Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

A story just came out in an interview with his cousin. Apparently his crush got stolen by a black dude that's when he started spiraling out of control.....say it ain't so.

Just take a sad pathetic, weak, uneducated, excuse for a human being, feed him a little racist ideology, give him a gun. That's the recipe for disaster.

Please link me.

Jesus Christ when the better call Tyrone memes come true

Debated making a Tyrone ruining lives joke but I thought it was inappropriate. Lol.

He also claimed that “he kind of went over the edge when a girl he liked starting dating a black guy two years back.”

This scenario recalls a manifesto written by Elliot Rodger, who on May 23, 2014 gunned down six people in Isla Vista, California: “How could an inferior, ugly black boy be able to get a white girl and not me?”

“Dylann liked her,” Scott Roof said. “The black guy got her. He changed. I don’t know if we would be here if not …” Roof then abruptly hung up the phone.

“He turned into a loner in the last couple of years and no one knew why. He just fell off the grid somehow.”

:smh: :smh:
You know you're less than a beta male, an after-birth when racist organizations are like yea um I dunno who man's that is but he doesn't speak for us.

How come he doesn't have any pictures with fellow white suptemacists?

He the iss of white supremacist. ... cant get didnt want to wait that month to start posting
You know you're less than a beta male, an after-birth when racist organizations are like yea um I dunno who man's that is but he doesn't speak for us.

How come he doesn't have any pictures with fellow white suptemacists?

But who took the pictures then?

Those dont all look like "selfies" to me, especially the one in front of the house.
Likely his parents who are somehow victims and we need to be sympathizing with or one of his other coward friends who share these sentiments. Either way it's disgusting.
Not to be "racist" but when "I'm not racist, I have black friends" comes to cape...I question the black friend. Just in my experience, IMO.

Ignorant view, I know.
Cant believe people are falling for the story that dude was working alone. You dont obtain that kind of hate in your blood for another group of people by yourself, especially not someone born in 1994. That's taught. No sympathy should be shown to his family, **** THEM. They created this monster and they know it. Even if they didnt directly tell him to commit the acts that he did, they be complete liars to say they had zero influence on creating his racist, violent mindset.
You never know man. This dude was quoting American History X. Kids of this generation are more heavily influenced by the media (all forms: IG, FB, movies, internet communities like NT). This kid probably hit a minor rough patch in his life, was too weak to overcome to it, so he needed someone to blame and direct his anger/hate towards and then just ran with it. 

It will be interesting to see what details emerge regarding his family and acquaintances.
Racists can't even be racists when they commit murder and explain why they did while wearing racists flags.


This country is beyond repair.

And they telling us his parents ain't have nothing to do with this. :lol: :smh:

Every time they bring up black on black crime they throw in the parents, friends, everybody into it. They act like the entire black race has to apologize when one gang member kills another. They hold it against all of us. But when these dudes white dudes shoot up schools, movie theaters, churches they're just isolated individuals who went crazy. You never hear them say it's a problem within white culture, even when it's racially motivated.
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