Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

gwap gwap __do you think police officers think that profiling blacks will help extend the effects of jim crow and slavery in order to disenfranchise black people?... or do they just think blacks are just tend to be criminals who need to be kept in check





From here I could go on digging up evidence on how since the Jim Crow era, large cities like Los Angeles RECRUITED southern racists to keep black folks in their places. I could, but then again, so could you. The **** is systematic. At the top, there is a plan and it's being followed. This is social engineering, not the residual effects of a system that died a long time ago. It's being kept alive INTENTIONALLY. Believe that or not, it's the truth.
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Were about as far away from being able to use the term "post-racial" as were were in the 50's. This is why I say Obama is an obvious tool of white supremacy. He's employed by their system to give the illusion of black leadership and "progress". What has he done to help blacks here in America? The same forces that brought us here to build this country HAVENT GONE ANYWHERE. Blatant slavery didn't work so now it's covert and subconscious. We still got blacks fighting to be able to participate equally in a WS system that was set up for them by them. We shouldn't want anything to do with that bull****. Thank god we haven't been given reparations because the truth is were not ready to receive it. How long before we give it right back to the system? Word to Chappell. We gotta organize we gotta get disciplined and properly educated. Our leaders from the past who've tried to wake us up have all been killed. **** is crazy

But he's the president of all people...


Then when Cornel West condemns Obama for being a phony, he's tore down by so called black intellectuals/politicians who blindly follow the president because of his hue.

As a black person if you're critical of Obama you're eventually ostracized from the mainstream.
@GWAP__do you think police officers think that profiling blacks will help extend the effects of jim crow and slavery in order to disenfranchise black people?... or do they just think blacks are just tend to be criminals who need to be kept in check




From here I could go on digging up evidence on how since the Jim Crow era, large cities like Los Angeles RECRUITED southern racists to keep black folks in their places. I could, but then again, so could you. The **** is systematic. At the top, there is a plan and it's being followed. This is social engineering, not the residual effects of a system that died a long time ago. It's being kept alive INTENTIONALLY. Believe that or not, it's the truth.
From the first link you posted:

"Among the White Nationalist groups active in the state is the Council of Conservative Citizens, which is opposed to racial integration and affirmative action “and similar measures to destroy or denigrate the European-American heritage, including the heritage of the Southern people.”"

this is the crux of the beliefs of the kkk, groups that promote "kinism" etc.

what you posted in no way contradicts my assessment of current day white supremacy advocates, all you did was show how prevalent the mindset is
I'm not going to go back and forth with you, but if you think the cops who are KKK members just think all black folks are criminals (as if that's somehow better than just outright hating us for not sharing their heritage and skin tone) and don't want us outta here then I don't know what to tell you.

And the quote starts with "AMONG" not "all". Even then, the opposite of opposing racial integration is accepting it. They're not having it. So what's your point?
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i come in threads spitting facts...
people who rely on personal opinion and speculation get mad when you drop truth on them and provide solid reasoning behind it.

You bring up police polititions and ceos/executives as though all these positions don't also prove my point...

average white racist thinks they are under attack/are the actual victims 
politicians pander to whatever these average citizens want because politicians want votes
police actually think blacks are more dangerous and need to be controlled which leads to racist policy and interactions
ceos/execs just want money... they don't care about race unless caring about race brings them money (either side)

do you think that a racist employer purposely rejects black applicants because he is trying to help continue the persecutions of blacks as part of a master plan.... or is he rejecting black applicants because he thinks blacks are terrible workers and are untrustworthy?

do you think police officers think that profiling blacks will help extend the effects of jim crow and slavery in order to disenfranchise black people?... or do they just think blacks are just tend to be criminals who need to be kept in check

the problem with guys like you, are that you take your perception of blacks persecution and combine that with what you THINK white people think about black persecution...
The average racist is not working along some narrative where they see themselves as the bad guy... same as german citizens in nazi germany... the average citizen lived under the assumption that the jews caused the problems they faced after WW1... the average citizen didn't think "oh yeah, we are persecuting the innocent jewish people but it's all according to our evil plan"

if you want people to follow an ideology, even a corrupt one, you have to make them feel as though they are the underdog and they are only protecting themselves... that is the whole basis behind the brand of white supremacy that exists today.
lol at you rephrasing what I said so you can son me on nt.
I'm not going to go back and forth with you, but if you think the cops who are KKK members just think all black folks are criminals (as if that's somehow better than just outright hating us for not sharing their heritage and skin tone) and don't want us outta here then I don't know what to tell you.

And the quote starts with "AMONG" not "all". Even then, the opposite of opposing racial integration is accepting it. They're not having it. So what's your point?
My point is that the average white supremacist sees themselves as being under attack.....however crazy that may sound, that's the mindset that is prevalent in their communities..... I'm not saying what they think is true... I'm just stating how they think.

I don't know how your post contradicts the point I've been arguing....

the other links only bring up the kkk and law enforcement.... and the KKK are well known for thinking they are under attack...

America, Our Nation is Under Judgement from God!
"There is a race war against whites. But our people - my white brothers and sisters - will stay committed to a non-violent resolution. That resolution must consist of solidarity in white communities around the world. The hatred for our children and their future is growing and is being fueled every single day. Stay firm in your convictions. Keep loving your heritage and keep witnessing to others that there is a better way than a war torn, violent, wicked, socialist, new world order. That way is the Christian way - law and order - love of family - love of nation. These are the principles of western Christian civilization. There is a war to destroy these things. Pray that our people see the error of their ways and regain a sense of loyalty. Repent America! Be faithful my fellow believers. "
The white supremacists are smart enough to try to promote "non violence" publicly, because they know (just like organized crime knows) that violence brings negative attention and actually slows their progress.

The "we are under attack" narrative is heavy in the WS scene... it's the core ideal presented in every group....
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do you think that a racist employer purposely rejects black applicants because he is trying to help continue the persecutions of blacks as part of a master plan.... or is he rejecting black applicants because he thinks blacks are terrible workers and are untrustworthy?

do you think police officers think that profiling blacks will help extend the effects of jim crow and slavery in order to disenfranchise black people?... or do they just think blacks are just tend to be criminals who need to be kept in check

View media item 1589579
I've usually been in favor of defending both sides when it comes to this but the more this happens the more and more I just want to say **** it and give up. Like what gets me the most is NINE PEOPLE died at a place of worship at the hand of someone who hates their skin color. Like if this was Muslim dude who shot ip a Christian church and killed 9 people the nation would be putting out this "strong nation" propaganda with every American standing tall. But now that it's a white dude. He's "mentally ill". **** this. I've usually been fair when it comes to **** like this but now I'm angry
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do you think that a racist employer purposely rejects black applicants because he is trying to help continue the persecutions of blacks as part of a master plan.... or is he rejecting black applicants because he thinks blacks are terrible workers and are untrustworthy?

do you think police officers think that profiling blacks will help extend the effects of jim crow and slavery in order to disenfranchise black people?... or do they just think blacks are just tend to be criminals who need to be kept in check

why not both?
Because ideologies don't spread when you think you are the bad guy....

Do you think the average soldier who signed up to fight after 9/11 was thinking "hey, im a part of an imperialist and racist nation's military force, being sent to progress the geopolitical goals of a group of elite interests"... or did they think "im under attack, and im going to fight the bad guys"

It's simply the reality of the average person's psychology
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you take niketalk too personal... I'm arguing a point.... it's not about me trying to "son" you....

Argue your point without all the lols den. That is condescending when you talking to another man.
Fox news is really trying to make this out to be a "war on Christianity"
What else do you expect?  Those are the same guys who backed up the pedophile incest politician, started using the term "thug", employ the most uncle toms in the US.  With those guys its best to expect the most outlandish SWS material.  

**** every single one of those greedy spineless host; from Billy Obrien to the only Kelly wacker than NT's very own kellyrep.
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The "we are under attack" narrative is heavy in the WS scene... it's the core ideal presented in every group....

I don't want to start splitting hairs and despite this attack, I'm in good spirits today and don't feel like arguing. I hear what you're saying, but you also said that WS aren't directly trying to extend the Jim Crow era. But the whole we're under attack mentality is what led to the Jim Crow laws. They were afraid of freed black people attacking and dismantling their way of life. This is becoming a chicken and egg argument now.

No hate, I just don't want to spend too much energy on this. :lol: We're almost saying the same thing. Almost...
Even tho I haven't been in 9-10 years but black bike week should've been left myrtle beach. Personally I'll probably never go to myrtle beach again...I'll stick to NC beaches or Virginia Beach
I'm in myrtle right now, confederate flags everywhere. The tension here between blacks and whites is high. 
The "we are under attack" narrative is heavy in the WS scene... it's the core ideal presented in every group....
I don't want to start splitting hairs and despite this attack, I'm in good spirits today and don't feel like arguing. I hear what you're saying, but you also said that WS aren't directly trying to extend the Jim Crow era. But the whole we're under attack mentality is what led to the Jim Crow laws. They were afraid of freed black people attacking and dismantling their way of life. This is becoming a chicken and egg argument now.

No hate, I just don't want to spend too much energy on this.
We're almost saying the same thing. Almost...
we are on the same page....

the difference is that I'm saying they don't understand/realize the true effect of jim crow/slavery on the black community...

It's not that their actions don't have a direct negative affect on the black community, it's that they don't understand how their actions have a negative affect on black community (ie. they are actually the bad guys)
Fox news is really trying to make this out to be a "war on Christianity"
Knew this would happen, white people going to deflect from the true narrative which was his blatant racism and hatred towards blacks. This **** really is stressful when trying to explain to white people, they look at every other option BUT race. ***** 
. First people to say "this isn't about race!" when it's clearly evident it is. 
Knew this would happen, white people going to deflect from the true narrative which was his blatant racism and hatred towards blacks. This **** really is stressful when trying to explain to white people, they look at every other option BUT race. ***** :rolleyes . First people to say "this isn't about race!" when it's clearly evident it is. 

Same folks that will blame Obama for "fanning the winds of racial tension". If you don't talk about it or acknowledge it, it doesn't exist.
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