Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

^^^Feeds right into that "us vs them" mentality that is so dangerous :smh:. The POS was apparently "scared" of "blacks taking over" the country,I'm sure he'd been fed more than his fair share of xenophobic/anti-minority rhetoric growing up :smh:.
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:lol: Chris Hayes has been killing me with how he's needled just about every person he's interviewed and especially any politician or rep for SC about the disgusting WS symbol that is the confederate flag flying high as these ppl talk about mourn for these victims when this kid spent a hr lying in wait about to kill 9 black ppl in a black church.

One dude said that because he has constituents who support it. :stoneface: And he used that as an excuse not to give an opinion or say it needs to come down.
^^^Feeds right into that "us vs them" mentality that is so dangerous
. The POS was apparently "scared" of "blacks taking over" the country,I'm sure he'd been fed more than his fair share of xenophobic/anti-minority rhetoric growing up
Of course. 

It's well taught in the homes; no different from the frat chant at the University of Oklahoma supposedly taught by the older members. 
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It really is discouraging sometimes to realize just how deeply rooted and embedded different forms of WS are in our society :smh:
I found some of the comments the sc governor made to be disingenuous given the long/deep seeded racist history sc has, especially flying that flag so prominently. I never understood why any minorities continue to go there for vacation, go their for school, do business with sc businesses, etc.

There are tons of roads, highways, streets, neighborhoods named after "confederate heros" who known racists & clan members. My family has made a conscious decision never to vacation on the coast. I won't even stop there for gas when I've traveled...

I gave a mother I know who is a minority total crap for sending her daughter to school there at sc... She's still mad with me but oh well...
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It's a shame to see so many MSN outlets being so reluctant to call this animal for what he is,a damn terrorist. He's not black or muslim so I guess he doesn't fit that particular bill...it's the "mentally ill loner" label once again :rolleyes
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If you look at that flag in it's historical context, it's a symbol of terrorism... No one really talks about it but every action that's been taken while that flag has flew fits the description of terrorism/treason... It was specifically revived in the 50s as a symbol against federally mandated desegregation.
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If you look at that flag in it's historical context, it's a symbol of terrorism... No one really talks about it but every action that's been taken while flying as fit every description of terrorism/treason...It was specifically revived in the 50s as a symbol against federally mandated desegregation.

It's also a symbol for the loser mentality.

You lost the war. 
I remember when I met my girls family and I was looking at pictures on the wall. And there's this dude in one of the pics with that flag on his hat. Turns out to be her uncle,I straight up told her. DO NOT introduce me to him because I won't shake his hand or speak.

The people who support that flag always dumb it down to "southern pride" when you call them out. Get all the way outta here. ....
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Agreed 100% psk which is why im still shocked to see it flying proudly above statehouses in 2015...it really should've been banned from government buildings at least imo because it stands against the very essence of the country. It's akin to Germans still repping the swastika nowadays :smh:. Yet the Governor had the gall to say she has no idea what would motivate someone to do such a thing...:rofl: :stoneface:
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I work at an HBCU right...

So I'll never forget a few years ago while walking on campus seeing an older white guy with a confederate shirt on walking around...


One of the maintenance guys doing some work on the yard. 

But he was low-key shook because he had another shirt in his hand to cover it up if he wanted. 

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White fear/ guilt is rooted in the fact that blacks have yet to seriously retaliate to all the fd stuff that the KNOW they have done to us. 
nah, white fear is based on the perception that blacks and jews are taking over the country and we have a plan to wipe out the white race.

They feel that they are the persecuted ones, and that they need to defend themselves against the aggressors....

You really think racists and white supremacists acknowledge what they've done in the past? lol... you need to spend some time on stormfront.
that little girl i saw that night was the one that played dead..

i worked a graduation yesterday downtown and alot of people were not there because they were related and knew people that attended the church.

pretty sad day, everyone will just keep saying he was "troubled" "mentally ill" naw dude is a cold blooded  hate filled killer, he planned this, and believed what he was doing was right.

now im waiting for him to get a damn magazine cover.
When you start using genetics to provide reasoning to the claim that one race is "better" than the other...

you are actually acting just like them...
It's not about being better. 

Dominant traits trump recessive, and that's the truth. 

This is not some pseudo-science where I'm claiming to be superior to justify atrocities committed against others, but from a genetic standpoint there's no debating it. 

Similar to how the one-drop rule came about. 

Hence the fear in the rise of interracial marriages, and the reports of becoming a minority in years to come. 
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nah, white fear is based on the perception that blacks and jews are taking over the country and we have a plan to wipe out the white race.

They feel that they are the persecuted ones, and that they need to defend themselves against the aggressors....

You really think racists and white supremacists acknowledge what they've done in the past? lol... you need to spend some time on stormfront.
There is a such thing as denial. Just because they don't acknowledge it doesn't men they don't know. WS is a lie that only works because people agree to abide by the myth keeping it alive.
When you start using genetics to provide reasoning to the claim that one race is "better" than the other...

you are actually acting just like them...
No it's not. Their racist rhetoric on supremacy was only to assist the myth of the "savage" or characteristics of the non civilized world. Basically all non colonized people's.
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