Eminem's New Video "We Made You" Droppin April 7th

Originally Posted by Dapper D

sherwin100s wrote:
TheStephZone wrote:
Alot of people forgot...

In middle school, when the MMLP came out, everyone was rockin to the Real Slim Shady hard.

Nowadays, everyone from that era is a internet blogger that forgot what fun music is.

It's a typical catchy Em 1st single for the kids, females, mainstream America.

The rest of the album won't be. Yet people are complaining that he makes another song joking around, yet how many songs does someone like Jeezy have talkin bout the streets? Em only has 1 or 2 commercial songs on each album to appeal to that fan base of mainstream America.

I don't want to hear that...
I remeber when Just Lose It dropped and everyone was saying don't worry its the first single and the album will be better...but that *!%+ ended up being straight trash...
1st single...
Big Weenie...
*+# Like that...
Just Lose It...
One Shot 2 shot...
All corny stupid songs that wanted commercial appeal...
Dude goes missing for 4 years and he comes back wit this trash?
How do I know he won't pull the same #!*$$!%# like he did wit Encore...
I could only judge the man by his last piece of work...
Puke = dope
1st single = dope
Rainman = dope
One Shot 2 Shot = dope
Big Weenie =

!%% Like that =

seems like someone only listened to the album twice and then decided to write it off with out ever really listening to it. People kill me with this Encoredebate, clearly people never really listened to the album and got seriously but hurt because they didn't have the same MMLP Em. But when Em brings back MMLEm (ie We made You) people STILL complain. Cant win. Actually listen to Encore. Encore still smashes all of Jadakiss' efforts
(excluding his recent release). And am I the only person on NT who heard hissongs on The Re-Up album? Cause Em was spittin venom on all his verses.

btw Em Show = Em's best album

-The Juice
woow i was expectin something terrible with this song, but after hearin it and seein the video, its like its 2001 all over again.

eminem can finally let us forget about encore
damn, song could be better without the accent but still expected much better, video still has me rollin
Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Oh yea on Renegades Eminem>>>>>Jay-Z

This has to be one of the dumbest arguments involving Eminem.

Who gives a $++% if he did better than Hov?... Does that mean Em >>>>> Hov?

Of Course it doesn't, so cut the malarkey.

Beans kills Jay on ALMOST EVERY song they do together, so does that mean Beans>>>>>Jay?


And people OD on how much Em killed him. It's not like Jay spit a wack verse. The content in Jay's verse and what he's saying is > than what Emis saying in IMO, but Em just slaughters the beat with flow.

Anyway, I haven't checked the song yet, I'm about to right now though.
OrenthalJames wrote:
Originally Posted by Dapper D

sherwin100s wrote:
TheStephZone wrote:
Alot of people forgot...

In middle school, when the MMLP came out, everyone was rockin to the Real Slim Shady hard.

Nowadays, everyone from that era is a internet blogger that forgot what fun music is.

It's a typical catchy Em 1st single for the kids, females, mainstream America.

The rest of the album won't be. Yet people are complaining that he makes another song joking around, yet how many songs does someone like Jeezy have talkin bout the streets? Em only has 1 or 2 commercial songs on each album to appeal to that fan base of mainstream America.

I don't want to hear that...
I remeber when Just Lose It dropped and everyone was saying don't worry its the first single and the album will be better...but that *!%+ ended up being straight trash...
1st single...
Big Weenie...
*+# Like that...
Just Lose It...
One Shot 2 shot...
All corny stupid songs that wanted commercial appeal...
Dude goes missing for 4 years and he comes back wit this trash?
How do I know he won't pull the same #!*$$!%# like he did wit Encore...
I could only judge the man by his last piece of work...
Puke = dope
1st single = dope
Rainman = dope
One Shot 2 Shot = dope
Big Weenie =

!%% Like that =

seems like someone only listened to the album twice and then decided to write it off with out ever really listening to it. People kill me with this Encore debate, clearly people never really listened to the album and got seriously but hurt because they didn't have the same MMLP Em. But when Em brings back MML Em (ie We made You) people STILL complain. Cant win. Actually listen to Encore. Encore still smashes all of Jadakiss' efforts
(excluding his recent release). And am I the only person on NT who heard his songs on The Re-Up album? Cause Em was spittin venom on all his verses.

btw Em Show = Em's best album

-The Juice

obviously we have different taste in music if you think those songs are good so I'm not gonna even argue about that...
It's just a shame that someone at age 37 who people call a musical genius has to result to the same old tricks since his first album...
even though he sold millions of copies and has a built in fan base he still refuses to grow as a artist...
This song is so terrible, I'm disappointed....dammit Em.

I'm not sure what to expect now...I'm hoping that's the only trash song on the album and this doesn't shape up to be Encore 2.0.
dre produced that track? sounds like a danity kane/pcd dolls beat...

song was terrible, didnt seem like a em track, AT ALL

the video was creative, only think i liked.

i hope the album sounds NOTHING like this
Originally Posted by LuigiTheKing

It's not like Jay spit a wack verse. The content in Jay's verse and what he's saying is > than what Em is saying in IMO, but Em just slaughters the beat with flow.
That is EXACTLY how I feel about that song.
this is the worst ive heard from em...something is up..i dont trust this wackness hes gonna bring some slim out or im done with this album b4 the 2nd single
The song is garbage, but I've always hated Eminem's goofy sounding songs. But I have no doubt that he will have great tracks in his album.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

It's not that it's a bad song, I like Hi My name is, The Real SS, and Without Me. But these aren't "Dead Presidents", "Juicy", etc. These aren't classic songs. But Eminem does these fun songs which at the end of the day are......fun. And I just leave it at that it's a novelty song. Now if his whole album is like this *cough*Encore*cough* then I'm not going to support bad music. I bought every single Eminem album except Encore. I let my dollars speak. I want a certain effort from Eminem and encore was trash. 6 good songs and the the rest filler
sorry to hear that
Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Oh yea on Renegades Eminem>>>>>Jay-Z

This has to be one of the dumbest arguments involving Eminem.

Who gives a $++% if he did better than Hov?... Does that mean Em >>>>> Hov?

Of Course it doesn't, so cut the malarkey.

Beans kills Jay on ALMOST EVERY song they do together, so does that mean Beans>>>>>Jay?

Co-Sign...btw, "malarkey"
like the video, song would be better without the goofy accent.

song is pretty much what I would expect from his lead single from Em.

...just lose the accent on the album
Song is typical Em song when he first comes back.

Video was funny but corny funny.

Still will wait for the album but I am glad that he is back.
Eh, it's a typical Em lead single.

The song is alright, looking forward to the album though.
Originally Posted by mFury

Originally Posted by LuigiTheKing

It's not like Jay spit a wack verse. The content in Jay's verse and what he's saying is > than what Em is saying in IMO, but Em just slaughters the beat with flow.
That is EXACTLY how I feel about that song.

Yall act like hes a new artist or somethin and this is his first video/single ever....HIS FIRST SINGLE IS ALWAYS COMEDIC....Its eminem, either you like him oryou dont. I think Relapse is gonna be fire, i also thought Encore was pretty good too....not fire, but there were easily 10 good songs on there.
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