EXPLOSION @ Boston Marathon

I mean I get that. But again, just cuz they werent in lock down doesnt mean that people were out on the streets ready to record during a shootout. Someone may be that stupid. But I know, unless it is my job to have a video camera on at all times im not pulling out my camera to record a shootout. 

And for what its worth, I heard them say that they were doing the Bolos on different cars that were associated with friends/known acquaintances as well as the civic that he supposedly was in when he met up with his brother where the shootout occured, so that they could be towed away and he wouldnt be able to get to those cars and use them to escape in the case where he may have stashed a getaway car in Watertown to flee. 

But again, Im sure all this comes out when they go to trial and they provide all the evidence to the court and to the public. 
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Some of you guys are ridiculous. You really think the FBI looked at pictures and video from the race and they narrowed these 2 down just because they were 2 of a million people with backpacks on. They have even said that they have video of him dropping a backpack. 
BOSTON — Within hours of the Boston Marathon bombing, investigators were already overwhelmed. Bloody clothing, bags, shoes and other evidence from victims and witnesses were piling up. Videos and still images, thousands of them, were beginning to accumulate.

Quickly, the authorities secured a warehouse in Boston’s Seaport district and filled the sprawling space: On half of the vast floor, hundreds of pieces of bloody clothes were laid out to dry so they could be examined for forensic clues or flown to FBI labs at Quantico in Prince William County for testing. In the other half of the room, more than a dozen investigators sifted through hundreds of hours of video, looking for people “doing things that are different from what everybody else is doing,” Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis said in an interview Saturday.

The work was painstaking and mind-numbing: One agent watched the same segment of video 400 times. The goal was to construct a timeline of images, following possible suspects as they moved along the sidewalks, building a narrative out of a random jumble of pictures from thousands of different phones and cameras.

It took a couple of days, but analysts began to focus on two men in baseball caps who had brought heavy black bags into the crowd near the marathon’s finish line but left without those bags. The decisive moment came on Wednesday afternoon, when Massachusetts Gov. Deval L. Patrick (D) got a call from state police: The investigation had narrowed in on the man who would soon be known as Suspect No. 2, the man whom police captured Friday night bleeding and disoriented on a 22-foot boat in a Watertown driveway.

Patrick said the images of Suspect No. 2 reacting to the first explosion provided “highly incriminating” evidence, “a lot more than the public knows.”
I cant tell if your backing me up or doing a poor job of trying to refute my point?

It clearly says at the end of the article that they have images (whether they are photographic or video) that is [color= rgb(255, 255, 255)]  “highly incriminating” evidence, “a lot more than the public knows.”[/color]

So again, obviously there is more information out there that the public doesnt know about yet. And im sure we will all get to know once it goes to an official trial. 
I cant tell if your backing me up or doing a poor job of trying to refute my point?

It clearly says at the end of the article that they have images (whether they are photographic or video) that is  “highly incriminating” evidence, “a lot more than the public knows.”

So again, obviously there is more information out there that the public doesnt know about yet. And im sure we will all get to know once it goes to an official trial. 
Something else I found interesting in that article that plays off the "highly incriminating evidence".

Davis said he was told that [COLOR=#red]facial-recognition software[/COLOR] did not identify the men in the ball caps. The technology came up empty even though both Tsarnaevs’ images exist in official databases: Dzhokhar had a Massachusetts driver’s license; the brothers had legally immigrated; and Tamerlan had been the subject of some FBI investigation.

Same technology, albeit mentioned in passing, I was supposed to be convinced that we didn't use. :lol:

A Boston PD media relations team would allow the Washington Post to run a story that doesn't mesh? Hell, it says they were in one damn vehicle.
In a violent confrontation with police in Watertown shortly after the carjacking episode, Tamerlan left the SUV, and Dzhokhar, behind the wheel, tried to mow down police officers.
So why are there so many other articles saying they were in two?

I guess these newspapers just do their own thing and release different versions of the same story multiple days after the incident. CNN got hammered for being behind in the events, yet every major media outlet has a different timeline according to reports from the same source, Boston PD.
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Summary of the past week

- ZERO search warrants on door-to-door searchs

I know, what an outrage! The whole city is up in arms. :stoneface:

How do you know know warrants weren't served? Cops went door to door knocking, people let them in voluntarily. Has there been some type of memo I missed that said "no search warrants served in Watertown Friday?"

- A male from the Middle East stops smoking and drinking alcohol = radicalized muslim terrorist

I don't get this one. Who is from the middle east?

- He can't speak, but yet he is being "interrogated"

- 2 men, of which one was killed in cold blood, are being accused of an act of terror without and justifiable evidence beyond the fact they were pictured wearing backpacks, when other people were also videotaped and pictured wearing backpacks

You obviously don't know what the phrase "cold blood" means. Also, you really think all the evidence has been released to the media? You can't be serious :lol:

We already know evidence has been seized from their apartment, their relatives, the crime scene(s), etc...wait until the trial until you form an opinion of the strength of the case. Because right now, the general public knows a lot less than we think we do.
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Wait....you mean to tell me that the Feds know more about this case than the public does? What happens if I want an answer immediately? I guess it's back to theorizing that everyone involved was a paid actor.
Summary of the past week

- Bostonians love martial law
- ZERO search warrants on door-to-door searchs
- A male from the Middle East stops smoking and drinking alcohol = radicalized muslim terrorist
- Miranda Rights are not needed for a US citizen because of "public safety exception", which make no sense considering he can't be tried as a "combatant"
- He can't speak, but yet he is being "interrogated"
- 2 men, of which one was killed in cold blood, are being accused of an act of terror without and justifiable evidence beyond the fact they were pictured wearing backpacks, when other people were also videotaped and pictured wearing backpacks
- The U.S. is now a "battlefield" (according to Rep. Peter King of this morning) in a war that has never been declared legally

you sound like them dopeboys moms who gets angry because her son was a saint and somebody just up and decided to blast on him while he was out on the block at 3am.
Boston bomb suspect checked for link to 2011 murders -prosecutor

Authorities are investigating whether the Boston Marathon bombing suspect who died after a shootout with police had any connection to an unsolved triple homicide in suburban Boston in 2011, a spokeswoman for prosecutors said on Monday.

The 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev, identified by the FBI as one of two brothers suspected in last Monday's blasts, was a close friend of one of three men who were stabbed in the neck in an apartment in Waltham, Massachusetts in September, 2011.

At the time, the Middlesex County District Attorney's office said it appeared that the victims knew their assailant or assailants and that the attacks were not random.



As far as how he's being "interrogated"

Boston bombing suspect communicating, source says

Despite being seriously wounded and heavily sedated, the surviving suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings is answering brief questions from authorities by nodding his head, a source with first-hand knowledge of the investigation told CNN Monday.



in reference to the Miranda Rights:

NEW YORK – The American Civil Liberties Union reacted to the apprehension of the suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing and statements from federal officials that he would be questioned without being read his Miranda rights.

"The ACLU shares the public's relief that the suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings has been apprehended," said Anthony D. Romero, ACLU executive director.

"Every criminal defendant is entitled to be read Miranda rights. The public safety exception should be read narrowly. It applies only when there is a continued threat to public safety and is not an open-ended exception to the Miranda rule. Additionally, every criminal defendant has a right to be brought before a judge and to have access to counsel. We must not waver from our tried-and-true justice system, even in the most difficult of times. Denial of rights is un-American and will only make it harder to obtain fair convictions.

"Our thoughts remain with the victims of this tragedy and with the entire Boston community."


Even though he was apprehended and his brother was killed, there is NO guarantee that they weren't part of a larger cell and the public's safety isn't compromised going forward.

Yes, it's a slippery slope...but I side with the Feds on this one.

and as I typed that, I came across this tweet:

Patty Culhane ‏@PattyCulhane 7m

Carney says the Boston bombing suspect will not be tried as an enemy combatant

*edit 2.0*

BOSTON (CBS) - Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has been formally charged in the Boston Marathon bombings, according to CBS News.

Tsarnaev, 19, was arraigned in his bed at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

The specific charges are not yet public. They are currently sealed until his first appearance in court.

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As far as how he's being "interrogated"


in reference to the Miranda Rights:

Even though he was apprehended and his brother was killed, there is NO guarantee that they weren't part of a larger cell and the public's safety isn't compromised going forward.

Yes, it's a slippery slope...but I side with the Feds on this one.

and as I typed that, I came across this tweet:
*edit 2.0*
is the judge gonna visit him bedside? wonder how long he'll be in the hospital considering he's on a ventilator
The prospect of him being held without Miranda Rights is a lot scarier than some of you people realize.  I too want his finger nails pulled out, but once they use the public safety exception like that and that precedent is set...

Sure, it's nbd right now.  We all want this dude drilled because we all want answers.  But when that stretch of "there could be a larger cell in play" gets turned back on "suspected gang members" everyone might change their tune.
more details coming out...

"Boston Marathon bombing suspects spared carjacking victim because 'he wasn't American,' police report shows"


"Otherwise, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said on Monday Boston bombing suspect Dzokhar Tsarnaev will not be tried as an enemy combatant.

"He will not be treated as an enemy combatant," Carney said. "We will prosecute this terrorist through civilian system of justice. Under U.S. law, United States citizens cannot be tried in military commissions. It is important to remember since 9/11, we have used the federal court system to convict and incarcerate hundreds of terrorists.""

The prospect of him being held without Miranda Rights is a lot scarier than some of you people realize.  I too want his finger nails pulled out, but once they use the public safety exception like that and that precedent is set...

Sure, it's nbd right now.  We all want this dude drilled because we all want answers.  But when that stretch of "there could be a larger cell in play" gets turned back on "suspected gang members" everyone might change their tune.

Like I said...it's a slippery slope, and they are allowed those rights due to the Constitution, but at the end of the day it's about the safety of others. I think this case is 100% different than assuming that it could be used on suspected gang members.
I know, what an outrage! The whole city is up in arms. indifferent.gif

How do you know know warrants weren't served? Cops went door to door knocking, people let them in voluntarily. Has there been some type of memo I missed that said "no search warrants served in Watertown Friday?"

You think a judge signed off on 50,000 search warrants? :rolleyes

Voluntarily? They are walking around with to quote president Obama "weapons of war". :lol:

I don't get this one. Who is from the middle east?

What dont you get? He's middle eastern looking, and they assumed he was from the middle east before they knew he was from Chechnya.

Written replies during interrogation do not hold up in court.

You obviously don't know what the phrase "cold blood" means. Also, you really think all the evidence has been released to the media? You can't be serious laugh.gif

We already know evidence has been seized from their apartment, their relatives, the crime scene(s), etc...wait until the trial until you form an opinion of the strength of the case. Because right now, the general public knows a lot less than we think we do.

The guy had a whole city of police armed with "weapons of war", that isn't provoking? We don't even know if he was really armed. They took computer, big deal. That doesn't incriminate him. He probably has stuff on there that is in a different language, which won't prove anything because the government's experts will interpret the way they want us to see it.
"The FBI did not know that Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the older Boston Marathon bombing suspect who was killed in a firefight last week, took a six-month trip to Russia because his name was misspelled, Sen. Lindsey Graham said."


FBI is making the trolling too obvious now :lol:
"The FBI did not know that Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the older Boston Marathon bombing suspect who was killed in a firefight last week, took a six-month trip to Russia because his name was misspelled, Sen. Lindsey Graham said."


FBI is making the trolling too obvious now :lol:

No way that's believable
The prospect of him being held without Miranda Rights is a lot scarier than some of you people realize.  I too want his finger nails pulled out, but once they use the public safety exception like that and that precedent is set...

Sure, it's nbd right now.  We all want this dude drilled because we all want answers.  But when that stretch of "there could be a larger cell in play" gets turned back on "suspected gang members" everyone might change their tune.
Like I said...it's a slippery slope, and they are allowed those rights due to the Constitution, but at the end of the day it's about the safety of others. I think this case is 100% different than assuming that it could be used on suspected gang members.
it isn't though.

the argument for invoking the public safety exception is they could have co-conspirators somewhere plotting.  there was no immediate danger.  Both known suspects were in custody or dead, and they didn't really have a reason to suspect there were any other bombs planted anywhere that hadn't been discovered.

now imagine arresting someone you suspect was involved in a gang incident earlier.  they could invoke the public safety exception with the justification that there are other gang members somewhere planning a retaliation and innocents could be caught in the middle.  the justification is the same.  There may be others out there that could cause harm to the greater public. there wasnt any evidence towards that but the fear that it was possible is why they invoked it.

the two scenarios are different, yes, but how much of a stretch is one from the other? and that's just me coming up with a hypo on the spot.  there's countless other situations where this could come into play. especially involving us citizens who are held as terrorists or militia.

this isn't even about these specific terrorists at this point. law enforcers and judges just need to be careful how they handle the situation because of the greater overall implications it could have.
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"The FBI did not know that Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the older Boston Marathon bombing suspect who was killed in a firefight last week, took a six-month trip to Russia because his name was misspelled, Sen. Lindsey Graham said."


FBI is making the trolling too obvious now :lol:

No way that's believable

It's not believable because conspiracy theorists/people not knoweledgeable about government agencies think the FBI is some hyped up ultimate force that doesn't make clerical/human errors.
"The FBI did not know that Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the older Boston Marathon bombing suspect who was killed in a firefight last week, took a six-month trip to Russia because his name was misspelled, Sen. Lindsey Graham said."


FBI is making the trolling too obvious now :lol:

No way that's believable

It's not believable because conspiracy theorists/people not knoweledgeable about government agencies think the FBI is some hyped up ultimate force that doesn't make clerical/human errors.
Both known suspects? They were questioning dude as of yesterday about whether or not there were more explosives and also if they were part of a larger network. I get what you're saying but i have no issue with his miranda rights being waived.
You think a judge signed off on 50,000 search warrants? :rolleyes

They don't need search warrants if the home owners voluntarily let them enter the house to do a safety check. If the homeowners refused officers entrance, then they would need to go to plan B. I'm assuming the majority of Watertown residents were more than happy to accommodate the authorities in their efforts to track down the brothers. Wouldn't you agree? You think everyone went all Macy Gray in Training Day and demanded warrants for the cops to do a quick sweep? :rofl:

What dont you get? He's middle eastern looking, and they assumed he was from the middle east before they knew he was from Chechnya.

What does a middle eastern person look like? :lol:

And how do you know what they assumed?

Written replies during interrogation do not hold up in court.

Written confession do though :tongue:

They took computer, big deal. That doesn't incriminate him. He probably has stuff on there that is in a different language, which won't prove anything because the government's experts will interpret the way they want us to see it.

Not sure if serious.
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