Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

I don't live in that dump anymore. That was two years and some change ago. Ya boy done moved up. I'm in a luxurious condo now. That was the hood.
I hope this aint your FB feed.


You can't be serious.

I'd don't kick it with racists and I'm black and I generally don't tolerate bs of any kind, so... nah.

View media item 1589782

But regarding that fb thread, we always hear that racism is dead... I just had a "debate" with this Italian cat I went to high school with last night because he thinks this is blown out of proportion and racism isn't as prevalent as the media makes it seem.

tell him to take a stroll through boston if and see racism is dead. Especially being Italian.
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Nah I just told him he was an idiot in the kindest possible way. He thought because we played football together 20 years ago that we had similar life experiences. Dude was a moron back then too though. He one of those Jui Jitsu meathead types.

On the left.

View media item 1589810
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The internet Facebook is so toxic


...we always hear that racism is dead...

Who ever said racism is dead?!?! If anything, Obama's election coinciding with the proliferation of social media at the time brought racists out into the open. That's one reason why I never bothered with FB, IG, Tweeter, etc. I don't need to read or interact with people like that. I'd honestly be afraid of what I'd do if I saw someone I knew say some stupid ish like what was in the FB screen shot...
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I want to see more screen shots, it's hard to believe that people still have that mentality. What's even more sad is we probably know one or two people who share these racist views, but we don't know it because they hide behind a screen one minute spewing hate, and the next minute they're calling us brother. It's hard to trust folks now because there are two sides, the side they show to the public that we see and know about, and the scarier side that we don't. Will be "sleeping with one eye open" from now on.
The truth has never been told about the black presence in America prior to slavery. 

Slavery as the origin of the black experience in America isn't accurate. I posted a link in the 2012 thread, but there is a psychological war on black people. 

It's been that way since birth. 

Think about that, every since our birth we've been aware of our minority status in this country and how we're basically powerless in their system. 
no... I'm only speaking on America.... and using examples of american white supremacy......

watch this and come back to the argument to understand context in which I'm addressing the issues.
So now you are only referencing American white supremacy.....gotcha...

Even tho this pic shows its an international issue.

And of course Europeans went to settle in S. Africa yet still hate blacks....

And there are threads on stormfront about whites feeling like s. Africa is no longer for them.

I think this shooting could be seen as a response to stuff like this:
when was I not addressing american white supremacy? For me to address european white supremacy is a completely different and complex issue.... you are talking about racism that differentiates between different "types" of whites... this is not what we are talking about...

we are speaking on America...and our brand of white supremacy vs. our population of blacks...stop trying to derail the discussion... nobody in here is debating whether slavs are part of the master race... that's the type of nuances, (which are not relevent to this discussion) that go into european white supremacists and nationalists.

S. Africa has a completely different dynamic than South Carolina... why even bring it up?

the shooting is not a response to south african politics. 

like I said... actually watch the video i posted and you will understand the context in which I'm presenting my points
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News outlets first said that the killers gun was purchased by his father.. now they're saying the killer bought it himself. News media protecting the family now. But if they were black they would've been delved into the fathers past and brought up his history, no matter the relevance to the crime. 
Going back to the flag discussion a couple of pages back, I don't see that changing anytime soon. I mean we actually have a Confederate Memorial Day here that gives all state employees the day off. :smh:

Reminds me of this article I read earlier

View media item 1589922http://www.chron.com/news/politics/...-to-block-issuance-of-Confederate-6335164.php

This is the part I was appalled by more than anything. "With the few blacks that happen to be graced with my friendship." Really *****? I'm disgusted that these type of people have a large voice and platform to spew ignorant **** like that.
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Explains his rant about sympathy for the victim's family


"There are four kinds of people in this world—black people, white people, red necks, and n---rs,” Gosnell advised a black defendant in a November 6, 2003 bond reduction hearing.


Yo....you cant make this stuff up.

Even crazier that the defendant he said it to was always a judge, who got booked on drunk driving.

They just let anyone become a judge down there, huh?
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