Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

Did y'all see the video of the bail hearing? And bail was only set at $1 million when his family has raised 700k in a day's time?. The system disgusts me more and more every day man.
Did y'all see the video of the bail hearing? And bail was only set at $1 million when his family has raised 700k in a day's time?. The system disgusts me more and more every day man.
bail for the weapons charge $1mill

bail for the murder charge - revoked
Those people on Facebook gotta be trollin

Nah. I had this fat *** call me a ****** with the "er" on the end because he was talking **** about the protests in Ferguson and I kept shutting him down. They ain't playing out here bruh. They just don't consider you white, so they're not sharing those opinions with you.
judge is a joke, he obviously can see one of his kids or one of his good ol boys kids doing this so he sympathizes with this animal.

that poor family having to deal with the media asking for interviews and seeing their angel on tv.

aint ish changed from those days, the other day i was talking about a part called market street downtown, actually the day of the shooting around 2.

i asked if they sold slaves there and someone got really offended and said whooaa now...

slaves weren't sold here, slaves were ONLY  allowed to shop here 
judge is a joke, he obviously can see one of his kids or one of his good ol boys kids doing this so he sympathizes with this animal.

that poor family having to deal with the media asking for interviews and seeing their angel on tv.

aint ish changed from those days, the other day i was talking about a part called market street downtown, actually the day of the shooting around 2.

i asked if they sold slaves there and someone got really offended and said whooaa now...

slaves weren't sold here, slaves were ONLY  allowed to shop here :stoneface:

Why is the judge a joke? He didn't have the authority to set bail on the murder charges. $1 million is for a gun charge.
Did this *** say
"Grace with my friendship"
Them the type of ***********s that talk reckless behind a computer screen but are running to their cars and locking them when they see a black male.
It's funny how social media puts batteries in people's back but they not about that life when they are by themselves in the open.
That group think/rhetoric mentality is real.
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Did this *** say
"Grace with my friendship"
Them the type of ***********s that talk reckless behind a computer screen but are running to their cars and locking them when they see a black male.
It's funny how social media puts batteries in people's back but they not about that life when they are by themselves in the open.
That group think/rhetoric mentality is real.
I hope every one of her black "friends" deleted her out of their lives and from fb. These people are bold. Idk why they think they are safe saying what they say from behind a screen. Then try to apologize when it gets deep.
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These social media comments just makes me think racism will never die. Most of these internet KKK members are people in there 20's. People we work with or go to school with. This mentality is passed down like a religion. It's just hidden now, but when **** hits the fan these people can't help but to expose themselves.

White boy speaking that truth.
Racism isnt dying anytime soon. Dont know why we keep falling for that myth. Racists realized their racism was no longer socially acceptable, so they just became more discreet....until now. I'm POSITIVE I work with some of these idiots and I'm positive they speak to me every day too. This is why I'm leary of interacting with white people outside the office. Think you have a friend, next minute they "hate that n-word Obama".
Racism isnt dying anytime soon. Dont know why we keep falling for that myth. Racists realized their racism was no longer socially acceptable, so they just became more discreet....until now. I'm POSITIVE I work with some of these idiots and I'm positive they speak to me every day too. This is why I'm leary of interacting with white people outside the office. Think you have a friend, next minute they "hate that n-word Obama".

I mean this country was built on racism and oppressing a group of people to elevate another. It's just too deep in America's core. It's like in order for racism to die they have to give up power and that damn sure ain't happening.

Racism isnt dying anytime soon. Dont know why we keep falling for that myth.
who is this "we" you speak of?

Just in general. A lot of black people think that racism is dying cuz we have a black president or cuz we live in the same neighborhoods as white people and cuz we can date white girls. It's a lot of us that fall for that ****.
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judge is a joke, he obviously can see one of his kids or one of his good ol boys kids doing this so he sympathizes with this animal.

that poor family having to deal with the media asking for interviews and seeing their angel on tv.

aint ish changed from those days, the other day i was talking about a part called market street downtown, actually the day of the shooting around 2.

i asked if they sold slaves there and someone got really offended and said whooaa now...

slaves weren't sold here, slaves were ONLY  allowed to shop here :stoneface:

Why is the judge a joke? He didn't have the authority to set bail on the murder charges. $1 million is for a gun charge.

My post has absolutely nothing to do with the bail amount, at least read my post or educate yourself about the topic before trying to bait somebody.
My post has absolutely nothing to do with the bail amount, at least read my post or educate yourself about the topic before trying to bait somebody.
I think that dude already apologized, acknowledging he missed the intent of your post about the judge.

But I do agree with you, the judge even addressing the shooter's family at this point is completely asinine. Pretty unbelievable actually.
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