EXPLOSION @ Boston Marathon

Yeah that video is awful. He tries to say that some random guy with a backpack should be looked at because of the "square" on the bag. Little does he know that picture he posts on his idiotic videois AFTER the explosion and the guy is CLEARLY still wearing his backpack.

Dude in the video is a complete idiot.

The funny thing is that people believe it/him.
He has a point when they said the suspect was in serious condition and could have bled out, but he was just chilling on the edge of the boat after they pumped multiple rounds in it. :lol:

Didn't listen any further.
theres some misinformation/exaggeration going on but its not some huge government coverup like conspiracists would have u believe. they sent a robot to the boat first. suspect 1 had a bomb vest on. what would possess ANY rational person to walk up to suspect 2 all willy nilly? id make him get out the boat too. id make him strip down just like they did the night after the mit shooting when they had the wrong guy. were talking about a potential suicide bomber, u wanna use the trust system? lol
theres some misinformation/exaggeration going on but its not some huge government coverup like conspiracists would have u believe. they sent a robot to the boat first. suspect 1 had a bomb vest on. what would possess ANY rational person to walk up to suspect 2 all willy nilly? id make him get out the boat too. id make him strip down just like they did the night after the mit shooting when they had the wrong guy. were talking about a potential suicide bomber, u wanna use the trust system? lol

Man. Suspect 1 had a suicide vest on, but his body was riddled with bullets and they tackled/handcuffed him afterwards. You shoot someone with a suicide vest in the chest?

"He opened the tarp and [COLOR=#red]saw a man covered in blood[/COLOR]," he said. The man retreated and alerted law enforcement.

View media item 378153 Sitting up in the boat, not covered in blood and in serious condition? No problem. :rofl:

gets you thinking?

the guy that they point out with a similar backpack was on the original reddit posts.
 "Smoked it folks"
Summary of the past week
- 2 men, of which one was killed in cold blood, are being accused of an act of terror without and justifiable evidence beyond the fact they were pictured wearing backpacks, when other people were also videotaped and pictured wearing backpacks

Suspect 1, dead guy, ran at the cops, apparently with a suicide vest on. Humor me and pretend that this is true (it doesn't seem you believe it is, but anyway...), what part of this constitutes murder in cold blood without justifiable evidence? If he was innocent and wrongly accused, why would he engage in a mass police chase and a firefight with like 500 cops?

also two quick things unrelated to whats above...

why does everyone keep saying HES AMERICAN LIKE US!!!!!! Since when does immigrated Chechnyian(sp?) legal citizen=American?

and if this is some massive government "false flag" attack, do we honestly believe the FBI isnt smart enough to think of things like backpack consistency?
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Personally I am freaked out that all it took was 2 guys setting off homemade bombs, and the Feds had the authority to declare martial law on an entire US city.


House to house searches with no warrants?

Military Blackhawk helicopters, tanks and armored vehicles deployed in civilian neighborhoods?

Closing down all businesses and public transportation.

The Govt basically gave above the law permission to do whatever to apprehend these two dudes. Law Enforcement was allowed to harass, search, detain anyone they deemed suspicious with no probable cause.

You guys are all right with our liberties being trampled over like this? I can already see laws being written this year to allow TSA to search us before any concert, sporting event, etc.
Personally I am freaked out that all it took was 2 guys setting off homemade bombs, and the Feds had the authority to declare martial law on an entire US city.


House to house searches with no warrants?

Military Blackhawk helicopters, tanks and armored vehicles deployed in civilian neighborhoods?

Closing down all businesses and public transportation.

The Govt basically gave above the law permission to do whatever to apprehend these two dudes. Law Enforcement was allowed to harass, search, detain anyone they deemed suspicious with no probable cause.

You guys are all right with our liberties being trampled over like this? I can already see laws being written this year to allow TSA to search us before any concert, sporting event, etc.
Personally I am freaked out that all it took was 2 guys setting off homemade bombs, and the Feds had the authority to declare martial law on an entire US city.


House to house searches with no warrants?

Military Blackhawk helicopters, tanks and armored vehicles deployed in civilian neighborhoods?

Closing down all businesses and public transportation.

The Govt basically gave above the law permission to do whatever to apprehend these two dudes. Law Enforcement was allowed to harass, search, detain anyone they deemed suspicious with no probable cause.

You guys are all right with our liberties being trampled over like this? I can already see laws being written this year to allow TSA to search us before any concert, sporting event, etc.

Maybe because a bomb can go off at anytime .. anywhere? i think it's for safety measures
Personally I am freaked out that all it took was 2 guys setting off homemade bombs, and the Feds had the authority to declare martial law on an entire US city.


House to house searches with no warrants?

Military Blackhawk helicopters, tanks and armored vehicles deployed in civilian neighborhoods?

Closing down all businesses and public transportation.

The Govt basically gave above the law permission to do whatever to apprehend these two dudes. Law Enforcement was allowed to harass, search, detain anyone they deemed suspicious with no probable cause.

You guys are all right with our liberties being trampled over like this? I can already see laws being written this year to allow TSA to search us before any concert, sporting event, etc.

What is your solution to this?
The same people who are like "man they shouldn't be entering people's houses like that" are the same people who say when a family member or friend gets killed by a someone who escaped from prison, "Damn man how the police not gonna check everyone's home!"
Man. Suspect 1 had a suicide vest on, but his body was riddled with bullets and they tackled/handcuffed him afterwards. You shoot someone with a suicide vest in the chest?

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say they didn't know he had a suicide vest on until AFTER he was apprehended. It was dark, there was a shootout and bombs were going off. I'm thinking if was a little more discreet than this. :lol:

View media item 378299
Probably under his clothing.
That picture is from dude getting out of the boat under his own power and it certainly looks like he's wearing a vest (which is inconsistent) and is covered in blood. They ordered him out of the boat, he complied and almost died in the mean time.

You guys are something else. I can't wait until they show the video of him dropping the bag. Then we will hear some mirror theory where dudes refracted light from Mars to superimpose a backpack.
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That picture is from dude getting out of the boat under his own power and it certainly looks like he's wearing a vest (which is inconsistent) and is covered in blood. They ordered him out of the boat, he complied and almost died in the mean time.

Oh really?

Personally I am freaked out that all it took was 2 guys setting off homemade bombs, and the Feds had the authority to declare martial law on an entire US city.


House to house searches with no warrants?

Military Blackhawk helicopters, tanks and armored vehicles deployed in civilian neighborhoods?

Closing down all businesses and public transportation.

The Govt basically gave above the law permission to do whatever to apprehend these two dudes. Law Enforcement was allowed to harass, search, detain anyone they deemed suspicious with no probable cause.

You guys are all right with our liberties being trampled over like this? I can already see laws being written this year to allow TSA to search us before any concert, sporting event, etc.

We have no control over this **** to begin with.. once the Feds I'd these guys everything to do with law and order gets thrown out the window.
Personally I am freaked out that all it took was 2 guys setting off homemade bombs, and the Feds had the authority to declare martial law on an entire US city.


House to house searches with no warrants?

Military Blackhawk helicopters, tanks and armored vehicles deployed in civilian neighborhoods?

Closing down all businesses and public transportation.

The Govt basically gave above the law permission to do whatever to apprehend these two dudes. Law Enforcement was allowed to harass, search, detain anyone they deemed suspicious with no probable cause.

You guys are all right with our liberties being trampled over like this? I can already see laws being written this year to allow TSA to search us before any concert, sporting event, etc.
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