EXPLOSION @ Boston Marathon

If anyone hasn't realized, the Boston PD, while showing extreme courage and dedication, botched a SIGNIFICANT number of situations during this event. From press conference inaccuracies to tactical miscalculations, they are extremely fortunate that no additional lives were lost. However, using these oversights as reasons to prove a false flag cover-up is simply stupid.
Republicans have got me worried. This whole enemy combatant crap and saying hings like we are on a battlefield and we are at war with radical Islam.

Not a good look. Trying to keep us in a permanent state of war?
Republicans have got me worried. This whole enemy combatant crap and saying hings like we are on a battlefield and we are at war with radical Islam.

What a bunch of idiots.

4 people just got shot in Akron execution style last week, are we also at war with those insane killers?

:x :smh: this country is ran by idiots.
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Eventually, Tamerlan Tsarnaev emerged from cover and began walking toward officers, firing as he went, the chief said.

When he ran out of ammunition, officers tackled him and tried to handcuff him, Deveau said Saturday.

But then, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev came barreling at them in the stolen vehicle, the chief said. The officers scrambled out of the way, and the vehicle then ran over the older brother and dragged him for a short distance.

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This whole Boston bombing thing is so scripted and fake, I have lost complete faith in this country man.

I feel bad for those serving in the military; being used as toys and pawns.

This country is a damn shame.
What a bunch of idiots.

4 people just got shot in Akron execution style last week, are we also at war with those insane killers?

this country is ran by idiots.
Ran by a much more powerful force behind the scenes...in short it's like the front on the corner selling drugs hand to hand. 

But everybody knows somebody with more clout is bringing the supply to the little man to sell and make his crumbs.

So the whole time the little man thinks he has something going on. The little man in this case is the US, and the US government is like the crumbs at the table. But the government knows it's a front, but the citizens are being misled to think the government offers actual protection, and we're lead to think we have something going on. But the real power happens to be the Saudi government.

This **** has been in place since the Gulf War. That was a farce, and we are being played everyday by the media. I for not one second believed the official story coming from any of the major outlets. 
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I guess we can all agree to disagree that something about this whole case/bombing just isn't adding up. I never been one to go off conspiracies but i some times think it'd be kinda foolish not too. I'm an all American citizen first but the U.S government is ran by man an man when placed in the right positions have been know to do some real €#*%!* up $%%!. Point of the matter is, if the FBI has been keeping tabs on these two men for 3-5yrs an yet they were still able to let a couple bombs off then we failed.. $#*% your Gun law
This whole Boston bombing thing is so scripted and fake, I have lost complete faith in this country man.

I feel bad for those serving in the military; being used as toys and pawns.

This country is a damn shame.
Tell that to the four families who will never see their son or daughter again.

You think it was fake when Kyrstle Campbell's family watched her being buried at the age of 29?

Get the hell out of here with that BS.

Now you get the image why people don't think conspiracy people respect the deceased.
Locking down a city to save people from perceived danger = Martial Law?

Yall gotta stop with the Alex Jones "trigger words" b.
What a bunch of idiots.

4 people just got shot in Akron execution style last week, are we also at war with those insane killers?

:x :smh: this country is ran by idiots.

How do you know those 4 people were actually shot...maybe they were actors? :nerd:

How do you know the Akron government & Lebron James wasnt behind the whole thing to create a false flag to get Phil Jackson to coach the Cavaliers? :nerd:

Hey Im just asking questions. Dont be so quick to believe what the mediaaaaaaa tells you :nerd:

it's a conspiracy if the government wants to increase monitoring of private citizens.

it's also a conspiracy if the government doesn't do enough monitoring to stop people.

if we catch a terrorist before he acts, it's a setup by the government to scare the public.

if we don't catch them in time, it's a false flag operation.

is there a scenario under which you could imagine some human committing a crime under his own volition? or have you not attained the ability to understand human faults so instead you attribute everything bad to some boogie man pulling the strings, who's name changes like the wind. some days it's weapon manufactures, other days it's oil countries. sometimes it's defense or surveillance contractors. or the government. or, if all else fails, it's "them."

let me offer an alternative. it's "us." it's human nature. it happens because of who and what human is.

yes, this includes the occasional corruption and conspiracy. but when you are continuously intellectually dishonest, when you keep crying wolf, when you mention random meaningless coincidences as if they're significant, when you claim that everything bad in life is some conspiracy, you do a disservice to people hoping to uncover any real conspiracy or corruption.

What a bunch of idiots.

4 people just got shot in Akron execution style last week, are we also at war with those insane killers?

:x :smh: this country is ran by idiots.

You mean it's run by idiots? :nerd:

This whole Boston bombing thing is so scripted and fake, I have lost complete faith in this country man.

I feel bad for those serving in the military; being used as toys and pawns.

This country is a damn shame.

Aww poor us having to reside in the United States :lol:

You should just make the move to Kabul now. You talk a big game. Grow a set and just leave.
This whole Boston bombing thing is so scripted and fake, I have lost complete faith in this country man.

I feel bad for those serving in the military; being used as toys and pawns.

This country is a damn shame.

Seriously, aren't there certain requirements that need to be met to be a mod?
This whole Boston bombing thing is so scripted and fake, I have lost complete faith in this country man.

I feel bad for those serving in the military; being used as toys and pawns.

This country is a damn shame.
That's what the people who run this site think?
Locking down a city to save people from perceived danger = Martial Law?

Yall gotta stop with the Alex Jones "trigger words" b.
Alex Jones.  

I don't keep up with him, but has he changed his story now?  Right after this happened, dude claimed that this was staged to blame Right Wing groups.  Buddy even said that he called it.  

Buuuuut....it wasn't Right Wingers, Alex.  
Ran by a much more powerful force behind the scenes...in short it's like the front on the corner selling drugs hand to hand. 

But everybody knows somebody with more clout is bringing the supply to the little man to sell and make his crumbs.

So the whole time the little man thinks he has something going on. The little man in this case is the US, and the US government is like the crumbs at the table. But the government knows it's a front, but the citizens are being misled to think the government offers actual protection, and we're lead to think we have something going on. But the real power happens to be the Saudi government.

This **** has been in place since the Gulf War. That was a farce, and we are being played everyday by the media. I for not one second believed the official story coming from any of the major outlets. 

See the thing is, I believe most of what you are saying. The government is extremely shady and has been bought off for about 40 or so years give or take.

A small group of elite people run our lives and we live off of crumbs while the poor fight the wars and we fall for this stupid 2 party system

But I don't think this event has anything to do with it

Now maybe they will use it to their advantage. But I dunno I just think some guy couldn't assimilate and Was influenced to make a crude bomb. Dragging along his bro for the ride. I don't see anything crazy weird about this situation
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