Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

Would have love to see the fruit of Garveys Pan African movement.
This America bs is too much :smh:
We are not advanced at all. Our cell phones are but clearly
some of our brains are stuck on stupid with this racist ideology.
Yeah, you got a point there. He said it himself.


"Midway through the Civil Rights movement, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. realized that the struggle for integration would ultimately become a struggle for economic rights. I remember the last time we were together, at my home, shortly before he was murdered. He seemed quite agitated and preoccupied, and I asked him what the problem was. "I've come upon something that disturbs me deeply," he said. "We have fought hard and long for integration, as I believe we should have, and I know that we will win. But I've come to believe we're integrating into a burning house. I fear, I am integrating my people into a burning house.”
Black have learned MLK story only in white school, they never , but they don't know the real story. MLK was not a bad man, but he thought in the beginning he could have make white people accepted black by his peace and love speeches. The government and the white had accepted to negotiate with him only because they started to fear the aggressive and liberated message of Malcolm X, that's was the only motivation they had in their mind when they started to listen MLK, they thought MLK was the lesser evil. When Malcolm X die, the whites stop giving money to MLK and at this moment he realized that he was a pawn used by the whites to catch the bigger fish and to end the real segregation black movement. MLK only accomplishment was to help the whites to stop Malcolm X and the empowerment movement, he realized this at the end but it was to late. Today, if the blacks are worst then before, this is because of traitors like MLK, why do you think whites love him so much and hate Malcolm X. Black people need to learn the real history of the civil rights movement in the 60s, not what they were taught in school. 
Just saw the bond hearing and one of the victims was crying to him saying "I forgive you".

This is exactly why slave masters beat Christianity into slaves heads.
Yep very sad ! 
Roof was right about one thing:

"Modern history classes instill a subconscious White superiority complex in Whites and an inferiority complex in blacks. This White superiority complex that comes from learning of how we dominated other peoples is also part of the problem I have just mentioned."

Just one of the many readons why I homeschool
Just saw the bond hearing and one of the victims was crying to him saying "I forgive you". |I

This is exactly why slave masters beat Christianity into slaves heads.
Is it me or us black folk forgive too easily?
Forgiving publicly is a winning strategy....

makes it clear who the bad guy is.... our PR is looking real good right now....

Like that even matters when you have people actually believing that this isn't about race and the guy was just mentally ill.

When all Black people learn that certain white people will never give a damn about you, we will be better off.

No amount of love and forgiveness or taking the blame will make them like you or respect you.

Gotta stop that BS!
Just saw the bond hearing and one of the victims was crying to him saying "I forgive you". |I

This is exactly why slave masters beat Christianity into slaves heads.
Is it me or us black folk forgive too easily?

It was frustrating to see the family members of the victims be so forgiving on television. We can't be so forgiving at times, particularly in situations like this.
That's a lame defeatist mentality

Forgiving publicly is a winning strategy....

makes it clear who the bad guy is.... our PR is looking real good right now....
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Just saw the bond hearing and one of the victims was crying to him saying "I forgive you". |I

This is exactly why slave masters beat Christianity into slaves heads.
Is it me or us black folk forgive too easily?
Forgiving publicly is a winning strategy....

makes it clear who the bad guy is.... our PR is looking real good right now....

Like that even matters when you have people actually believing that this isn't about race and the guy was just mentally ill.

When all Black people learn that certain white people will never give a damn about you, we will be better off.

No amount of love and forgiveness or taking the blame will make them like you or respect you.

Gotta stop that BS!

I think after king got killed a lot of white folks who were on the fence or found the whole movement to be an annoyance if nothing else really had their eyes opened. They became much more sympathetic because racism became real, violently and tragically real to them.

There will always be ignorance and folks who, by any means, will fight to stay in their comfort zone. There are many white folks who genuinely just don't get it. They don't have the experiences to comprehend the reality of the situation.
Forgiving publicly is a winning strategy....

makes it clear who the bad guy is.... our PR is looking real good right now....
White folks don't like you, you can't win their sympathy, black are not their equals in their mind, there's no winning strategy when it comes to white media, stop this *******. 
There will always be ignorance and folks who, by any means, will fight to stay in their comfort zone. There are many white folks who genuinely just don't get it. They don't have the experiences to comprehend the reality of the situation.
So when black were lynched, where were these sympathetic whites folks. I swear some blacks will find anything to justify white superiority complex.
There will always be ignorance and folks who, by any means, will fight to stay in their comfort zone. There are many white folks who genuinely just don't get it. They don't have the experiences to comprehend the reality of the situation.
So when black were lynched, where were these sympathetic whites folks. I swear some blacks will find anything to justify white superiority complex.
View media item 1591482
History on the verge of repeating itself. 
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^^^Thats giving the killer what he wants. And if thats the case then we are doomed. There are more of them than us.
And we hold no true positions of power.
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^^^Thats giving the killer what he wants. And if thats the case then we are doomed. There are more of them than us.
And we hold no true positions of power.
Cause you think 40 millions people is a small number, i don't think this country will survive if we start a rebellion, that's why they killing us slowly. 
At this point, who really cares about PR or Forgiveness.
For just one moment I what my people to be angry and express their feelings any way they deem necessary. For too long we have accepted this violence, For too long we prayed, For too long we have extended our hands to people and then been backhanded with their spite. For once I just want us to be on one accord and to not fear how we look or what others think. They already don't like us so why do we keep conforming and shape shifting just to survive and to have the little materialistic things we have. Plus it's not just white folks, I have seen a lot of so called minorities saying the most hateful rhetoric since Trayvon. Most of them have forgotten their own histories and plights in this country which makes me 10x more angrier then Sally and Jim Bob because I expect their ignorance and rarely give them the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. That's the ish I really don't like..
^^^Thats giving the killer what he wants. And if thats the case then we are doomed. There are more of them than us.
And we hold no true positions of power.

So we should continue to do nothing, get killed, apologize to our killers, and "pray" it gets better? :lol:

Sorry but I rather go down fighting, because either way they're taking us out.

And thats actually what they dont want. Racists would be scared ******** if black people actually fought back. We've been passive for so many years they expect it out of us. They're like bullies who've never actually been in a fight.
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