Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

Been out of the loop all day, so he's getting bail? Like, he will be allowed freedom? If so, I'm done.
Going back to the flag discussion a couple of pages back, I don't see that changing anytime soon. I mean we actually have a Confederate Memorial Day here that gives all state employees the day off. :smh:
Larry Wilmore Blasts Fox News For Saying Charleston Shooting Was About Religion! “Fox News Just Makes My F*cking Head Explode”
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Slightly offtopic...but the discussion in this thread about the long history of racism in this country is EXACTLY why someone like Rachel Dolezal is a complete fraud.  No matter how much she tries to look like a black person or personally identifies as one, she'll never truly understand or appreciate the experience.
Going back to the flag discussion a couple of pages back, I don't see that changing anytime soon. I mean we actually have a Confederate Memorial Day here that gives all state employees the day off. :smh:

Once upon a time, a bunch of racist decided to commit treason against the United States to protect their right to own certain kind of people as property. These jackasses formed the Confederate States of America, and rallied under this flag:

View media item 1589728
However, this flag proved to be a hindrance in battle, as it looked too much like the real American flag—you know, the patriots fighting for this country unlike the Southern traitors. But even worse, Southerners considered it too similar to the American flag—a symbol of abolition—as this editorial in the Savannah Morning News made explicitly clear:
[The southern Congress and press object to the first flag] on account of its resemblance to that of the abolition despotism against which we are fighting.
So then they adopted the second flag, which was all about the whiteness of the white-dominated white South!

View media item 1589731
As its designer waxed poetic:
As a people, we are fighting to maintain the heaven ordained supremacy of the white man over the inferior or colored race ; a white flag would thus be emblematical of our cause.

Another newspaper wrote in praise of the new design:
Bagby characterized the flag motif as the “Southern Cross” – the constellation, not a religious symbol – and hailed it for pointing “the destiny of the Southern master and his African slave” southward to “the banks of the Amazon,” a reference to the desire among many Southerners to expand Confederate territory into Latin America.
Alas, too many decided all that white, while a great symbol of their ****** White McWhiterson, looked too much like the symbol of surrender—the white flag. So they decided to add a red bar (because it was the opposite of "Yankee Blue") and called it a day:

View media item 1589732
the "confederate flag" we see is actually the army of northern virginia....
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Larry Wilmore Blasts Fox News For Saying Charleston Shooting Was About Religion! “Fox News Just Makes My F*cking Head Explode”

Brah Fox News is using the exact same talking points dudes on Stromfront are using :smh:

The amount of conrballs Fox paraded out to support this narrative was sickeing.

The used their all star *****, all the reserved cornballs and even called some up from the minors to spew his deflecting ignorance.
no... I'm only speaking on America.... and using examples of american white supremacy......

watch this and come back to the argument to understand context in which I'm addressing the issues.

So now you are only referencing American white supremacy.....gotcha...

Even tho this pic shows its an international issue.

View media item 1589743

And of course Europeans went to settle in S. Africa yet still hate blacks....

And there are threads on stormfront about whites feeling like s. Africa is no longer for them.

I think this shooting could be seen as a response to stuff like this:
We can first start with the school curriculum. 

Mind slavery via the worship of European culture is where it first begins. 

It starts in the classroom, and then you can't escape it by the images on television, movies, etc. As blacks we're dominate in sports and entertainment, but it's still entertaining the masses for consumption. 

The question I have is how are we able to take over the country as only 12% of the population? 

The numbers don't even add up. 
We can first start with the school curriculum. 

Mind slavery via the worship of European culture is where it first begins. 

It starts in the classroom, and then you can't escape it by the images on television, movies, etc. As blacks we're dominate in sports and entertainment, but it's still entertaining the masses for consumption. 

The question I have is how are we able to take over the country as only 12% of the population? 

The numbers don't even add up. 

Maybe we're more talented, and have greater initiative since it seems we've always been playing catchup..?
I hope this aint your FB feed.


You can't be serious.

I'd don't kick it with racists and I'm black and I generally don't tolerate bs of any kind, so... nah.

View media item 1589782

But regarding that fb thread, we always hear that racism is dead... I just had a "debate" with this Italian cat I went to high school with last night because he thinks this is blown out of proportion and racism isn't as prevalent as the media makes it seem.
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