F1 Official Thread - Grand Prix of Britain

what an ending....

Vettel really needs to get his emotions under control. It's embarrassing how he's swearing about everything. He even called Fernando an idiot during practice on Friday
Vettel lost P3, because of a rule that was established due to the driving style of Verstappen and now Vettel is even behind Max in the race :rofl:
That was mad... Never seen a) a driver go off like that to Race Control and b) Seb lose it light that.  I mean, I get that he was upset and that most drivers would have given that spot back.  Max could have 'settled' for a 4th, but got 5th.  But I agree, the penalties weren't consistent.  I actually saw Lewis and Max's cut of T1 worse than Nico cutting T2.  From what I can remember, Nico and Max were side-by-side heading into T1 and it seemed like Max pushed Nico wide.  When you're side-by-side, gotta leave the other guy room!  Lewis didn't gain or lose a place on lap one, but he did increase his gap.  

As for Seb's subsequent penalty... I didn't think it was a bad as some of Max's moves, but he still moved in the braking zone which is a no-no.  Max tends to save it for a late line-change... a sudden move, while Seb's was more of a gradual squeeze of Ric.  

Man of the Match obvs goes to Max cuz he gave us all that excitement! 
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Anybody watching the second practice? It's hilarious.
Fernando is chilling on the circuit again, after his car failed.
He tried out as a camera man and failed :lol: The images were blurred. Awesome dude.
That was tense. Pole by a tenth and a wet race tomorrow.

The dream is not dead.

Not yet anyway :smh:
Good quali... Nico was up/green after S2, so I thought he had it... then lost a tenth in S3.  Still very close.  

Disappointing for Button though... should be much closer to ALO.
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What's about Toto calling Verstappen's dad to tell him to be careful :lol:

60 Poles for Lewis too and Pole trophy .
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^ :rofl: :rofl:

Edit: Interlagos is such a cool track, literally right in the city :pimp:
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H3I dihsbajzvqkVeozhdkx

:wow: :wow: :wow:

OMG what a race so far...

Edit: I don't think this rain will stop anytime soon. Will they cancel the race?
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