Eminem AJ2 "The Way I Am"

I think the point got across that Em is good, you guys are tools.

J/K Flame on.
Ahhhh, just wut we need. An ode to fakes. Those suck suntin' serious. And is that grey nubuck on the toebox? ugh.
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

Eminem is a horrible rapper like these shoes
You're crazy. You *&%#^(#&$.

But yeah like i said on TSG.. EmIV's > EmII's

These look fake to me in a way, but they're still pretty hot.
Maybe this flightclub membership will finally be good for something. I wish we had a better idea of when they were supposed to drop on there.
Rosenblog had a number to text to get a flightclub membership, but it didn't work for me. Can anybody help me get a membership? thanks NT fam.
i just called nike and the lady talked to a manager and said that these can drop whenever the people at nike want to sell them.
so there is no set date or time
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