Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

Don lemon just said racism is a mental illness
You have to be the lamest dude walking the earth to do some **** like that. 

Does your life suck that bad where you have to terrorize others? 

Especially while in a place of worship? 
Took him to the hospital where he'll be held for 72 hours while undergoing a mental health evaluation :stoneface:
Claims aren't baseless if that's what happens way more often than not.

You didn't watch any news and made a claim about what the news was reporting. Doesn't get more baseless than that.

Where did I say I didn't watch any news? I asked is that what they led off with. My point is that for once it seems they're calling him what he is (like you mentioned) instead of painting him sympathetic, which is RARE. In terms you can understand (since you seem to not have understood anything during all of this) is that this is like Lebron hitting a lone clutch shot amongst a multitude of non-clutch moments and gaffs. Hope I spelled that out for you enough, and for whoever agreed with you.

It was painfully obvious.

The rest of this garbage applies more to you than it does me. *Lebron is never clutch, therefore he didn't win the game....even though I didn't watch the game*

Nice try, tho. 

Stick to Lebron slander, you don't do serious topics very well

I've been mainly watching MSNBC with some CNN and for the most part terrorism has been mentioned a lot. Mainly cuz he's white and it's a renowned black church and the similarities of past attacks on the ppl of this church throughout history.

At the same time the media has shown ppl they've interviewed or politicians who've talked about it mention that mental illness plays a part in this mass murder. So I'd say it's 50/50 between the mental illness and being labeled a terrorist rhetoric. They haven't gone the nice kid background route cuz all the signs were there that this kid was going to do something. He's a dropout that's gotten way more in to the white supremacist ideology since he's unemployed and has no friends. Not to mention the county he grew up in and it's history.

I'd say specific factors have had this veer away from the norm of how these things are covered by the media. It isn't just the racism thing but got the gun laws in play, religion, etc. It's another American mass shooting before it's another American murder of a black person by the police or somebody white.

This is probably what youngwolf youngwolf meant to say, but couldn't get everything together.
I hadn't read yall entire back and forth but I got the entire gist of what you meant and were saying.

The vid aint up the post yet but some ppl are well aware of the same ol song and dance that comes with the unexpected white person committing a murder or mass murder. It's a miracle if mental illness isn't mentioned to defend or lessen the crime. Much the same with black ppl being thugs, Muslims being terrorists, etc.

It's amazing how one person can be completely clueless about a topic in a thread, and another person can have 100% understanding of everything in that very same thread.
When you start using genetics to provide reasoning to the claim that one race is "better" than the other...

you are actually acting just like them...
No it's not. Their racist rhetoric on supremacy was only to assist the myth of the "savage" or characteristics of the non civilized world. Basically all non colonized people's.
"using genetics to provide reasoning to the claim that one race is "better" than the other"

like i said...
Sigh....your self righteousness bleeds through every one of your post.

It was justification to convince poor Europeans that going to the new world and "saving savage souls" was gods work.

much like wmd's were the justification for the on going war on terrorism.
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nah, white fear is based on the perception that blacks and jews are taking over the country and we have a plan to wipe out the white race.

They feel that they are the persecuted ones, and that they need to defend themselves against the aggressors....

You really think racists and white supremacists acknowledge what they've done in the past? lol... you need to spend some time on stormfront.
There is a such thing as denial. Just because they don't acknowledge it doesn't men they don't know. WS is a lie that only works because people agree to abide by the myth keeping it alive.
You are telling me that a white supremacist in 2015 actually KNOWS and UNDERSTANDS the ramifications of slavery/jim crow on the stability and economic progress of current day blacks but they CHOOSE to actively deny it?


you don't have much experience with the average racist mindset...
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Claims aren't baseless if that's what happens way more often than not.

You didn't watch any news and made a claim about what the news was reporting. Doesn't get more baseless than that.

Where did I say I didn't watch any news? I asked is that what they led off with. My point is that for once it seems they're calling him what he is (like you mentioned) instead of painting him sympathetic, which is RARE. In terms you can understand (since you seem to not have understood anything during all of this) is that this is like Lebron hitting a lone clutch shot amongst a multitude of non-clutch moments and gaffs. Hope I spelled that out for you enough, and for whoever agreed with you.
It was painfully obvious.

The rest of this garbage applies more to you than it does me. *Lebron is never clutch, therefore he didn't win the game....even though I didn't watch the game*

Nice try, tho. 
Stick to Lebron slander, you don't do serious topics very well
Says the guy that is struggling.

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You are telling me that a white supremacist in 2015 actually KNOWS and UNDERSTANDS the ramifications of slavery/jim crow on the stability and economic progress of current day blacks but they CHOOSE to actively deny it?


you don't have much experience with the average racist mindset...

Im a west Indian man living in TX so lol at you.

The WS elite know exactly what they have done and have to do to maintain their status quo.

Not all ws are elite and have access to tools that affect us all. That doesn't discount lets say ws police, politicians, ceos and executives that actually know their true history and can make life difficult for minorities. Get off the intellectual high horse you ride into every thread on.
Alex jones is a disinformation agent and a corporate shill. I don't listen to **** he has to say
Just a different narrative from the MSM. 

“Post-racial”? Please. We had better, all of us, face very squarely what has really gone down these past few decades. The hope and optimism of the ’60s, founded on the real potential that can be seen when people rise up, fight back and begin to seek out a radical alternative to this monstrous system…this hope has turned to despair in the face of decades of betrayal and brutal repression meted out by these rulers, decades of needless suffering and unforgivable squandering of human potential. Today the situation is even more dangerous. To take one stark example: there is the distinct possibility, and there are already definite trends and developments toward, a whole new era of “neo-slavery,” where a predominantly Black prison population is put to work for pennies a day, either to turn profits for capitalists or bring down costs for the state. And there are those in the ruling class making “policy suggestions” with genocidal implications—people like the prominent Republican (and fundamentalist Christian fascist) Pat Robertson who has advocated executing not only people convicted of murder, but any people who commit crimes that “put a stain” on society.

There is, in other words, a question, and a prospect, of betrayal yet again—on an even more horrific scale!
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Were about as far away from being able to use the term "post-racial" as were were in the 50's. This is why I say Obama is an obvious tool of white supremacy. He's employed by their system to give the illusion of black leadership and "progress". What has he done to help blacks here in America? The same forces that brought us here to build this country HAVENT GONE ANYWHERE. Blatant slavery didn't work so now it's covert and subconscious. We still got blacks fighting to be able to participate equally in a WS system that was set up for them by them. We shouldn't want anything to do with that bull****. Thank god we haven't been given reparations because the truth is were not ready to receive it. How long before we give it right back to the system? Word to Chappell. We gotta organize we gotta get disciplined and properly educated. Our leaders from the past who've tried to wake us up have all been killed. **** is crazy
You are telling me that a white supremacist in 2015 actually KNOWS and UNDERSTANDS the ramifications of slavery/jim crow on the stability and economic progress of current day blacks but they CHOOSE to actively deny it?


you don't have much experience with the average racist mindset...
Im a west Indian man living in TX so lol at you.

The WS elite know exactly what they have done and have to do to maintain their status quo.

Not all ws are elite and have access to tools that affect us all. That doesn't discount lets say ws police, politicians, ceos and executives that actually know their true history and can make life difficult for minorities. Get off the intellectual high horse you ride into every thread on.
i come in threads spitting facts...

people who rely on personal opinion and speculation get mad when you drop truth on them and provide solid reasoning behind it.

You bring up police polititions and ceos/executives as though all these positions don't also prove my point...

average white racist thinks they are under attack/are the actual victims 

politicians pander to whatever these average citizens want because politicians want votes

police actually think blacks are more dangerous and need to be controlled which leads to racist policy and interactions

ceos/execs just want money... they don't care about race unless caring about race brings them money (either side)

do you think that a racist employer purposely rejects black applicants because he is trying to help continue the persecutions of blacks as part of a master plan.... or is he rejecting black applicants because he thinks blacks are terrible workers and are untrustworthy?

do you think police officers think that profiling blacks will help extend the effects of jim crow and slavery in order to disenfranchise black people?... or do they just think blacks are just tend to be criminals who need to be kept in check

the problem with guys like you, are that you take your perception of blacks persecution and combine that with what you THINK white people think about black persecution...

The average racist is not working along some narrative where they see themselves as the bad guy... same as german citizens in nazi germany... the average citizen lived under the assumption that the jews caused the problems they faced after WW1... the average citizen didn't think "oh yeah, we are persecuting the innocent jewish people but it's all according to our evil plan"

if you want people to follow an ideology, even a corrupt one, you have to make them feel as though they are the underdog and they are only protecting themselves... that is the whole basis behind the brand of white supremacy that exists today.
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I found some of the comments the sc governor made to be disingenuous given the long/deep seeded racist history sc has, especially flying that flag so prominently. I never understood why any minorities continue to go there for vacation, go their for school, do business with sc businesses, etc.

There are tons of roads, highways, streets, neighborhoods named after "confederate heros" who known racists & clan members. My family has made a conscious decision never to vacation on the coast. I won't even stop there for gas when I've traveled...

I gave a mother I know who is a minority total crap for sending her daughter to school there at sc... She's still mad with me but oh well...

Even tho I haven't been in 9-10 years but black bike week should've been left myrtle beach. Personally I'll probably never go to myrtle beach again...I'll stick to NC beaches or Virginia Beach
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