Ever seen a dead body? VOL: Suicide...

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I live on Staten Island and we have a separate train line out here (I take the train in Manhattan too when I'm working) and something crazy happened recently..I'll try to make the story as short as possible.

There was a drunk dude at the train station and somehow he drops his shoe on the train track. He then jumps down to retrieve his shoe, but in his drunken stupor, he is unable to get back up as the train is approaching. A good Samaritan jumps down to help the guy off the track, and is successful as the guy climbs back onto the platform. However, the guy that tried to help him up onto the platform struggles to get back up in time, and when he does he is winded and hunched over, and is then hit by the train in the head and killed
The drunk dude is then interviewed a few days later and says that "he was just having fun that night"
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Seen them in anatomy, all cut up and etc. It's not a pleasant sight to say the least.

I thought the same as you before I saw it. After... I knew I was comfortable enough to go in the medical/see dead people daily career paths haha
I worked for 4 years in a pathology lab so dead bodies & body parts were an everyday thing. I mean seeing bodies being in the autopsy suite with there chest's opened up and totally empty (and dreading the times I had to help turn the bodies over or put them back in their bags/sheets). It did haunt me at first but got used to it eventually. Worse thing I seen was a still born fetus that had no skull and was just a deflated head. Honestly, the smell of decaying limbs in the fridge if nastier then the bodies themselves.
seven years ago on the one line 231 a 82 year old fell on the tracks and hit. the sound of the blood splashing down from the elevated track to the pavement was haunting.

body parts hanging from the tracks and hunks falling it was unreal
This happens often here in Toronto. I workout with people that work at the TTC and they said they cant handle driving the train because it seems like atleast once a day someone jumps in front of a train. It never gets reported because TTC doesn't want to promote it, but its a big enough problem that TTC is trying to get funding to put up fences at every station.
I took that train yesterday. L train is always filled with Hipsters and people who look so sad
yeah. not suicide, though. driving down a highway up North in the provinces... saw a drunk tricycle driver's wife lying flat on the pavement when they accidentally hit a concrete barrier at a fast speed. Tricycle got flipped to the side of the road, ejecting the passenger onto the middle of the road in the process. Delayed traffic for about half an hour or so before things got moving again. That was messed up.

Saw some old lady die right in front of me in the ER at 4 in the morning. I think she had a stroke or something. She got rushed in like in those medical dramas on TV. She got defibrulated (sp?), but was unresponsive no matter how many times they did so. Never woke up again.
Was there because my dad felt something weird (thank God it was no where near serious).

Some messed up stories in here, though.
I saw a dead body floating in the river next to my school once. It was a Friday and I was blazed and was drinking and leaning on the rail next to the river and this girl near me gave a yelp. Everyone turned to look and there was a body floating
Someone called the cops and a week later, they said the body belonged to some immigrant in Queens. No idea on whether it's a suicide, though.
Ive never seen anything gory. For example, we've all been to funerals and seen dead bodies, and Ive been in a hospital er. but ive never seen severed limbs or cut off heads. Also, Ive never seen somebody actually die before. Guess Im lucky
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

Originally Posted by Spectacular23

Originally Posted by mytmouse76




Whats the problem?

This is general, I don't know if you frequent but people don't care about sneakers anymore so it was pretty comical that you described  yourself by your sneakers and hoped OP would be able to identify you.

Yeah but what if he saw him tho? 
Yup, and the back of his head was shot off. Apparently there was a fight between two gangs like 2 mins before I got to my bus stop.
when I was in middle school we would always go to this park and one day, there were a couple of police right by the park surrounding a pickup truck.So my teacher walks us over there to see what was going on there was this white guy about late 20's sitting in the driver seat with his head laying back on the head rest. Apparently dude shot his self in the head. We were about a half of a block away and we could see that he had been shot. I never found out why he did it but the thought is still disturbing to this day.
Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

Originally Posted by Spectacular23

Whats the problem?

This is general, I don't know if you frequent but people don't care about sneakers anymore so it was pretty comical that you described  yourself by your sneakers and hoped OP would be able to identify you.

Yeah but what if he saw him tho? 

Right. I don't think he was boasting or anything.
Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

Spectacular23 wrote:
Whats the problem?

This is general, I don't know if you frequent but people don't care about sneakers anymore so it was pretty comical that you described  yourself by your sneakers and hoped OP would be able to identify you.

Yeah but what if he saw him tho? 

Why couldn't he describe what clothes he was wearing instead of only describing what shoes he had on.
 dude act like everyone going to be looking at his feet.
As an emt yea, more than I would like to see, but ill never forget my first dead body.
Wow, a girl I know actually saw the head and was in total shock saturday night.
As for me, there was a motorcycle accident up the block from me a few years ago and I saw the headless body laying there for a few hours w/ a pool of blood from where the head was supposed to be to the curb. Didnt really @!+# with me too bad tho surprisingly
Originally Posted by manny1

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

This is general, I don't know if you frequent but people don't care about sneakers anymore so it was pretty comical that you described  yourself by your sneakers and hoped OP would be able to identify you.

Yeah but what if he saw him tho? 

Why couldn't he describe what clothes he was wearing instead of only describing what shoes he had on.
 dude act like everyone going to be looking at his feet.

I only said that bc let's be real, how many times you see people wear SB lebrons everyday? I just stated an obvious item I was wearing. But that's besides the point, let's focus on topic.
Yeah, back in 2007. I was chillin in my room watching the t.v. when a shot rang out. The whole block came out to see what happened....this young cat who had just gotten outta jail was laid out in front of the building in broad daylight, blood just covering the sidewalk.
Originally Posted by Spectacular23

Originally Posted by cez

So as I'm going home from work yesterday (saturday night) and head down to the train station on 14th and 6th ave to catch the L train here in NYC. There were cops, firefighters, ambulances everywhere. I go down the stairs and there's people crying, and one girl is vomiting and people just look in shock. I look at the train and there's blood all along the bottom side 
 ...I keep walking and I see the police at the front off the train, and theres a body bag on the platform and I can see one of the guys placing body parts into the bag 
....I'm not someone with a weak stomach but that was disgusting...had me weak for a bit
...easily the worst thing I've seen in my life
Apparently some guy jumped on the tracks right as the train was coming and killed himself. I was searching the web last night and found some articles and stumbled upon some guys Twitter who took a picture of the guys decapitated head that was stuck between the train and platform 

Anyways anyone else ever see a dead body?

i was around that area too, what time? i had south beach lebrons if u saw me.......i did see a bunch of cops but i heard a different story.
Last summer I was dropping off a friend in south Philly, not really the hood hood (not SW Philly), and stood outside his place chatting; we then went inside his place since we were chatting it up for awhile on the sidewalk and he wanted to show me something (I forget).  This was Sunday around 6 pm or so, and the block was buzzing with people since there was some sort of parade (puerto rican day?  I'm really not sure) going on that day in Philly.  

We go inside for a minute, literally, and all of a sudden we hear about 20 shots ring out.  At first I'm like, is that fireworks since there was a celebration going on, then I realized it's probably best to hit the floor.  Long story short, we go outside and right around the corner (about 20 feet from my boy's row home) some kid was laid out with a bunch of holes, dead.  He lived on the block too, and his mom and family came out and just started going insane.  Really sad.  

My friend knew of the kid and found his facebook; from poking around on his page and what my friend knew about what went on around his block, he was pretty sure he was about that life.  Not judging, just saying.
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