're leading off with, or are they leading off with him being a troubled youth that was a good kid whose friends didn't see this coming?

I literally haven't seen any of that.

They had one of his friends on there earlier saying that the guy would say racist things all the time and how this wasn't surprising. They even mentioned that he wanted to start a race war.

This is shocking. Like a Kendrick Perkins successful post move, there's a first for everything.
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