Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

That's more than likely the reason you and I are here. 

We had ancestors afraid of revolting, or content with their living conditions, or it could be that blacks were already native to America and their was a continent invasion by Europeans leading to eventual enslavement due to the lack of advanced weaponry for defense. 

Forgiveness in the face of centuries of oppression is the only logical reasoning for toiling the soil with no monetary compensation for generations. 

I don't think some white people have a clue to the enslavement, and how you can still see the lingering effects of slavery in society today especially as it concerns assistance meddled out by the government. These are measures to make up for the socioeconomic imbalance that still lingers among black people as a result of slavery. 
It's sad to see the truth but killing blacks is an trend white will never stop, they like that and they still continue to do it, we are an easy target. We are praying their white god, and we are forgiven them for every black person they slaughter. If they kill a jews, i don't think the jews will be so forgiven.
Former slaves conditioned through Christianity. 

The black preachers were like some of the first double agents if you think about it. Working for the government in getting other blacks to submit to white Jesus. 

That's why people like Marcus Garvey should be held to higher regard in the black community. He brought some of that consciousness that was needed combat white supremacy as a mental condition. 

Noble Drew Ali is another one. 
i know that's why white folks like MILK so much, this man show black to forgive everything to get white love, they never promote Marcus Garvey and Malcolm X because this two brothers were trying to show black people self confidence and independence from white. MLK was a FBI informant working to take down Malcolm X, he was the better option for white government. But black people are taking him for an hero now, same thing for Gandhi who was a known racist against black, but some black see him as an hero too. Black people don't know their history.
Former slaves conditioned through Christianity. 

The black preachers were like some of the first double agents if you think about it. Working for the government in getting other blacks to submit to white Jesus. 

That's why people like Marcus Garvey should be held to higher regard in the black community. He brought some of that consciousness that was needed combat white supremacy as a mental condition. 

Noble Drew Ali is another one. 
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i know that's why white folks like MILK so much, this man show black to forgive everything to get white love, they never promote Marcus Garvey and Malcolm X because this two brothers were trying to show black people self confidence and independence from white. MLK was a FBI informant working to take down Malcolm X, he was the better option for white government. But black people are taking him for an hero now, same thing for Gandhi who was a known racist against black, but some black see him as an hero too. Black people don't know their history.

Whoa, MLK was not an informant. White folks promote him cuz he started off all about peace but towards the end of his life his speeches got more aggressive. Which is probably why they they killed him. I've heard he was strapped up to, he just didn't show his whole hand to white people.

out of reps
So much anger in this thread. If I didn't know any better I'd say we're not too far off from ole boy wish for a race war coming to fruition.

After news first broke about this I knew I had to lay off the story for a bit just off how hott an sad it made me, but after watching the clip of them forgiving buddy I thought to myself... I highly doubt that the families just upped an forgave that lil piece of **** so soon. But with tensions brewing over there the way that it is I'm willing to bet someone probably coerced these families into playing the role they're playing now. I mean God knows that if these people went off like how we're all talking here, all hell would've broke loose and a race would've definitely began just off the injustice black America been getting being brought to light lately.
Whoa, MLK was not an informant. White folks promote him cuz he started off all about peace but towards the end of his life his speeches got more aggressive. Which is probably why they they killed him. I've heard he was strapped up to, he just didn't show his whole hand to white people.
You know he was...
Whoa, MLK was not an informant. White folks promote him cuz he started off all about peace but towards the end of his life his speeches got more aggressive. Which is probably why they they killed him. I've heard he was strapped up to, he just didn't show his whole hand to white people.
MLK sold his people for pennies, he never believe in black ownership and independence, the guy was living in a fairy tale, thinking white would one day accept blacks as an equal. Malcom x knew it since the start, but MLK start to acknowledge that at the end, but it was too late, he already sold his people. 
So much anger in this thread. If I didn't know any better I'd say we're not too far off from ole boy wish for a race war coming to fruition.

After news first broke about this I knew I had to lay off the story for a bit just off how hott an sad it made me, but after watching the clip of them forgiving buddy I thought to myself... I highly doubt that the families just upped an forgave that lil piece of **** so soon. But with tensions brewing over there the way that it is I'm willing to bet someone probably coerced these families into playing the role they're playing now. I mean God knows that if these people went off like how we're all talking here, all hell would've broke loose and a race would've definitely began just off the injustice black America been getting being brought to light lately.
If you don't feel anger homie, you're a ****, simple as that. 
Bomani spitting some truth:

“@bomani_jones: here's the thing with the "for my ancestors" argument...many white southerners have a dilemma. to be truly self-critical is to basically...”

“@bomani_jones: ...wash their hands of their own history. they then effectively have no history to hold on to. no anchor to mythologize.”

“@bomani_jones: well, some of us know something about struggling to hold onto history and having that taken from us. we have no sympathy for your plight.”

“@bomani_jones: so stop defending your racist, terroristic ancestors because they're yours. before long, we'll figure you defend em because they're you.”
All I see are 3 people (including the father) who should've been executed for murders.
The picture doesn't let you see the whole convo.

Pretty much she is saying that black people cry all day and are raised "a certain way" and being aware of inequality is "a bad mentality" to have.

She's a racist. Isn't the first time she's had this opinion, but she thinks it's ok to say the n-word cause her boyfriend is Spanish.
People are acting like all black people are quick to forgive. Black people haven't forgiven white people for trayvon, the pool kids, or any other police shooting. Ish gets brought up every time a black person dies. Lets not act like it just get thrown under the bus.

Can't speak for southern bible belt black people though, they are their own breed.
I don't usually agree with you, but you're spot.

Black and brown people are Tolerated in this country and we Tolerate this country cause we're not stupid.

Religion is a slippery slope, mainly because I don't believe in it, but them forgiving them just fuels the racists into thinking they continue doing this.
yeah nobody is going to riot here because they know better,

if these cops will shoot you in the back for running away, imagine what they'd do for a bunch of people on the street.

these cops here are waiting for something like that to happen so they can get a whole bunch of new shiny toys from the feds.

heres this disgusting animals manifesto if anyone wants to peek inside the mind of how many in this area think.


heres his explanation
To take a saying from a film, “I see all this stuff going on, and I dont see anyone doing anything about it. And it pisses me off.”. To take a saying from my favorite film, “Even if my life is worth less than a speck of dirt, I want to use it for the good of society.”. I have no choice. I am not in the position to, alone, go into the ghetto and fight. I chose Charleston because it is most historic city in my state, and at one time had the highest ratio of blacks to Whites in the country. We have no skinheads, no real KKK, no one doing anything but talking on the internet. Well someone has to have the bravery to take it to the real world, and I guess that has to be me. Unfortunately at the time of writing I am in a great hurry and some of my best thoughts, actually many of them have been to be left out and lost forever. But I believe enough great White minds are out there already. 	Please forgive any typos, I didnt have time to check it.
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Well I agree with two opinions I saw on Twitter:

“@DragonflyJonez: The volatile reactions in Ferguson and Baltimore are in response to perpetual brutality from authority figures.”

“@DragonflyJonez: The peaceful reaction in Charleston is in response to a civilian committing a senseless act of violence.”

But there is obviously this:

“@ProBlackBuilt: @RLtha2nd @DragonflyJonez show me what Charleston would look like if this guy's found not guilty”
Look behind the story too. Don't just accept what's being reported. 

Time to look into his history, and if he's associated with any handlers. 

This is the 21st mass shooting during Obama's presidency. 
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Cant believe people are falling for the story that dude was working alone. You dont obtain that kind of hate in your blood for another group of people by yourself, especially not someone born in 1994. That's taught. No sympathy should be shown to his family, **** THEM. They created this monster and they know it. Even if they didnt directly tell him to commit the acts that he did, they be complete liars to say they had zero influence on creating his racist, violent mindset.
yeah nobody is going to riot here because they know better,

if these cops will shoot you in the back for running away, imagine what they'd do for a bunch of people on the street.

these cops here are waiting for something like that to happen so they can get a whole bunch of new shiny toys from the feds.

heres this disgusting animals manifesto if anyone wants to peek inside the mind of how many in this area think.


heres his explanation
This is from him?! where did they find it?
Whoa, MLK was not an informant. White folks promote him cuz he started off all about peace but towards the end of his life his speeches got more aggressive. Which is probably why they they killed him. I've heard he was strapped up to, he just didn't show his whole hand to white people.
MLK sold his people for pennies, he never believe in black ownership and independence, the guy was living in a fairy tale, thinking white would one day accept blacks as an equal. Malcom x knew it since the start, but MLK start to acknowledge that at the end, but it was too late, he already sold his people. 

Yeah, you got a point there. He said it himself.


"Midway through the Civil Rights movement, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. realized that the struggle for integration would ultimately become a struggle for economic rights. I remember the last time we were together, at my home, shortly before he was murdered. He seemed quite agitated and preoccupied, and I asked him what the problem was. "I've come upon something that disturbs me deeply," he said. "We have fought hard and long for integration, as I believe we should have, and I know that we will win. But I've come to believe we're integrating into a burning house. I fear, I am integrating my people into a burning house.”
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