Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

its a weird vibe in town, people are either uncomfortable and dont want to talk about the race issue (white guilt) or they are really insane talking about conspiracies pretty much trying to keep from placing the blame on white guys southern "pride" 

saw mad people on plantation tours :stoneface:

also people getting married there too, when the hell did that become a nice setting??

equivalent to getting hitched at aushwitz.

I shouldn't be surprised by that but man wth :smh:
Kimchi Papi Kimchi Papi with all due respect none of what you're talking about has a damn thing to do with the issue at hand. I'm sure many of us at some point have volunteered for one thing or another to not only help our own community but others as well. It's called being a human and having decency. But that isn't going to stop anyone that has ill will or racist thoughts towards us as a people stop their crusade. Please try and stay on topic, it always comes to deflection away from what's really going on with any of these things.

:lol: @ you getting reps for this post but not surprising from some fake wannabe revolutionaries who have done nothing but sit in front of a monitor & tap away at a keyboard... Zero investment in the community but steady talking some ish like you're down for the cause...
@psk2310 with all due respect none of what you're talking about has a damn thing to do with the issue at hand. I'm sure many of us at some point have volunteered for one thing or another to not only help our own community but others as well. It's called being a human and having decency. But that isn't going to stop anyone that has ill will or racist thoughts towards us as a people stop their crusade. Please try and stay on topic, it always comes to deflection away from what's really going on with any of these things.
@ you getting reps for this post but not surprising from some fake wannabe revolutionaries who have done nothing but sit in front of a monitor & tap away at a keyboard... Zero investment in the community but steady talking some ish like you're down for the cause...
exactly what im talking about^
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[thread="629313"]Is it me or us black folk forgive too easily?[/thread]
Forgiving publicly is a winning strategy....

makes it clear who the bad guy is.... our PR is looking real good right now....
this is what got mr marcus all twisted.... dude started with the insults and self hating tones all over this...


Forgiving publicly has done nothing but increase the violence. Even white people have taken notice on how submissive black people are. That's what slave masters taught their slave through Christianity.

Find me a white preacher to ever forgive a black killer on a national news network. Or find me one that has condemned white people on "doing better".
I'm sure since you're so much higher on the intellectual ladder than the rest of us that you're the first one to suggest those types of solutions. Clearly all through the years of slavery, reconstruction, the civil rights movement, there's been no attempt to make political and social changes within our community and the human race collectively. But seriously o wise one, what have been the significant strides that have been made in terms of race relations at a fundamental level to this point?

It's 2015, our people are still getting, lynched, harassed and killed by the police, and note shot like animals in the church again just like in the 1960s. Confederate flags are still flying high and if social media is any indication the mindset and overt nature of it has only progressed. If you or anyone else had the magic wand solution to fix institutional and systemic racism and to bring the human race together on one accord, I think they wouldn't tried to enact that strategy already.

You're mistaken is has to be one way or the other, it doesn't have to be just MLK, it can be Malcom as well. I think most of not all of us would prefer non-violent solutions to the race problem but it just isn't realistic to have that as the only option. Because as MLK, RFK, JFK would attest to in the end that won't save you either. Hate doesn't care.
[thread="629313"]Emanuel Ame Charleston South Carolina Shooting Has Left At Least 8 Dead/1080#post_23606153​[/thread]
[thread="629313"]Emanuel Ame Charleston South Carolina Shooting Has Left At Least 8 Dead/990#post_23604901​[/thread]
Forgiving publicly is a winning strategy....

makes it clear who the bad guy is.... our PR is looking real good right now....
this is what got mr marcus all twisted.... dude started with the insults and self hating tones all over this...

Find me a white preacher to ever forgive a black killer on a national news network. Or find me one that has condemned white people on "doing better".
'We don't believe in vengeance, we just forgive': Family of slain NYPD cop FORGIVES cold-blooded assassin saying 'he is in the hands of God now'


From Murder to Forgiveness

Azim first forgave the family of Tony Hicks and formed a friendship with Tony’s grandfather and guardian, Ples Felix.


I'm trying to find more... I'l come up with a larger list in a bit
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Funny how scary negros get when brothers start talking about practicing their right to bear arms. Kids from the dominant society be firing weapons hella young but yall shook ones would rather teach ya kid how to "whip" and "nae nae"
Funny how scary negros get when brothers start talking about practicing their right to bear arms. Kids from the dominant society be firing weapons hella young but yall shook ones would rather teach ya kid how to "whip" and "nae nae"
I come from a military family... I've been firearm trained since about 9-10 years old...

Quote me when i said anything negative about the right to bear arms....

dont worry I'll wait...

EDIT: for the other posters.... since when did forgiving a killer after an attack... and not wanting to run into a courthouse to kill somebody equal giving up your right to self defense..

the reaches are incredible 
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I want multiple CNN, Fox News, and msnbc videos of these examples. Don't play dumb

I don't give a **** about a news article
:lol: @ you getting reps for this post but not surprising from some fake wannabe revolutionaries who have done nothing but sit in front of a monitor & tap away at a keyboard... Zero investment in the community but steady talking some ish like you're down for the cause...

Nothing worse than a self righteous know it all who is condescending at every turn thinking they know what people's lives consist of through a message board. We've had countless users proclaim they are doing good work while their post content clearly tells a different story, Mr Highness and Tampa Dude and blco come to mind immediately. So forgive me if I don't bow down to your persona that you have on here. If you want to have a discussion fine, but the way you're coming speaking your "truth" doesn't exactly endear itself to reception.
I feel what you saying, and I dont have thee answers - word to Sway. I do feel its more economic than anything. They think we impede on their quality of life "taking their jobs" and "taking over the country." Slavery was economic. Only way I see black power is felt today is purchasing power. But I dont know how this can be leveraged to enjoy the liberties we were ordained with since birth. But I do know more violence in not the answer. Not saying dont protect/ defend your self. But all war breeds is more hate that will manifest itself again at a point, continuing the cycle.

I completely agree. My only issue is with the fact that as black people we remain incredibly docile when the white man kills in order to not "reinforce stereotypes", however, we lash against each other with no dambs given. I'm just tired of hearing about forgiveness and peace when they kill us. It doesnt have to be bloodshed, but a solid "**** you, go to hell" would at least send a message that we're not forgiving you or accepting liberal whites b.s. aplolgies for white supremacy.

Everything doesnt have to end in a fight, but I refuse to still try to appease to a group of people that's has not and never will accept us. The best thing we can do is to learn how to keep money in our own communities, Keep the police OUT of our communities and educate our younger brothas and sisters the importance of maintaing our culture.
Who the **** is that :lol:

Finding random **** but I want one for Dylan roof, Colorado killer, George Zimmerman, the cop that killed mike brown, one condemning the cop that killed tamir, the cop that killed Eric brown, ohh the police that that killed the brother in Walmart, and etc etc

In these instances I have only seen BLACK people crying and forgiving the killers. I've only seen BLACK people condemning each other and saying "if we do better they won't kill us".

Some local affiliate NBC video ain't proving ****. My examples are incidents that received NATIONAL news with all eyes watching
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I can't rock with negros with that booker t washington "accept discrimination" talk

I'm good [emoji]9996[/emoji][emoji]127998[/emoji]️
Once again. When is enough, enough!? Wayyyyyyyy too many ceasars and not enough KOBAS!

I'm convinced that we blacks as a whole are collectively so passive that this can be a weekly occurrence (seems like it already is) and we would just sit back n whine about it on social media, march, beg president, make songs, etc in response.

SMDH! [emoji]128545[/emoji]
Man I went back multiple pages thinking you guys were discussing the "manifesto" this weirdo left behind. I only so one reference to it. What's with all the fighting lol

I wanna know the true feelings of white people when they read his thoughts. Like do they feel like there is any truth to what he is saying. As a black man I couldn't do nothing but smh.
Nothing worse than a self righteous know it all who is condescending at every turn thinking they know what people's lives consist of through a message board. We've had countless users proclaim they are doing good work while their post content clearly tells a different story, Mr Highness and Tampa Dude and blco come to mind immediately. So forgive me if I don't bow down to your persona that you have on here. If you want to have a discussion fine, but the way you're coming speaking your "truth" doesn't exactly endear itself to reception.

I'm not asking anyone to bow down fella, I just find it funny that dudes in here yak yak yakking but have never done anything.

if I come across as self righteous, than I apologize but really that description should be aimed at others who are busy tap tap tapping away on their keyboards...

How many years have people been volunteering, giving money, mentoring ect...? Not just in the black community, but everywhere. It hasn't exactly revolutionized the country.

It seems like sometimes people feel better by doing something rather than nothing, but there is no coherent plan or objective localized volunteer work in terms of changing the bigger picture. Seems no one with the money has the wherewithal to start establishing institutions that are favorable to our development across the board.

You need to understand it is a competition. In a class system like the one we live in, levels of the totem pole have been socially defined along racial and cultural lines. Someone has to be on the bottom, a significant portion of the population has to be lower class, it's required. To climb to the top is a fight, not a fight that is won with guns or good deeds.
I feel what you saying, and I dont have thee answers - word to Sway. I do feel its more economic than anything. They think we impede on their quality of life "taking their jobs" and "taking over the country." Slavery was economic. Only way I see black power is felt today is purchasing power. But I dont know how this can be leveraged to enjoy the liberties we were ordained with since birth. But I do know more violence in not the answer. Not saying dont protect/ defend your self. But all war breeds is more hate that will manifest itself again at a point, continuing the cycle.

I completely agree. My only issue is with the fact that as black people we remain incredibly docile when the white man kills in order to not "reinforce stereotypes", however, we lash against each other with no dambs given. I'm just tired of hearing about forgiveness and peace when they kill us. It doesnt have to be bloodshed, but a solid "**** you, go to hell" would at least send a message that we're not forgiving you or accepting liberal whites b.s. aplolgies for white supremacy.

Everything doesnt have to end in a fight, but I refuse to still try to appease to a group of people that's has not and never will accept us. The best thing we can do is to learn how to keep money in our own communities, Keep the police OUT of our communities and educate our younger brothas and sisters the importance of maintaing our culture.
I can dig it.
I'm not asking anyone to bow down fella, I just find it funny that dudes in here yak yak yakking but have never done anything.

if I come across as self righteous, than I apologize but really that description should be aimed at others who are busy tap tap tapping away on their keyboards...

How do you get rid of institutional racism from a grassroots perspective?
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How do you get rid of institutional racism from a grassroots perspective?

You serious? How about you ask the intended question or make your intended statement(s) because it's quite obvious that question is rather stupid...

I guess my larger point which I didn't really fully think out was that if you're going to do something, do something. Stop talking about it in this thread & go out & do something...

Clearly there are some smart dudes in here but let's apply that out in the real world.
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