Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

You know what you were doing when you brought up Chris Rock. Now you're trying to flip it on some other **** to cover your bigotry
You know what you were doing when you brought up Chris Rock. Now you're trying to flip it on some other **** to cover your bigotry
I'm black BTW so don't know how I'm a bigot, thats #1.

#2, if you don't understand what I am saying then I am just moving on, don't know how much more I need to spell out for you or anyone else regarding judges who rule under a legal system that favors white supremacy

If judges are ruling under a legal system that favors white supremacy and throws black folks under the jail for the most minor things, then why are you shocked when they make such statements?

And yes, Chris Rock made the same statement and I agree with him when he said it. Don't like it? Tough.
old dude is turnt
some ***** *** white folks called in a bomb threat at my grandparents church yesterday (Friday)...my grandparents Church is a few blocks away from the national mall and my grandfather is the one who has to figure out what they are going to do from here...all I have to say is be safe NT

This whole situation from charleston to this now has brought tears to my eyes..this **** is really messing with me
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People in here actually thought this monster was getting bail? :lol:

Yeah, I saw those postings on FB. It's just a hearing that anyone in jail gets. Even that Boston Bomber kid got a bond hearing.

Im like, did you learn anything on grade school about our judicial system.

At this point if there is a race war it would be mostly the idiots of all races. While the rest of us Kanye Shrug.
Treated differently because of a racist, monstrous, hypocritical, poisonous system designed for blacks to be an underclass in this country.

It is a black/white thing.

Especially when the sons and daughters of the confederacy are in positions of power, and harbor some of the same sentiments as their ancestors of the antebellum/Reconstruction/Jim Crow period.

Or even if they aren't in positions of power, there is still the overreaching effect of institutional racism and white privilege that benefits them. 
Yea people were fools to think that racism could gradually fade as those baby boomers and back died off. NOPE. they did a very good job engraving those beliefs to the future generations to the point where a 7 years old's first words are "I hate *******". These people would have to die instantly for that dream to go away, on some pulling the plug on Surrogates type stuff.
They raised 750K for a person who admitted to murdering 9 people?

Y'all still want us to be peaceful and beg people to like us huh?
Had this been say a traffic accident and my loved one died then yes forgiveness could be had. No one intended for anyone to die in a traffic accident(unless it was drunk driving), but for a individual to select people of one race, befriend them, pray with them, then murder them, is simply unforgivable. I'm not man enough, Christian enough, the family members are truly great people, they are forgiving this "man" for killing innocent black people. I just couldn't.
Now black are talking about forgiveness, why black are so quick to forgive white for anything, when was the last time you heard a white people forgive a black murderer, all the white media are calling them thug, monster who deserves the worst punishment, but when it comes to white, it's always forgiveness. Christianity destroyed the black mind, Malcolm was right, christianity show black not to fight back against the oppressors and to trust an inexistent god. It's pathetic to see black peeps praying while cops, and civil are killing black like they're killings rats. Since 400 years we have been praying and forgiving, and nothing change. Black peeps are really pathetic, every black should wear a gun, we are too victimized to stay unprotected.
Now black are talking about forgiveness, why black are so quick to forgive white for anything, when was the last time you heard a white people forgive a black murderer, all the white media are calling them thug, monster who deserves the worst punishment, but when it comes to white, it's always forgiveness. Christianity destroyed the black mind, Malcolm was right, christianity show black not to fight back against the oppressors and to trust an inexistent god. It's pathetic to see black peeps praying while cops, and civil are killing black like they're killings rats. Since 400 years we have been praying and forgiving, and nothing change. Black peeps are really pathetic, every black should wear a gun, we are too victimized to stay unprotected.

Hell the white people in McKinney still haven't forgiven the black kids for the pool party/officer barrel roll fiasco.
Now black are talking about forgiveness, why black are so quick to forgive white for anything, when was the last time you heard a white people forgive a black murderer, all the white media are calling them thug, monster who deserves the worst punishment, but when it comes to white, it's always forgiveness. Christianity destroyed the black mind, Malcolm was right, christianity show black not to fight back against the oppressors and to trust an inexistent god. It's pathetic to see black peeps praying while cops, and civil are killing black like they're killings rats. Since 400 years we have been praying and forgiving, and nothing change. Black peeps are really pathetic, every black should wear a gun, we are too victimized to stay unprotected.
That's more than likely the reason you and I are here. 

We had ancestors afraid of revolting, or content with their living conditions, or it could be that blacks were already native to America and their was a continent invasion by Europeans leading to eventual enslavement due to the lack of advanced weaponry for defense. 

Forgiveness in the face of centuries of oppression is the only logical reasoning for toiling the soil with no monetary compensation for generations. 

I don't think some white people have a clue to the enslavement, and how you can still see the lingering effects of slavery in society today especially as it concerns assistance meddled out by the government. These are measures to make up for the socioeconomic imbalance that still lingers among black people as a result of slavery. 
Hell the white people in McKinney still haven't forgiven the black kids for the pool party/officer barrel roll fiasco.
They haven't forgiven Trayvon Martin for walking in their neighborhood, but somehow we have to forgive someone who hate us and kill our peeps, sometimes i feel like i'm the only one insane in this country, what happen to black america to be so stupid. Black christians are the worst, the first thing coming out their mouth is praying and forgiveness, what about wearing guns and protect your relatives like the white people do. We live in a country where guns is the number one murders weapons and black are the first victims, your god should be your guts and your gun and **** forgiveness.
Former slaves conditioned through Christianity. 

The black preachers were like some of the first double agents if you think about it. Working for the government in getting other blacks to submit to white Jesus. 

That's why people like Marcus Garvey should be held to higher regard in the black community. He brought some of that consciousness that was needed combat white supremacy as a mental condition. 

Noble Drew Ali is another one. 
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