Ex girlfriend..

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by cocolicious

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by cocolicious

Just think about your goals in life & what you have to do to accomplish them becuase that's more important then any girl.
listen to this man

I'm a girl.
i dont care, though

f her.... go smash some other broads ... go to a house party where shes out and bring some other chick with you and make out in front of her..that will get herattention
Originally Posted by cocolicious

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by cocolicious

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by cocolicious

Just think about your goals in life & what you have to do to accomplish them becuase that's more important then any girl.
listen to this man

I'm a girl.
i dont care, though


@ that exchange
Your 17 the last thing on your mind should be marriage and kids. If it makes you feel better I seen something that said less than 2% of HS sweethearts getmarried haha.
Originally Posted by dashoekid21

f her.... go smash some other broads ... go to a house party where shes out and bring some other chick with you and make out in front of her..that will get her attention

Do you.. but playing mind games to "get her attention" will only cause yourself more pain..she'll play them too. Nobody will win. The quicker youdecide to be REAL, the quicker you'll see her true colors and find out if she was ever worth the time in the first place. If she's REAL with you, thengo from there. If you stop playing games and she's still doing lil obvious things to affect you, dead that !!@.
Originally Posted by dashoekid21

f her.... go smash some other broads ... go to a house party where shes out and bring some other chick with you and make out in front of her..that will get her attention

^ this is the right mentality right here.
Ahhhhhh....I remember those days as a teen. If you smashed already, keep it moving. Chase paper, not chicks.
You're trippin over nothing fam, move on its high school, wait and see how many girls you'll get in college you might even find the one
if it's meant to be it will come back. you're young...there's so much more to life.
Best way to get over someone is to get on top of someone else. And fapping doesn't count for you virgins.
I know where your at. I thought my high school boyfriend was "the one" I was going to stay with. Fast forward several years (and guys) later, andI've found one that could make me walk down the aisle.
i'm sorry you never win chasing <3
& i gotta put it out there for all you ignorant cats

only women lose to love (those are tennis games - refer to forest hill's own drizzy drake)
but again that doesn't mean bury yourself w/ work or get that green because you don't want to catch tunnel vision now
don't turn into those mans who "thought" they were in love or were straight up confused & end up being bitter the rest of their lives - thatis why men take women for granted but it goes both ways

analyze THOROUGHLY with yourself, ask those arnd who know a thing or two about the relationship you had with her.
i'm sure you can come to a consensus and actually distinguish whether it was indeed true love or just that high-school puppy love phase we all go through

..... let me leave you w/ a quote & don't misinterpret me now on some hypocritical tip
"You always lose women chasing money, but you never lose women chasing money."

- don't actively look for women, don't chase em; let the oppurtunity arise and be patient b/c once that day comes around it's about taking thatoppurtunity and capitalizing on it not backing down or chickening-out - it's all about the foreclosure so stay focused and get that gwop because w/o moneysorry there will be no honey
... but i gotta admit she's a cutie still!

no worries you set the standard for yourself, aim high homie - us goodlooking men don't need to work as hard it's a gift but if your wordplay islacking - NO GIRL will settle b/c they ALL want a confident man, a capable man, an independent man. So step your game up add a bit of finesse!
Originally Posted by breaux

Originally Posted by NFoRNikeee

what's up NT,well heres my story,i really miss my ex girl-friend and i was with her for a year,and some months. and i cant get over her,she's the only girl i loved and have strong feelings for...i literally wake up and fall asleep thinking about her. I tried to forget her and talking to other girls,but i cant stop think about her. We made a promise that we would get married,and have kids, blah blah blah,and well... Im worried it might not happen. i regret breaking up with her,idk why i did it,and she didn't wanna take me back. but i just don't feel right not having her by my side anymore,and Im scared that i lost her for ever, and well,i was just wondering if any of you guys feel like this about any of your ex's. and and advice if i should keep on believing in the past,or just move on,and keep her in my thoughts.



Perfect Execution
It sucks right now, I know, but you're in high school. Trust me, it's not that serious.

And yes, yes, spare me the "we were so in love it was meant to be" tirade because every teenager ever goes on that rant, and pretty much everyteenager ever moves on and finds someone better suited to them.

You're saying she's changing, that's because you're both still so young, you're developing and you're not who you're going to befor the rest of your life yet. Keep that in mind. When you change and mature you'll want something different. Trust me.
Originally Posted by StrongMind3

Originally Posted by cocolicious

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by cocolicious

Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by cocolicious

Just think about your goals in life & what you have to do to accomplish them becuase that's more important then any girl.
listen to this man

I'm a girl.
i dont care, though


@ that exchange
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