Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

Because ideologies don't spread when you think you are the bad guy....

Do you think the average soldier who signed up to fight after 9/11 was thinking "hey, im a part of an imperialist and racist nation's military force, being sent to progress the geopolitical goals of a group of elite interests"... or did they think "im under attack, and im going to fight the bad guys"

It's simply the reality of the average person's psychology

1. In your racist employer example, where does the idea that black people are terrible workers and untrustworthy come from? Don't those notions stem from an original plan to persecute and disenfranchise black people? Same with the racist police example. I feel like you're splitting hairs here and basically arguing the same point but feel like your explanation and assumptions are somehow more correct and logical when you're trying to describe something as multifaceted as the 'average white supremacist mind.'

2. Do you really believe there isn't a segment of of white supremacists who've come to terms with what's happened in the past in regards to the centuries of terror brought against black people and are feeling a strong fear of retribution?
this would be a good time for rachel dolezal to stand up and start using her publicity to talk about something other than herself...

since she's such an activist and advocate.... and  "has done more for blacks than most blacks...."
I don't want to start splitting hairs and despite this attack, I'm in good spirits today and don't feel like arguing. I hear what you're saying, but you also said that WS aren't directly trying to extend the Jim Crow era. But the whole we're under attack mentality is what led to the Jim Crow laws. They were afraid of freed black people attacking and dismantling their way of life. This is becoming a chicken and egg argument now.

No hate, I just don't want to spend too much energy on this. :lol: We're almost saying the same thing. Almost...

He come to general to work off some tension.
Try lifting.
Yall trippin he is like this becuase of the lack of a father in the house

Oh the father gave him the gun

(Scramble for another excuse)
how the **** is he even getting a bond for a million dollars ?

he should get no bond. judicial system is a joke
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White kids inheriting and trading lynching post cards and you wanna act like systematic and elite racism is a non issue.
Because ideologies don't spread when you think you are the bad guy....

Do you think the average soldier who signed up to fight after 9/11 was thinking "hey, im a part of an imperialist and racist nation's military force, being sent to progress the geopolitical goals of a group of elite interests"... or did they think "im under attack, and im going to fight the bad guys"

It's simply the reality of the average person's psychology

1. In your racist employer example, where does the idea that black people are terrible workers and untrustworthy come from? Don't those notions stem from an original plan to persecute and disenfranchise black people? Same with the racist police example. I feel like you're splitting hairs here and basically arguing the same point but feel like your explanation and assumptions are somehow more correct and logical when you're trying to describe something as multifaceted as the 'average white supremacist mind.'

2. Do you really believe there isn't a segment of of white supremacists who've come to terms with what's happened in the past in regards to the centuries of terror brought against black people and are feeling a strong fear of retribution?
The black people being untrustworthy and terrible workers comes from the ideologies that were made prevelant during slavery...

blacks being "less than" civlized humans, gave reasoning to using them as slaves. It made slavery acceptable, because slavery against uncivilized and unintelligent peoples isn't cruel and unjust.... Its just natural order.

Now why would they have to create reasoning for slavery like that? Why not just be like "blacks are equal humans but we don't care, we just want to use them for free labor and our own greed"....

People do not want to see themselves as the bad guy, alot of ideologies rely on cognitive dissonance to exist... racism is one such ideology that relies on cognitive dissonance,....without it, people would see what they are actually doing....

Think about it...

(note that this whole argument is more about the psychology of humans in relation to persecution and racism... this is not directly about specific events, just about how the racist ideology maintains it's existence)
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White kids inheriting and trading lynching post cards and you wanna act like systematic and elite racism is a non issue.
quote me when I said systematic and elite racism is a non issue...

....ill wait...
Fox news is really trying to make this out to be a "war on Christianity"
I was flipping thru the channels and caught that. I didn't know whether to laugh at that **** or be mad, it's almost like they're trolling like a Dave Chappelle skit or something. What's sad is millions of their viewership is gonna stick their head in the sand and run with that because it protects their worldview. I read a really good journal article 2 years ago that was wrote around a survey that revealed that a good portion of Fox News viewers watch only that station for their political news etc. because they feel like they're the only unbiased news source on television, **** was crazy 
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charleston judge said that the killers family were victims too... WHAT? 

white people man.. are trayvons family victims too?
You acting like racism started with the slavery era.

not correct.

the people had to be de humanized to the level of the savage before they went at "saved" them.

It was the conquering of savage souls.

The classifications came before the attack.

just because all those lies of supremacy and black inferiority survived doesn't mean they are rooted in slavery.

Europeans coming back from expositions recounted what they saw around the world and had to provide the reason to their respective monarchs on how to take control of the people and their natural resources.
I was flipping thru the channels and caught that. I didn't know whether to laugh at that **** or be mad, it's almost like they're trolling like a Dave Chappelle skit or something. What's sad is millions of their viewership is gonna stick their head in the sand and run with that because it protects their worldview. I read a really good journal article 2 years ago that was wrote around a survey that revealed that a good portion of Fox News viewers watch only that station for their political news etc. because they feel like they're the only unbiased news source on television, **** was crazy :lol:  

They are actually considered an entertainment channel, not news. Sadly
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I don't like giving them ratings but sometimes I jus turn them on for the laughs

Them dudes are the most delusional clowns ever ..and the endless bag of uncle toms they got shucking an jiving are crazy ..where tf do they find all of them from
that judge really pissed me off...pretty much gave him and his family more condolences than the actual victims..."his family our victims too"...total b.s....

edit... OH MY GOD...

f the NRA...

they are blaming the senator that died for the killings...
"[Pinckney] voted against concealed-carry. Eight of his church members who might be alive if he had expressly allowed members to carry handguns in church are dead. Innocent people died because of his position on a political issue."


man i might have to stay away from this whole thing for a while...got into it with a coworker about how the confederate flag represents racism and he doesn't believe the civil war was about slavery...i can't deal with this type of stuff man...
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that judge really pissed me off...pretty much gave him and his family more condolences than the actual victims..."his family our victims too"...total b.s....

edit... OH MY GOD...

f the NRA...

they are blaming the senator that died for the killings...
"[Pinckney] voted against concealed-carry. Eight of his church members who might be alive if he had expressly allowed members to carry handguns in church are dead. Innocent people died because of his position on a political issue."


man i might have to stay away from this whole thing for a while...got into it with a coworker about how the confederate flag represents racism and he doesn't believe the civil war was about slavery...i can't deal with this type of stuff man...


I just can't.
I can't find the interview (I'm guessing nobody uploaded it yet, msnbc hasn't yet) that was bit earlier than this where he was talking with an older black man (I missed when he introduced him) where dude just kept it 100% real. This is clearly an act of terrorism but he just straight up said if we're not gonna talk about the white supremacist ideology prevalent in the south and have a discussion about the real problems it makes no sense to continue to overuse the word terrorism and racism to the point they have no real meaning.

The brothers name is Kevin Alexander & here's the interview you referring too :

I would suggest everybody take a look at it . If somebody could embed it for me it would be appreciated.

Thanks. I camped out on the site last night but they they hadn't put it up.

Kevin Alexander speaking nothing but the truth.

I usually can but I can't even get the settings to come up to embed this vid.

Found this though :smokin
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Fox news is really trying to make this out to be a "war on Christianity" :smh:

Anything to stay away from talking about blatant racism against Black people.

A "war on Christianity", yet one of the survivors of this massacre quoted Roof saying "you rape our women and take over the country". This is a terrorist, and he wanted a war on blacks. No way around that, and it's awful to mask it as anything else.
You acting like racism started with the slavery era.
no... I'm only speaking on America.... and using examples of american white supremacy......

watch this and come back to the argument to understand context in which I'm addressing the issues.
Bruh gets 1 Milly bond for killing 9 black ppl

But rondonumba9 gets 2 Mil for killing a cab driver who set up his friends murder

Oh america
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