Ever go take a test with NO prior studying.

Originally Posted by durty pancakes

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I did this 2 weeks ago and got an A, it was on stuff I remembered from a Brain and Behavior course I took in college. Did this with my medical ethics course on Thursday and pulled off a decent grade.....my answers made sense although I didn't read any of the material i had some prior knowledge of medical ethics like patient-doctor confidentiality e.t.c

I tried this with Organic chem 2 in college.....and
. Dropped that class early
That's because organic chem isn't common sense.

It's the worst type of sense.

Useless and difficult.
Listen to this man for all future Ochem'ers.
I'm taking it this semester.

--If its multiple choice and you cram a study session before class...you might have a chance
--If its essay form or whatever, you're pretty much done.
Does going to class and doing your homework count as studying?

I, in all honesty have only studied three or four times in my life, and I still did poorly on those tests, so I just stopped.

I never studied in HS, nor did I ever take a book to class. On the rare occasion I did, it was in Japanese class, because I had no idea what was going on. Butthat was HS, and people can get away with almost anything there...

In college I only studied for my Anatomy Lab class. I failed it twice. Did not study for any other class ever. I just paid attention and never missed class.For my masters, it was even easier.

But again, I'm an auditory learner. I cannot function reading to myself...
Originally Posted by YoungSole93

Most Every tests of my life. My teachers tell me if I even applied my self I could be greater in class.

Story of my life...

It's not like I do bad in school, but I have the potential to achieve much more...
all the talk about youre going to fail if you dont study is not necessarily true. it just depends on how comfortable you are in that particular class.
i did the same thing last semester. i forgot we even had a test went in there the next day and got like a 78, which was higher than the class average

it all depends on the material and how much of a %6 your professor may or may not be LOL
I tried this with an English final. We were supposed to read this book and the final was going to be questionsbased on the book. i got through the first 10 pages of the book and decided to try and take the final anyways. It did not end well
I read the first couple of questions and ended up saying F it and walkedout 5 mins later. I had to take the walk of shame out of the classroom and the L
Just did it on a test last week and got a 78 out of 100
Now I wish I hit the books. Im sure I would have got an high B
took a pharmaceutics test on tues...didnt go to a single class or read a single note.....still feel pretty good about it
Took several A&P test without studying. I had so many bio courses/lab by the time I took A&P, I knew the human body inside and out.
LOL at this thread

I havent studied since elementary, and have an unweighted 3.86 and Im in all honors and AP
Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

LOL at this thread

I havent studied since elementary, and have an unweighted 3.86 and Im in all honors and AP
Wait till you get to college
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