Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

Nothing worse right now than a sell-out black person in support of the very system that enslaves us. 

Particularly through the political process where votes are supposed to eliminate some of these problems. 

It's time for black people to stop putting so much faith in the Democratic party. 
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Black people are trapped in this economic system, it would be really difficult and near impossible to have an effective political influence in this system, the system was designed for white by white. If you start to vote for an african american political party, the white corporations are going to buy this party like they bought Al Sharpton. 
Nothing worse right now than a sell-out black person in support of the very system that enslaves us. 

Particularly through the political process where votes are supposed to eliminate some of these problems. 

It's time for black people to stop putting so much faith in the Democratic party. 

Brah, it has nothing with do with Democrats or Republicans.

There is only a small subsection of white politicians that want to roll back white supremacy. And those progressives still need the white vote to stay in power to they market their message in the form of "helping the poor", they know full we that their programs will disproportionately help black folk but few white politicians get elected talking about race

Then you got centrist in that would be cool with white supremacy talking its throat off of black throat a lil, but not really interest in rolling back the current system

Then you got social conservatives, and the hard right that want to advance it.

The last group runs the country currently. They control both house of Congress, the Supreme Court is right, and even though there were two Dems presidents. They have had lil power to rollback the heavy advances to white supremacy Reagan and Bush put in place.

Reagan IMO is one of the biggest white supremacist of all time. Few historical figures I hate less than dude.

I have always said Black folk need to be extremely politically active, and the level I'm talking about far exceeds voting for the Democrat every 4 years
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Brah, it has nothing with do with Democrats or Republicans.

There is only a small subsection of white politicians that want to roll back white supremacy. And those progressives still need the white vote to stay in power to they market their message in the form of "helping the poor", they know full we that their programs will disproportionately help black folk but few white politicians get elected talking about race

Then you got centrist in that would be cool with white supremacy talking its throat off of black throat a lil, but not really interest in rolling back the current system

Then you got social conservatives, and the hard right that want to advance it.

The last group runs the country currently. They control both house of Congress, the Supreme Court is right, and even though there were two Dems presidents. They have had lil power to rollback the heavy advances to white supremacy Reagan and Bush put in place.

Reagan IMO is one of the biggest white supremacist of all time. Few historical figures I hate less than dude.

I have always said Black folk need to be extremely politically active, and the level I'm talking about far exceeds voting for the Democrat every 4 years
Good looking on the information...

But overall I'm very skeptical of the political process. 
Brah, it has nothing with do with Democrats or Republicans.

There is only a small subsection of white politicians that want to roll back white supremacy. And those progressives still need the white vote to stay in power to they market their message in the form of "helping the poor", they know full we that their programs will disproportionately help black folk but few white politicians get elected talking about race

Then you got centrist in that would be cool with white supremacy talking its throat off of black throat a lil, but not really interest in rolling back the current system

Then you got social conservatives, and the hard right that want to advance it.

The last group runs the country currently. They control both house of Congress, the Supreme Court is right, and even though there were two Dems presidents. They have had lil power to rollback the heavy advances to white supremacy Reagan and Bush put in place.

Reagan IMO is one of the biggest white supremacist of all time. Few historical figures I hate less than dude.

I have always said Black folk need to be extremely politically active, and the level I'm talking about far exceeds voting for the Democrat every 4 years

Good looking on the information...:pimp:

But overall I'm very skeptical of the political process. 

You shouldn't be brah.

Real talk, black folk are missing a big opportunity to strike against white supremacist by not being politically active.

Obama and the dems swag was off the charts after 2008, it really seemed they would be running things for a minute

The Tea Party ended that wave within 2 years with a grassroots movement.

Besides the extremely rich, the only folk that get their voice heard in this country in extremely politically active.

Candidates either feel they can't rely on the black vote, or it is in the bag. If we as a community put our votes it in play. Especially at the primary level. Black issues gonna be addressed real quick.

Every judge, sheriff, school board member, major, hell everyone that lives in area with a good number of black folks should know that the black vote is gonna make of break them.
You shouldn't be brah.

Real talk, black folk are missing a big opportunity to strike against white supremacist by not being politically active.

Obama and the dems swag was off the charts after 2008, it really seemed they would be running things for a minute

The Tea Party ended that wave within 2 years with a grassroots movement.

Besides the extremely rich, the only folk that get their voice heard in this country in extremely politically active.

Candidates either feel they can't rely on the black vote, or it is in the bag. If we as a community put our votes it in play. Especially at the primary level. Black issues gonna be addressed real quick.

Every judge, sheriff, school board member, major, hell everyone that lives in area with a good number of black folks should know that the black vote is gonna make of break them.

This is accurate. Although what I am afraid of is the black politicians who run on this "for the people" platform and get bought off or are pawns of white supremacists and lead us down a path of destruction. I'm seeing this in DC right now as they continue to gentrify everything under the sun and do anything within their power to kick out black folk, including businesses. DC has had black mayors through all of this, but except for Berry pretty much all of them have contributed to making the city white and removing "native" residents.

I'm intelligent enough to understand the power of voting, but I also understand why other blacks people simply give no dambs because they feel nothing will change no matter which politician is running the show.
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At this point, who really cares about PR or Forgiveness.

For just one moment I what my people to be angry and express their feelings any way they deem necessary. For too long we have accepted this violence, For too long we prayed, For too long we have extended our hands to people and then been backhanded with their spite. For once I just want us to be on one accord and to not fear how we look or what others think. They already don't like us so why do we keep conforming and shape shifting just to survive and to have the little materialistic things we have. Plus it's not just white folks, I have seen a lot of so called minorities saying the most hateful rhetoric since Trayvon. Most of them have forgotten their own histories and plights in this country which makes me 10x more angrier then Sally and Jim Bob because I expect their ignorance and rarely give them the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. That's the ish I really don't like..

I never understood that at all about other minorities talking down to the black community. That stuff always puzzles me. 

They think white people will accept them.

In reality racist whites don't care about them either.

They'll use them just like they do tap dancing Black people until no longer useful.
^^^Thats giving the killer what he wants. And if thats the case then we are doomed. There are more of them than us.
And we hold no true positions of power.

So we should continue to do nothing, get killed, apologize to our killers, and "pray" it gets better? :lol:

Sorry but I rather go down fighting, because either way they're taking us out.

And thats actually what they dont want. Racists would be scared ******** if black people actually fought back. We've been passive for so many years they expect it out of us. They're like bullies who've never actually been in a fight.
I feel what you saying, and I dont have thee answers - word to Sway. I do feel its more economic than anything. They think we impede on their quality of life "taking their jobs" and "taking over the country." Slavery was economic. Only way I see black power is felt today is purchasing power. But I dont know how this can be leveraged to enjoy the liberties we were ordained with since birth. But I do know more violence in not the answer. Not saying dont protect/ defend your self. But all war breeds is more hate that will manifest itself again at a point, continuing the cycle.
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At this point, who really cares about PR or Forgiveness.

For just one moment I what my people to be angry and express their feelings any way they deem necessary. For too long we have accepted this violence, For too long we prayed, For too long we have extended our hands to people and then been backhanded with their spite. For once I just want us to be on one accord and to not fear how we look or what others think. They already don't like us so why do we keep conforming and shape shifting just to survive and to have the little materialistic things we have. Plus it's not just white folks, I have seen a lot of so called minorities saying the most hateful rhetoric since Trayvon. Most of them have forgotten their own histories and plights in this country which makes me 10x more angrier then Sally and Jim Bob because I expect their ignorance and rarely give them the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. That's the ish I really don't like..

I never understood that at all about other minorities talking down to the black community. That stuff always puzzles me. 

Brah I got a cousin that does this, I guy I grew up wit and consider a brother, and I just had to cut him off

My personal theory is that it is because all minorities gotta deal with society pinning every negative stereotype regarding their race on them.

Most people react to this by getting upset at the people doing this and argue against the negative stereotypes.

For example, you here all black boys are thugs. The common response would be "That not true, black boys are not thugs" and go on to explain why the stereotype is BS.

Some have a different reaction. They accept the stereotype is true and argue that THEY are the exception.

All black boys might be thugs, but I'm not like them. Steez. After a while they get resentful that they have to keep having to prove themselves to white folk because of the stereotypes they constantly have to answer for, and go full cornball.

And to be honest, racism and white supremacy is like a religion. You need to keeping indoctrinating the next generation or it will die off, or at least be less intense. Some black folk hear these indoctrinating messages and turn on their own people.
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But I do know more violence in not the answer.
Not saying dont protect/ defend your self. But all war breeds is more hate.

dudes in here are claiming we need to shed more blood.... in response to a killer whose sole intention was to start a race war..

not alot of chess players in here
Just saw the bond hearing and one of the victims was crying to him saying "I forgive you".

This is exactly why slave masters beat Christianity into slaves heads.
Is it me or us black folk forgive too easily?
Forgiving publicly is a winning strategy....

makes it clear who the bad guy is.... our PR is looking real good right now....
****** been praying and forgiving for 400 years so please tell me how this is a winning strategy 
 ****** been praying and forgiving for 400 years so please tell me how this is a winning strategy 
is racism as an institution as strong today as it was 400 years ago?

if you don't see ANY progress, then the whiteman has maintained a strong grip on your mind.

If you think you havnt progressed, then you think you can't progress, then you will think you won't progress..

They got you
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To see where we're at in 400 years I would say when you divide it out we havent progressed that much

Jews progressed 35235234 times more in 80 years 
Y'all are seriously delusional if you thinking violent confrontation is gonna get you anywhere. I understand the anger and frustration but you have to be smart about it.

These racists would like nothing more than to have a even a small number of black folks organize violence. They really want to use all that military equipment they got, not just show it off. They gonna have drones in the hood fighting terrorism.
I just want people who identify as having african roots to practice group economics. The dollar talks

at the same time we do need to strap up so if a sws get brave they can get sent to 6 feet deep 
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Black folk letting the world know they are about brotherhood and justice is a good PR. To show the world they are more than happy to live in a peaceful, fair and just world is a good look.

And any white person hat wants to help black folk build that world is welcome with open arms is a good look.

Forgiving racist and white supremacist that do harm to your community, without them even trying to make amends is not a good look.

And lets keep it #1HUNNA, violent protest is not a good look neither. I understand why it happens, but still

-But we gotta remember, this about destroying white supremacy, NOT HATING WHITE PEOPLE

But I guess it is kinda hard because when you look through history, you gotta judge even the most progressive white people of their time on a curve.
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