Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

My post has absolutely nothing to do with the bail amount, at least read my post or educate yourself about the topic before trying to bait somebody.

I wasn't trying to bait anyone. Aside from your opening line, it looks like a bunch of random thoughts. A poster pointed out what you may have been talking about with the judge, and I apologized for not knowing.
This is a sickening event. These hategroups and thier members should be treated just like any other terrorist organization on this planet is treated.
Military action of the most destructive capacity should be used against them.
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These social media comments just makes me think racism will never die. Most of these internet KKK members are people in there 20's. People we work with or go to school with. This mentality is passed down like a religion. It's just hidden now, but when **** hits the fan these people can't help but to expose themselves.
White boy speaking that truth.
This will only get worse as the global economy gets worse. Poor and working class people will start turning on each other rather than directing their anger at the ruling class. Notice its always poor whites talking this nonsense, it appeals to their anger at being poor. Asiide from the Don Sterlings of the world you never hear rich ppl talk like this (in public/social media).
These social media comments just makes me think racism will never die. Most of these internet KKK members are people in there 20's. People we work with or go to school with. This mentality is passed down like a religion. It's just hidden now, but when **** hits the fan these people can't help but to expose themselves.

White boy speaking that truth.

This will only get worse as the global economy gets worse. Poor and working class people will start turning on each other rather than directing their anger at the ruling class. Notice its always poor whites talking this nonsense, it appeals to their anger at being poor. Asiide from the Don Sterlings of the world you never hear rich ppl talk like this (in public/social media).

They say it publicly just in a different way.
Works for Nike and posts this non-sense...bout to see if twitter can get her fired like ole girl from Regal.
White supremacist are showing they *** over a black tragedy.

These people are devils
White supremacist are showing they *** over a black tragedy.

These people are devils
Every time bro. Every time.

What I remember about the DC sniper...he was brainwashed by Islam right?

I guess the SWS don't research before they post stuff.

This dude acted alone cause he hated blacks VS a child who was sexually abused and brainwashed. 

SWS gonna supremacist
Those two killers are not the same. Boyd Lee Malvo was killing for his mentor (John Mohammed), random ppl. Not based on race. The plan was to kill anyone so he could go and kill his (J Mohammed's) ex wife and gain custody of his children and it would not be traced back to him. It would look a part of the random killings.
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Those two killers are not the same. Boyd Lee Malvo was killing for his mentor, random ppl. Not based on race. The plan was to kill anyone so he could go and kill his ex wife and gain custody of his children and it would not be traced back to him. And it would look a part of the random killings.
I know they're different but this is the argument many folks are using that there is no white privilege.

I know the boy was brainwashed.
Those two killers are not the same. Boyd Lee Malvo was killing for his mentor, random ppl. Not based on race. The plan was to kill anyone so he could go and kill his ex wife and gain custody of his children and it would not be traced back to him. And it would look a part of the random killings.

I know they're different but this is the argument many folks are using that there is no white privilege.

I know the boy was brainwashed.
(Prev comments were towards to fb poster)
They are the real ones brainwashed. Either that or just dumb.
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(Prev comments were towards to fb poster)
They are the real ones brainwashed. Either that or just dumb.
I'm going with that latter.


I make this argument every race thread.

If blacks are suppose to forget about slavery then too should Jews about the holocaust. They should shut down the museum of tolerance since we're all about moving forward, right?

I wish black people weren't so passive....sometimes I think that fake science ideology tarintino threw in django was a personal shot fired by him.

I know that's random but every time I see my people shucking and praying on national news stations I think about that scene :smh:

Also these publicly praying *** ****** is giving these white supremacist more and more confidence ....
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    What was the response to this? I'm curious.
it's usually crickets and a few "you're racist" posts.

If blacks are suppose to stop playing victim because of slavery, that means that every minority should too, right?

Native Americans..get over the loss of your land

Native Mexicans...get over Aztec extinction.

Etc. Etc.
If you are operating under an assumption that we are working under a legal system that favors  white supremacy, and judges rule under that system then why would you hold a judge in high regard.

Unless you think justice is blind here, then yes I am what's wrong with America because justice is not blind
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