Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

Before I went off to grad school I tutored kids for free so they can avoid being placed in special ed
I done big brothers big sisters in the past
I sold my last car and what I didn't spend on moving out west I gave to the EJI
All the money from the bakery I partly own overseas goes to by kids on the island school books
And that doesn't include all the soup kitchens and homeless shelters I have volunteered at in the past decade.

But I really think it has little to so with the issue that was being discussed. Helping your community is one thing, fighting or even speaking against white supremacy is another.
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I encourage everyone in here to find a project worth while & give back.

I had 14 years of experience ranging from drug treatment, soup kitchens, food banks, infrastructure for the homeless, after school programs, etc. I usually worked an additional 20-30 hours outside of a 40 hour work week but as my wife & I had a son, I stopped doing the hardcore work I used to.

I still help with an after school program several times a month in the cut. It's at a place where my mother in law took her "retirement" job after 40 years of being a teacher in Baltimore City).

It's a before & after school center that's free to families that helps kids do their homework, go over what they learned in school, & prepare for the MSA tests (and now PARCC).

We also feed these kids & their families dinner as most of them do not have the means to eat something substantial that night.

Lastly, we also make sure these kids & their families have some clothes to wear & also align them with services that help get their bills paid.

As a family, we cook dinners & run activities at the Ronald McDonald house in Baltimore City once a month. Lastly, we cook Thanksgiving & Christmas dinner at a place I used to volunteer at.

I can't help but find a lot of the comments in this thread & others as disingenuous because most of those that post in here have zero investment in the communities they live in. There is entirely way too much key board warriorism in here...
Mr marcus it's your turn to list the ways you've used violence to help the cause

The reach

I'm a big brother and every so often I talk to kids in the inner city.

My long term goal is to set up some type of foundation to take in 30-35 middle school age kids and mentor them through college. To promote real change we have to start with the youth so any future move I make will be for them.

I support black businesses as much as I can in my community and on the Internet.

I also practice my right to bear arms. I have a daughter so I don't want her to grow up fatherless because a George Zimmerman or a Roof decided to play God.

Edit: and currently with my job I'm involved with a lot of drug addicts and people with mental health issues. That's not my "community" but I am helping that segment of the population.

Mental health is a big passion of mines because they are misunderstood by the majority.
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Kimchi Papi Kimchi Papi with all due respect none of what you're talking about has a damn thing to do with the issue at hand. I'm sure many of us at some point have volunteered for one thing or another to not only help our own community but others as well. It's called being a human and having decency. But that isn't going to stop anyone that has ill will or racist thoughts towards us as a people stop their crusade. Please try and stay on topic, it always comes to deflection away from what's really going on with any of these things.
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@psk2310 with all due respect none of what you're talking about has a damn thing to do with the issue at hand. I'm sure many of us at some point have volunteered for one thing or another to not only help our own community but others as well. It's called being a human and having decency. But that isn't going to stop anyone that has ill will or racist thoughts towards us as a people stop their crusade. Please try and stay on topic, it always comes to deflection away from what's really going on with any of these things.
running into a courthouse and shooting a murderer isn't going to help our community, or stop anybody who has ill will or racist thoughts either. And that is the current issue we are going over.
Are any of you guys planning on heading to the March in October? If so, I think it would be dope if we all met up to brainstorm.
Did I ever say it was? I'm not advocating either path. It's not going to stop, racism will always be here, this seemingly appeasement tactic though has proven not to be effective.
Did I ever say it was? I'm not advocating either path. It's not going to stop, racism will always be here, this seemingly appeasement tactic though has proven not to be effective.

One person made that post and dude keeps going on and on with it :lol: I said I practice bearing arms and he grouped me with that dude LOL

Ignore the kid
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Did I ever say it was? I'm not advocating either path. It's not going to stop, racism will always be here, this seemingly appeasement tactic though has proven not to be effective.
1. im clarifying why we discussing the community service etc. you seem to not know why the topic is where it is.

2. What is this "appeasement" ?

not using overt violence and focusing on longterm political and psychological strategies along with self actualization = appeaement?

too many checkers players on this board
Did I ever say it was? I'm not advocating either path. It's not going to stop, racism will always be here, this seemingly appeasement tactic though has proven not to be effective.

This was basically my point. Being docile has basically lead us to this point where these people feel like they can do anything, and don't bat an eye to it cause they expect us to pray, forgive, and move on. Such a lengthy period of this and it's not a good thing.
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Did I ever say it was? I'm not advocating either path. It's not going to stop, racism will always be here, this seemingly appeasement tactic though has proven not to be effective.
This was basically my point. Being docile has basically lead us to this point where these people feel like they can do anything, and don't bat an eye to it cause they expect us to pray, forgive, and move on.
where was the point when they didnt feel like they can do anything?

yall living in a fantasy...like whites were scared before... but now in 2015 they are more brave...lol
Are any of you guys planning on heading to the March in October? If so, I think it would be dope if we all met up to brainstorm.
Is it a definite thing..
Been talking to a group of homies down here about it since I was too young to go to the original March.
I know we all have a difference of opinion and what actions should take place, but this is definately the time to bury hatchets and try to come together for a better cause. What we do on an individual level, is just that. Not going to point my finger at the next for what he hasn't done. He has to want to make a change in his heart and to give back.
Most importantly:
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Did I ever say it was? I'm not advocating either path. It's not going to stop, racism will always be here, this seemingly appeasement tactic though has proven not to be effective.
1. im clarifying why we discussing the community service etc. you seem to not know why the topic is where it is.

2. What is this "appeasement" ?
not using overt violence and focusing on longterm political and psychological strategies along with self actualization = appeaement?

too many checkers players on this board

Brah you really be doing too much sometimes.

Instead of having a civil discussion you seem to hell bent on "exposing" people and trying to show you're intellectually superior

Bring it down a couple notches brah. Being condescending just makes you look bad, no one else
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Did I ever say it was? I'm not advocating either path. It's not going to stop, racism will always be here, this seemingly appeasement tactic though has proven not to be effective.
1. im clarifying why we discussing the community service etc. you seem to not know why the topic is where it is.

2. What is this "appeasement" ?
not using overt violence and focusing on longterm political and psychological strategies along with self actualization = appeaement?

too many checkers players on this board
Brah you really be doing too much sometimes.

Instead of having a civil discussion you seem to hell bent on "exposing" people and trying to show you're intellectually superior

Bring it down a couple notches brah
I come off strong because i believe in what im saying.

Problem is, dudes don't want to pay attention to the logic of their words, the thread is just an emotional outlet instead of being a theater of discussion...
I've been following the thread just fine.

Appeasement in the sense of it basically being ok to have these atrocities being committed to some degree every other week and not only do the masses not care, but we're expected to forgive and forget and just move on. Because it happens every single time, the cycle needs to be broken. And as someone who grew up deeply rooted in the church and volunteered on numerous occasions, it didn't mean a hill of beans when I was getting berated with the N word, treated differently because I was a black youth, etc.

Hate is hate and you can't change one's mindset but you do have control over how YOU respond to that. And your history is well documented GWAP, you've been playing checkers all your life. Just because you have am opinion doesn't make it right nor do people have to take it as fact.
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Did I ever say it was? I'm not advocating either path. It's not going to stop, racism will always be here, this seemingly appeasement tactic though has proven not to be effective.

This was basically my point. Being docile has basically lead us to this point where these people feel like they can do anything, and don't bat an eye to it cause they expect us to pray, forgive, and move on.
where was the point when they didnt feel like they can do anything?

yall living in a fantasy...like whites were scared before... but now in 2015 they are more brave...lol

You seem to be extremely literal when discussing things, deducing things from people's responses that are nowhere even there.

Anyway, not advocating "black terrorism attacks", but what's the solution for people who seem to have gunfire engraved in them? That's a legit question too.
its a weird vibe in town, people are either uncomfortable and dont want to talk about the race issue (white guilt) or they are really insane talking about conspiracies pretty much trying to keep from placing the blame on white guys southern "pride" 

saw mad people on plantation tours 

also people getting married there too, when the hell did that become a nice setting??

equivalent to getting hitched at aushwitz.
I've been following the thread just fine.

Appeasement in the sense of it basically being ok to have these atrocities being committed to some degree every other week and not only do the masses not care, but we're expected to forgive and forget and just move on. Because it happens every single time, the cycle needs to be broken. And as someone who grew up deeply rooted in the church and volunteered on numerous occasions, it didn't mean a hill of beans when I was getting berated with the N word, treated differently because I was a black youth, etc.

Hate is hate and you can't change one's mindset but you do have control over how YOU respond to that. And your history is well documented GWAP,you've been playing checkers all your life.
hah... how you gonna break the cycle ....

through non violent means or violent means?

state your answer instead of tap dancing around the issue.....
Anyway, not advocating "black terrorism attacks", but what's the solution for people who seem to have gunfire engraved in them? That's a legit question too.
 2. What is this "appeasement" ?

not using overt violence and focusing on longterm political and psychological strategies along with self actualization = appeaement?

too many checkers players on this board
if you have to ask what my plan is... you aren't paying attention to my posts
the treatment people of color have been getting is a trickle down from the highest levels of government.

regular, everyday people see how congressmen/senators, fbi, judicial operators, police and other areas of govt get away with treating people so they, naturally, feel empowered to think they can subjugate other people in the most crude ways

the average white person on the street isn't your enemy though.

the real enemy is wearing a suit (or usually not even seen) and making decisions which impact policy, which in turn mobilize people on a grand scale to think and act out their devilish ways

massive counter mobilization is necessary to combat this. get out there on the streets, stop criticizing one another, focus on the real enemy
Did I ever say it was? I'm not advocating either path. It's not going to stop, racism will always be here, this seemingly appeasement tactic though has proven not to be effective.
1. im clarifying why we discussing the community service etc. you seem to not know why the topic is where it is.

2. What is this "appeasement" ?

not using overt violence and focusing on longterm political and psychological strategies along with self actualization = appeaement?

too many checkers players on this board

Brah you really be doing too much sometimes.

Instead of having a civil discussion you seem to hell bent on "exposing" people and trying to show you're intellectually superior

Bring it down a couple notches brah
I come off strong because i believe in what im saying.

Problem is, dudes don't want to pay attention to the logic of their words, the thread is just an emotional outlet instead of being a theater of discussion...

And you calling people checkers players, and telling them they live in a fantasy is not an emotional response?

From seeing you post in many threads, you don't seem to be willing to have a conversation either, seems like you're using the thread as an outlet to preach and talk down to people.
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