Ever go take a test with NO prior studying.

Originally Posted by The Somali NTer

Took a mid term today without studying at all. My fault though, I forgot it was today and thought it was Thur. I reviewed some old material like 15 mins before class, I feel good about it
yep same here but i think i did alright

1) Fail.
2) Cheat>pass
3) Cheat>expelled
4) Adderall > Study > Pass with an B+ or A-
yea. its
when you pass with flying colors
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Psych is all just common sense... you should do fine.
what psyc classes are ya taking? i took intro to psyc at a suny school it was a fairly difficult class.. i studied for every test... ended with ab....
did this all of HS and graduated #10/560. got to college (univ of tx) and became an engineer cuz everybody said i was smart and good at math. still got bynever studying through the calculus courses and my first 3 semesters of engineering. Got to the meat of engineering and got hit by a bag of bricks. by thattime i had developed a lifetime of bad study habits and couldnt break it if my life depended on it cuz engineering wasnt even all that interesting to me. stayed in engineering for 4 years to grind it out and realized even though I was getting closer to finishing it was driving me crazy. transferred out ofengineering. back to not having to study much in business/econ courses and doing ok. college is a scam, but its a must in America to a certain extent, and Iwish I went to a much harder HS. underprivledged schooling FTL
Having a timed analytical essay over a book I didn't even bother to buy without having read the sparknotes........ FTL.
It worked out for me in highschool, but I did it once in college and took a major L...
I did this 2 weeks ago and got an A, it was on stuff I remembered from a Brain and Behavior course I took in college. Did this with my medical ethics course onThursday and pulled off a decent grade.....my answers made sense although I didn't read any of the material i had some prior knowledge of medical ethicslike patient-doctor confidentiality e.t.c

I tried this with Organic chem 2 in college.....and
. Dropped that class early
man i have a final tomorrow after having the midterm last week (1/3 semester, 3 credit course). i didn't study as much...material is harder to understandthan the midterm also.

maybe in your early years in college and hs you can do that but as the amount of materials to know increases, the chance of doing well or even barely passingbecomes really really small. (especially classes where you have to memorize a lot of stuff)
Originally Posted by bonafide hustla

did this all of HS and graduated #10/560. got to college (univ of tx) and became an engineer cuz everybody said i was smart and good at math. still got by never studying through the calculus courses and my first 3 semesters of engineering. Got to the meat of engineering and got hit by a bag of bricks. by that time i had developed a lifetime of bad study habits and couldnt break it if my life depended on it cuz engineering wasnt even all that interesting to me. stayed in engineering for 4 years to grind it out and realized even though I was getting closer to finishing it was driving me crazy. transferred out of engineering. back to not having to study much in business/econ courses and doing ok. college is a scam, but its a must in America to a certain extent, and I wish I went to a much harder HS. underprivledged schooling FTL

This man knows what he's talking about...i set myself up for failure in college with my lack of effort in high school. I just got by on pure talent in HS,never once studied, and once i noticed that i was barely pulling a 3.0 in college, started trying to study...but i had to learn how to study first. I stillcan't study efficiently and still go mostly on talent. To people saying psych is common sense....you have only taken intro, i'll tell you that much. It isn't super difficult, but you have to know the terms and the concepts in order to succeed, how the hell are you gonna know DSM-IV classifications ifyou don't know what the DSM-IV is?

But yeah, i'm just biding my time until i'm out of college...as much as i don't want to leave this one of a kind environment, i know that ican't succeed greatly here and i'm gonna need a helluva resumee to get anywhere. No offense to anyone, but just because you can BS your way through atest and not do terribly, doesn't mean that somebody at a tougher university can do the same...the competition is much different.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I did this 2 weeks ago and got an A, it was on stuff I remembered from a Brain and Behavior course I took in college. Did this with my medical ethics course on Thursday and pulled off a decent grade.....my answers made sense although I didn't read any of the material i had some prior knowledge of medical ethics like patient-doctor confidentiality e.t.c

I tried this with Organic chem 2 in college.....and
. Dropped that class early
That's because organic chem isn't common sense.

It's the worst type of sense.

Useless and difficult.
Originally Posted by needsomejays

im in highschool, and i never study, especially now that im a senior i really dont give a %^$&

Sometimes i cheat tho, but alot of the time im still doing well on these tests using prior knowledge. But it all Depends on the class im taking
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I did this 2 weeks ago and got an A, it was on stuff I remembered from a Brain and Behavior course I took in college. Did this with my medical ethics course on Thursday and pulled off a decent grade.....my answers made sense although I didn't read any of the material i had some prior knowledge of medical ethics like patient-doctor confidentiality e.t.c

I tried this with Organic chem 2 in college.....and
. Dropped that class early
That's because organic chem isn't common sense.

It's the worst type of sense.

Useless and difficult.
Listen to this man for all future Ochem'ers.
I do it all the time but Im in senior year of high school
never studied at all i cant recall one test i did study for
i know tho when i hit college #$%^ gotta change
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I did this 2 weeks ago and got an A, it was on stuff I remembered from a Brain and Behavior course I took in college. Did this with my medical ethics course on Thursday and pulled off a decent grade.....my answers made sense although I didn't read any of the material i had some prior knowledge of medical ethics like patient-doctor confidentiality e.t.c

I tried this with Organic chem 2 in college.....and
. Dropped that class early
That's because organic chem isn't common sense.

It's the worst type of sense.

Useless and difficult.
Orgo is OD, I'm glad I never have to draw a mechanism or figure out a product ever again in my life.
ive done that a bunch of times
it hasnt turned out the way i wanted to, so now i make sure to study at least a little bit
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]I've done that before and cried my way back to my dorm....i failed miserably and was the onlybrother in the course...i know my teacher was happy[/color]
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