EXPLOSION @ Boston Marathon

Just curios but have they released pics of any of the weapons used by the suspects :nerd:....I know its only been a few days but seeing how many shots were fired in all the shootouts I'd like to know how many weapons they actually had. The only pic we've seen is the one of the bomb that was recovered at the bomb site. Hopefully they can shed some light as to what they recovered from the suspects.
^I haven't seen pictures of any shell casings from the massive shoot out or nothing. Anybody else from that block give any interviews besides the guy that had bullet holes in his wall/chair?


And another thing, with dash cams installed in most police vehicles, why is there no footage of the actual chase through the streets of Watertown? Where is the footage of them throwing "pipe bombs" out of the window?
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Originally Posted by mfreshm

The backpack that Djohar Tsarnaev was carrying was White and the backpack at the explosion was Black with a Grey colored strap doesn't even look similar.

There are pictures showing 2 other men dressed in khaki colored pants/black coat with a hat who have the similar type of backpacks and seen leaving the scene without the backpacks. I somewhat doubt that these two "Suspect" brothers are guilty.
horrible post.

even they dad knows they guilty lol

i would assume a blown up backpack may discolor..

and the dead brothers bag was black, the one of youve constantly seens pics of.
^I haven't seen pictures of any shell casings from the massive shoot out or nothing. Anybody else from that block give any interviews besides the guy that had bullet holes in his wall/chair?


And another thing, with dash cams installed in most police vehicles, why is there no footage of the actual chase through the streets of Watertown? Where is the footage of them throwing "pipe bombs" out of the window?

That's evidence. This case is in the hand of the FBI not the state.
Suspect number 2 might as well commit suicide. There will be no such thing as a fair trial in this country.
You guys are talking a lot about fair trial, their motives, rights, etc... why are these things issues? These dudes dropped homemade bombs at the feet of innocent people and strolled away. Come on... anything short of this guy being strung up and beaten with a bat, he should consider himself lucky. And I understand not giving him due justice can open up a can of worms, but stop looking for ways to blame the govt.

And I read something about him being an immediate threat to the general public's safety waives the need to read him his rights? Didnt quite follow what the article was saying honestly.
I always love a good conspiracy. But this doesn't really strike me as one for some reason. A lot of it seems like the cops botched a lot of things and are just making things up to cover up what they did wrong. But where the brothers the ones that did it or were they set up? I think they did it.

The only obvious question is why haven't they interviewed the guy who was car jacked.
And how did the kid really get away. Why didn't a cop chase him while he drove away?

RIP to the victims and all that were injured i hope they can live a normal life and fully mentally and physically recover as much as possible.
It's amazing how entitled to answers you guys think you are

Some really ridiculous questions too.

Why hassn't the guy who was carjacked given an interview? He doesn't need to! Maybe he doesn't want attention and to gain anything from a tragedy? Maybe he has stage fright? Maybe he hates the media?

The guy who caught Romney saying 47 percent didn't give an interview for at least 6 months after it happened.

Why is he a suspect? Word?

Our givt does shady **** But I just fail to see anything remotely shady here
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Pics of the dildo?
What really bothers me is the angle that this picture was taken at... Like standing above the TV and taking the pic close to the dildo would give you a better vantage point of said dildo smh.
It's amazing how entitled to answers you guys think you are

Some really ridiculous questions too.

Why hassn't the guy who was carjacked given an interview? He doesn't need to! Maybe he doesn't want attention and to gain anything from a tragedy? Maybe he has stage fright? Maybe he hates the media?

The guy who caught Romney saying 47 percent didn't give an interview for at least 6 months after it happened.

Why is he a suspect? Word?

Our givt does shady **** But I just fail to see anything remotely shady here

I think in this day and age, with all of the technology, social media, news/information at our finger tips every second, people are just used to getting every bit of info on everything.

And for the questions being asked, people are just genuinely curious. Why is that so bad?
It's amazing how entitled to answers you guys think you are

Some really ridiculous questions too.

Why hassn't the guy who was carjacked given an interview? He doesn't need to! Maybe he doesn't want attention and to gain anything from a tragedy? Maybe he has stage fright? Maybe he hates the media?

The guy who caught Romney saying 47 percent didn't give an interview for at least 6 months after it happened.

Why is he a suspect? Word?

Our givt does shady **** But I just fail to see anything remotely shady here

I think in this day and age, with all of the technology, social media, news/information at our finger tips every second, people are just used to getting every bit of info on everything.

And for the questions being asked, people are just genuinely curious. Why is that so bad?
Let them do their ****** job and ask the questions. Obviously the FBI isn't that stupid, you think they're not asking everything in the book? But some of you guys here expect every question to be made public. You're not in the FBI, back up a lil :lol:
Everything will eventually come out. And what doesn't people will use to build up their conspiracies
Summary of the past week

- Bostonians love martial law
- ZERO search warrants on door-to-door searchs
- A male from the Middle East stops smoking and drinking alcohol = radicalized muslim terrorist
- Miranda Rights are not needed for a US citizen because of "public safety exception", which make no sense considering he can't be tried as a "combatant"
- He can't speak, but yet he is being "interrogated"
- 2 men, of which one was killed in cold blood, are being accused of an act of terror without and justifiable evidence beyond the fact they were pictured wearing backpacks, when other people were also videotaped and pictured wearing backpacks
- The U.S. is now a "battlefield" (according to Rep. Peter King of this morning) in a war that has never been declared legally
Summary of the past week

- Bostonians love martial law
- ZERO search warrants on door-to-door searchs
- A male from the Middle East stops smoking and drinking alcohol = radicalized muslim terrorist
- Miranda Rights are not needed for a US citizen because of "public safety exception", which make no sense considering he can't be tried as a "combatant"
- He can't speak, but yet he is being "interrogated"
- 2 men, of which one was killed in cold blood, are being accused of an act of terror without and justifiable evidence beyond the fact they were pictured wearing backpacks, when other people were also videotaped and pictured wearing backpacks
- The U.S. is now a "battlefield" (according to Rep. Peter King of this morning) in a war that has never been declared legally
Funny world we live in, isn't it?
Some of you guys are ridiculous. You really think the FBI looked at pictures and video from the race and they narrowed these 2 down just because they were 2 of a million people with backpacks on. They have even said that they have video of him dropping a backpack. 

This is an open investigation. They have no reason to give all that evidence to the public right now. Do you get all the evidence in murder cases before it goes to trial? NO. Stop acting like the FBI and the government is required to give us all this information as they come up on it and build their case against the kid. 

If it never comes out, then fine have a field day with the conspiracy theories. But until it atleast goes to trial or give it a week or 2 before you start acting like the government and the FBI owes us the video and all the other evidence at this time. 
Some of you guys are ridiculous. You really think the FBI looked at pictures and video from the race and they narrowed these 2 down just because they were 2 of a million people with backpacks on. They have even said that they have video of him dropping a backpack. 

This is an open investigation. They have no reason to give all that evidence to the public right now. Do you get all the evidence in murder cases before it goes to trial? NO. Stop acting like the FBI and the government is required to give us all this information as they come up on it and build their case against the kid. 

If it never comes out, then fine have a field day with the conspiracy theories. But until it atleast goes to trial or give it a week or 2 before you start acting like the government and the FBI owes us the video and all the other evidence at this time. 

What DON'T you understand??

We got to listen to the police scanner all day.

We're a part of this investigation. :rolleyes
Some of you guys are ridiculous. You really think the FBI looked at pictures and video from the race and they narrowed these 2 down just because they were 2 of a million people with backpacks on. They have even said that they have video of him dropping a backpack. 

This is an open investigation. They have no reason to give all that evidence to the public right now. Do you get all the evidence in murder cases before it goes to trial? NO. Stop acting like the FBI and the government is required to give us all this information as they come up on it and build their case against the kid. 

If it never comes out, then fine have a field day with the conspiracy theories. But until it atleast goes to trial or give it a week or 2 before you start acting like the government and the FBI owes us the video and all the other evidence at this time. 
What DON'T you understand??

We got to listen to the police scanner all day.

We're a part of this investigation.

Half of these dudes is walking about with one of these in their wallet. Like "No Ma'am, its ok. ill handle this one. No need to call the real police"

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I wouldn't expect the full details of how the actual bombing to come out until the trial. My questions surrounded the different reports of 1 vehicle and the contradicting photographic evidence of 2 vehicles in the shootout.

Something that simple isn't even clear in releases from Boston PD, nor has anyone else even come out about a reported chase. City wasn't on lockdown at that time, so you'd think someone would've took to YouTube, Instagram, or Twitter. Generally speaking, authorities try to give somewhat of a clear picture to residents if the suspect is still at large.

But with anything else, if you find fault in released information from authorities, it's just a minor oversight that should be overlooked. Right. Affidavits coming should put the words of the PD Commiss to the test.
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Some of you guys are ridiculous. You really think the FBI looked at pictures and video from the race and they narrowed these 2 down just because they were 2 of a million people with backpacks on. They have even said that they have video of him dropping a backpack. 

BOSTON — Within hours of the Boston Marathon bombing, investigators were already overwhelmed. Bloody clothing, bags, shoes and other evidence from victims and witnesses were piling up. Videos and still images, thousands of them, were beginning to accumulate.

Quickly, the authorities secured a warehouse in Boston’s Seaport district and filled the sprawling space: On half of the vast floor, hundreds of pieces of bloody clothes were laid out to dry so they could be examined for forensic clues or flown to FBI labs at Quantico in Prince William County for testing. In the other half of the room, more than a dozen investigators sifted through hundreds of hours of video, looking for people “doing things that are different from what everybody else is doing,” Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis said in an interview Saturday.

The work was painstaking and mind-numbing: One agent watched the same segment of video 400 times. The goal was to construct a timeline of images, following possible suspects as they moved along the sidewalks, building a narrative out of a random jumble of pictures from thousands of different phones and cameras.

It took a couple of days, but analysts began to focus on two men in baseball caps who had brought heavy black bags into the crowd near the marathon’s finish line but left without those bags. The decisive moment came on Wednesday afternoon, when Massachusetts Gov. Deval L. Patrick (D) got a call from state police: The investigation had narrowed in on the man who would soon be known as Suspect No. 2, the man whom police captured Friday night bleeding and disoriented on a 22-foot boat in a Watertown driveway.

Patrick said the images of Suspect No. 2 reacting to the first explosion provided “highly incriminating” evidence, “a lot more than the public knows.”

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