Emanuel AME : Charleston South Carolina shooting has left at least 8 dead.

Man you coming in here asking dudes what are they doing, and all you see is a lot of yang...

From a grassroots movement where most of us would be involved, how do you bring greater awareness to institutional racism?

I'm dead serious. Because that's all I see around me. 

Diversity is talked about, but you rarely see it. 

Matter of fact, you bringing negative energy around...
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Man you coming in here asking dudes what are they doing, and all you see is a lot of yang...>D

From a grassroots movement where most of us would be involved, how do you bring greater awareness to institutional racism?

I'm dead serious. Because that's all I see around me. 

Diversity is talked about, but you rarely see it. 

Oh, my apologies because I thought you were trying to be a smart ***...

You can't & you won't.

Truthfully, I don't think it will be eradicated especially here in this country. There are billion dollar industries built on institutional racism. Look at the prison industry. It's a new form of slavery & a war on the poor. Private companies are now suing states for not keeping their prisons full as promised in the contracts states have signed with these companies.

That's why you see policies like stop & frisk, zero tolerance, drug free zones, 3 strikes, etc. It's an easy way to swoop up people & imprison them. That's why you don't see an investment in the public school system or jobs being created, etc. The inner cities & the poor have been officially given up on...
Oh, my apologies because I thought you were trying to be a smart ***...

You can't & you won't.

Truthfully, I don't think it will be eradicated especially here in this country. There are billion dollar industries built on institutional racism. Look at the prison industry. It's a new form of slavery & a war on the poor. Private companies are now suing states for not keeping their prisons full as promised in the contracts states have signed with these companies.

That's why you see policies like stop & frisk, zero tolerance, drug free zones, 3 strikes, etc. It's an easy way to swoop up people & imprison them. That's why you don't see an investment in the public school system or jobs being created, etc. The inner cities & the poor have been officially given up on...
No doubt. 

When my father in law was graduating high school in Baltimore city, he got a job at a factory in Sparrows Point here in Baltimore. His then wife got a job at Social Security on the west side of Bmore County. They were able to make careers out of it & move out to the burbs & become a middle class black family. They sent 2 of their kids to college.

Those jobs are no longer there. They education they got from the Baltimore city schools back then is no longer there (for a variety of reasons that's a whole other convo). Everything has been outsourced or eliminated.

The middle class has been severely eroded & more specifically the black middle class. It's become either have or have not. Those that were one middle class are now living pay check to pay check. The means that once existed to enable the black family to rise are no longer as prominent especially given the way my father in law came up...
I've seen some Black people DVR the Bruce Jenner/Caitlyn interview and go to bat for the Kardashian family, but have not acknowledged this church massacre...

It's despicable and shameful to see. I am at the point where I won't have children, and have started to become estranged of many family members because of their unwillingness to voice their opinions about real issues. I could not raise kids, and have them be influenced by family and friends who have no pride of their heritage.

"Turning of the cheek" is so commonplace and it really ticks me off. But in reality, I kind of know why because a lot of Black families don't even discuss their ancestral history, because they feel wounded. But that's bad! You must teach these kids to know what they endure because that's all the motivation needed. It's maddening how majority of Blacks glamorize and gloat about people who do not like them, and have tried to make them feel inferior forever. I am not the one to glorify anyone, and it's awful to see how there's practically no self-esteem in the Black caucus and community.
So....? That's an issue that needs to be addressed. I've seen black people plead for equal pay for women who haven't been as passionate about these shootings. I've seen black people more concerned about the treatment of women in the Muslim world.

What is your point? Or was that your anecdotal evidence to show that blacks care more about gay sh than their "own". An attempt st excluding other struggles faced by black people from the struggle of racism. Its a typical tactic of deflection on this site. Most black activists I know care about many other struggles for equality as well as issues of racism. In fact a lot of these issues are intertwined in many ways and are related to the straight white male supremacist mentality. A lot of bigots on NT compartmentalize civil rights. Its self defeating. Because someone cares about Caitlyn doesn't mean they don't care about Charleston.

So, you're trying to call me homophobic? I've always embraced and appreciated people like Caitlyn Jenner, Chaz Bono, Rupaul, etc. etc. I remember watching the movie "Pat" as a child, immediately knew the plot, and have forever enjoyed the movie. I don't gravitate to color or gender but, when a person such as myself, a Black man, who grew up in South Florida and sees racial epithets everyday, don't tell me how to act.

The bottom line is, there are more pressing issues. Simple as that. Blacks have had to compromise FOREVER here in the United States (Jobs wanting Black men to cut their hair or be clean shaven (Like the Yankees and other baseball clubs)) Once you compromise your truths, you've lost. The bottom line is, as Black man, who has experienced American "society" since birth, my people need to stop focusing on nonsense, and get with the program. A "moral" individual already embraced situations like Bruce Jenner a long time ago. If people need to be reminded to be kind and nice to another individual, they should've had a wakeup call long ago. It's ridiculous that human beings still have to be spoon fed and taught how to be nice and caring but, we've civilized those who were once savage. Take you're viewpoint elsewhere.
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Just read that the Governor of SC will be pushing for the death penalty hard. That's for another discussion but I just found some of her comments on hate crimes a little ironic coming from the fact that they still proudly fly the treacherous Confederate flag on their capitol and still honor Confederate generals with street names...:rolleyes. Thought it was funny that she's speaking out against issues that she's lowkey complicit in :smh:.

The death penalty doesn't mean much, when it takes ten years to kill someone.
So....? That's an issue that needs to be addressed. I've seen black people plead for equal pay for women who haven't been as passionate about these shootings. I've seen black people more concerned about the treatment of women in the Muslim world.

What is your point? Or was that your anecdotal evidence to show that blacks care more about gay sh than their "own". An attempt st excluding other struggles faced by black people from the struggle of racism. Its a typical tactic of deflection on this site. Most black activists I know care about many other struggles for equality as well as issues of racism. In fact a lot of these issues are intertwined in many ways and are related to the straight white male supremacist mentality. A lot of bigots on NT compartmentalize civil rights. Its self defeating. Because someone cares about Caitlyn doesn't mean they don't care about Charleston.

I often wonder what's your point of posting other than trolling.

His point was questioning how you can talk about one issue, but have no public opinion on another. Like how KONY or the water bucket challenge became pop culture. Your whole ramble had nothing to do with what he was saying other than trying to garner attention as usual.

Man I went back multiple pages thinking you guys were discussing the "manifesto" this weirdo left behind. I only so one reference to it. What's with all the fighting lol

I wanna know the true feelings of white people when they read his thoughts. Like do they feel like there is any truth to what he is saying. As a black man I couldn't do nothing but smh.

I'm sure many agree. It was interesting how all of this began with the Trayvon Martin case, and thought Zimmerman did nothing wrong. Sound familiar?

And addition to racist propaganda, I'm sure nobodies going to bring up the conservative media and it's agenda.
In Shelby, the FBI handled Roof’s initial questioning, Ledford said. Shelby police’s lone conversation with the mass-murder suspect was about food. Earlier in the day, Roof had bought water and chips at a south Charlotte gas station. Now he was hungry. Police bought him food from a nearby Burger King, Ledford said.

“He was very quiet, very calm. He didn’t talk,” Ledford said. “He sat down here very quietly. He was not problematic.”

Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/article24952345.html#storylink=cpy
So, you're trying to call me homophobic

Didnt read anything else you said, if it sounds like a duck it's a damn duck.

I'm sure the rest of your post was some nonsense about how you can't change your race followed by stories about how you been getting chased by the police all your life. Am I rite?

Learn how to tall about your struggle without dismissing another. Makes me sick

You should have just read his post.

Quoted before the edit :smh: :lol:
And everything is starting to go all over the place:

Dylan Roof's black homies vouching for him, not a racist

Not a racist but he made it known it was about race before he killed

Black people black people :smh:
I'm sorry what am I editing here. I meant everything I said. He'll I'll add more to it if u didn't get the message.

I'm not reading his post, he made a comment about Caitlyn it was pretty obvious what he was getting at.

I try to keep my fb clean of prostitutes that's what pof is for.I don't want my little cousins knowing I have a propensity for thots

Yea, if I were your aunt or uncle, I wouldn't want you around my kids either :lol: :rofl:

What do I look like taking advice, from a person who pays for sex? I'm glad you didn't read what I posted because, it seems like your mind is already cluttered. You would not have been able to read it in a sensible manner anyhow.
Wait now we are bringing humorous quotes from other threads about exotic dancers and good time girls into a serious discussion about race?

You lost, keep trying to justify your bigotry. Seems like you've taken a few lessons from your masters.

Bed I meant what I said about not allowing those women on my fb. Instagram women are attempting to infiltrate fb. Just randomly adding dudes. What were you even doing in that thread to being with?


I clicked your screename, scrolled down your recent posts... Humor usually is an underlying or unconscious thought, that comes out in a discreet way. I'm a "bigot/racist" but, was born into a nation that was built off racism? :rofl: :lol:

How can I as a Black man, be a racist, when I was born and walk amongst the descendents of colonist and slave owners, who thought were not below second class, but animals? But "I'm" a racist and bigot? How can you fathom that? Go pay some escort to be your servant, because you definitely can't get a woman off merit :lol: :lol: :lol:
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You should have just read his post.

Quoted before the edit :smh: :lol:

I'm sorry what am I editing here. I meant everything I said. He'll I'll add more to it if u didn't get the message.

I'm not reading his post, he made a comment about Caitlyn it was pretty obvious what he was getting at.

Once again, you probably should've read his post instead of assuming like you did :lol:
And everything is starting to go all over the place:

Dylan Roof's black homies vouching for him, not a racist

His words and thoughts on the matter are complete crap.
You can never know whats in another mans heart, only what they choose to reveal to you.
Hmm.. maybe the tsarnev (sp?) Brothers aren't terrorists because they had an American friend too?

This is bs
Question do you guys think it ever crosses these dudes minds once they are caught "crap, what da hell did I just do?" Like at least a little regret?...it blows my mind these dudes know the consequences and still go through with such an act..
America is amazing and then they vilify Muslims like a ************. I can google some Isis **** and be labeled a terrorist
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