agreed. i personally don't respect any person with vast wealth who do little to nothing to better society, especially when the economic disparities are increasing between rich and poor. NYC, the gap is the biggest and has been increasing every year.

being rich and not giving a **** about people is one thing. but if ur rich and repping a city all the time publicly, but don't do **** for that city, that commands little respect imo.

and im not even talking about buying new computers for a classroom n **** and getting some press coverage to better your public talking about real impact. like work with the city to create more after school programs, create a REAL scholarship program that helps kids study something meaningful (STEM field). a kid who graduates an engineer is the best ROI you could ever ask for.

dude is worth half a billion dollars, and prolly close to a billy with beyonce. and now that i think about it, he sort of has this yeezy mentality, where he just wants a seat at the table with those who have, and not give a **** about those who don't. that lowkey house negro mentality...

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nothing wrong with being rich. i support a capitalist economy although i don't have anything against a socialist one either, word to cuba. but there is only so much u can do with money to live it up. help a brotha out, word to warren buffet and his notion of too much money to spend.

[i have nothing against this


i have a problem with this


You're 100% spot on but here's my thing.....

There are zero, count 'em zero black American male billionaires.

And only one black American billionaire.

So honestly? I can't knock him. People EXPECT him to start divvying up that pie before he's like these rich white bankers. How many ******g decades did it take before these rich white men start to give back? How many years did they and their families spend exploiting the system before they gave back? Hell rich Jewish dudes don't even put their money back into American inner-citties, guys like Sheldon Adelson give their money STRICTLY to Israel. :lol:

Why suddenly does Jay got to be held to a different standard? Because all along he acted like he'd be different? O rly, I guess in all that self-promoting, self-righteous rap he spit all his career must've gone over a lot of heads. He never promised none of that, this isn't Nas, this is Jay.

Maybe when he's got 3 billion in the bank he'll start giving back but until then I can't honestly knock him for exploiting his own fan-base until he gets there. I mean damn it, it's the god damned American way. Hell white people exploit their own, white women have been exploited by white men for decades. As long as the hood is enamored with Jay-Z he's going to continue to get this money.
Let's take a trip down memory, lane at the cemetery
Rain grey skies, seems at the end of every
young black life is this line, "Damn - him already?
Such a good kid," got us pouring Henn' already
Liquor to the curb for my, ****** up above
When it, cracks through the pavement that's my way of sendin love
So, give Big a hug, tell Aa-liyah I said hi
'Til the next time I see her, on the other side
He was just some thug that, caught some slugs
And we loved him cause, in him we, saw some of us
He walked like us, talked like us
His back against the wall, ***** fought like us - damn
Poor Isis, that's his momma name
Momma ain't strong enough to raise no boy, what's his father name?
Shorty never knew him, though he had his blood in him
Hot temper, momma said he act just like her husband
Daddy never ****** with him, so the streets raised him
Isis blaming herself, she wish she could've saved him
Damn near impossible, only men can raise men
He was his own man, not even him can save him
He put his faith in a, thirty-eight in his waist
But when you live by the gun you die by the same fate
End up, dead before thirty-eight and umm
That's the life of us raised by winter, it's a cold world
Old girl turned to coke, tried to smoke her pain away
Isis, life just, ended on that rainy day
When she got the news her boy body could be viewed
down at the City Morgue, opened the drawer, saw him nude
Her addiction grew, prescription drugs, shift and brew
Angel dust, dipped in WOO!
She slipped into, her own fantasy world
Had herself pregnant by a different dude
But reality bites and, this is her life
He wasn't really her husband, though he called her wife
It was just this night when, moon was full
And the stars were just right, and the dress was real tight
Had her sounding like Lisa Lisa - I wonder if I take you home
will you still love me after this night?
Mike was the hardhead from the around the way
that she wanted all her life, **** she wanted all the hype
Used to hold on tight when he wheelied on the bike
He was a Willie all her life he wasn't really the one to like
It was a, dude named Shy who would really treat her right
He wanted to run to the country to escape the city life
But I-sis, like this, Broadway life
She loved the Gucci sneakers, the red green and whites
Hangin out the window when she first seen him fight
She was so turned on that she had to shower twice
How ironic it would, be some fight that
turned into a homicide that'll alter their life
See Mike at thirty-two was still on the scene
Had a son fifteen that he never saw twice
Sure he saw him as an infant, but he dissed on him like
"If that was my son, he would look much different.
See I'm light-skinned and that baby there's dark
so it's, momma's baby; poppa's maybe."
Mike was still crazy out there running the streets (**** ****** want?)
Had his old reliable with thirty-eight gun in his reach
It's been fourteen years, him and Isis ain't speak
He running around like life's a peach, 'til one day
he approached this thug that, had a mean mug
And it looked so familiar that he called him "Young Cuz"
Told him, get off the strip but the boy ain't budge (**** you)
Instead he pulled out a newer thirty-eight snub
He clearly had the drop but the boy just paused (hold up)
There was somethin in this man's face he knew he seen before
It's like, lookin in the mirror seeing hisself more mature
And he took it as a sign from the almighty Lord
You know what they say about he who hesitates in war
(What's that?) He who hesitates is lost
He can't explain what he saw before his picture went blank
The old man didn't think he just followed his instinct
Six shots into his kid, out of the gun
****** be a father, you're Killing your son
Six shots into his kid, out of the gun
****** be a father, you Killing your sons
There you go...a whole Jay z song. does this not mean anything to you? is this not a cautionary tale of being a father in the hood? but you won't give Jay's words that same respect because you lived through it. When Malcom spoke, he had people just like you saying "He's stupid, don't listen to him, how could anyone listen to this drug dealing, slick talking, bean pie selling ex con?" But... here we are ten years later realizing how profound what he said actually was...but each their own. I've read/listened to as many of the great orators as I can in my short lifetime, and I will def. continue...and I'm telling you, after careful study, analysis, debate...some of these rappers and comedians words are just as profound as some of the greatest writers in history, however, they will never get shine because of their medium.
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Maybe when he's got 3 billion in the bank he'll start giving back but until then I can't honestly knock him for exploiting his own fan-base until he gets there. I mean damn it, it's the god damned American way. Hell white people exploit their own, white women have been exploited by white men for decades. As long as the hood is enamored with Jay-Z he's going to continue to get this money.

That is the problem. In general, this American culture of exploitation has primarily benefited only a very small group of people. This is like not knocking a black slave plantation owner in the 1800s, just because "it is the American way". Just because something is the "American way" does not mean it is good for your people. Black people adopting the American culture of greed and selfishness has not been beneficial to us.

To go one step further, you statement that white women have been exploited by white men seems to imply that "white is right". That because a white person exploits another person, this is fine and should be the moral standard that one should hold themselves to.
There you go...a whole Jay z song. does this not mean anything to you? is this not a good story about what it means to be a father?

Song has very little do with what it means to be a father but w/e. I mean really what the **** does this have to do with ACTUALLY being a father bruh? Splain'.
Son I could find a f****** lil b lyric and compare it somehow to got damb nietchze if I wanted.
I like jay z...but hes just an entertainer to me.

I mean if thats your idol thats cool and all but damn.

That is the problem. In general, this American culture of exploitation has primarily benefited only a very small group of people. This is like not knocking a black slave plantation owner in the 1800s, just because "it is the American way". Just because something is the "American way" does not mean it is good for your people. Black people adopting the American culture of greed and selfishness has not been beneficial to us.

To go one step further, you statement that white women have been exploited by white men seems to imply that "white is right". That because a white person exploits another person, this is fine and should be the moral standard that one should hold themselves to.

But that's the thing, is there any other way but their way?

You're right, the American culture of exploitation has primarily benefitted only a very small group of people. Before this country thrived mainly because of a strong middle class, now a small group of individuals have more money than the entire American middle class.

So again, is there any other way but their way?

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There's a better graph I'm looking for, can't recall where I saw it but it better demonstrated the stark contrast in wealth distribution between past and present America.
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"Benzs around corners where the sun don't shine / I let the wheels give a glimps of hope to one's grind"

Song has very little do with what it means to be a father but w/e. I mean really what the **** does this have to do with ACTUALLY being a father bruh? Splain'.
He spawns a child, rejects him, later in life, after he gets out of jail, his son runs up on him and he's forced to kill his son..."*****'s be a father your'e killing your son"  by not being there, by not manning up and taking responsibility to raise your son, "you're kiling your son" I can't be the only one who sees I really can't, either I'm super smart, or people just like ignoring this stuff...

And as far as lil b goes, if he says something profound, then I'm on i said, I don't care who said it, I care about what that person said. Are all men not created equal because Thomas Jefferson had Slaves?
That is the problem. In general, this American culture of exploitation has primarily benefited only a very small group of people. This is like not knocking a black slave plantation owner in the 1800s, just because "it is the American way". Just because something is the "American way" does not mean it is good for your people. Black people adopting the American culture of greed and selfishness has not been beneficial to us.

To go one step further, you statement that white women have been exploited by white men seems to imply that "white is right". That because a white person exploits another person, this is fine and should be the moral standard that one should hold themselves to.

But that's the thing, is there any other way but their way?

You're right, the American culture of exploitation has primarily benefitted only a very small group of people. Before this country thrived mainly because of a strong middle class, now a small group of individuals have more money than the entire American middle class.

So again, is there any other way but their way?

Yes, there is. Look at the Asians, Koreans, etc and the way many of them come over here and start business that are run by their family. Look at the Black culture in America before desegregation, Black Wall Street, etc.
Call me as crazy as you want. But I challenge you...which I doubt most of you will do...go back and read almost all of Malcom X's speeches, then go back and read all of Jay-z lyrics. Are they the same? No. But do they generally have the same message, do they generally speak on the same injustices...yes... are they equally as me...yes.

We look at Malcom X after he went to Jail, much like we look at Jay for MCHG...but look at what Malcom was man thought for a long long time White people were created by an evil scientist in Africa....really? Like that doesn't sound crazy to people? Malcom followed, enthusiastically, the nation of Islam...their leader manipulated young women and essentially enslaved them for multiple women...yet Jay gets flack for Barney's...Malcom ain't ditch the Honorable Elijiah Muhammad when it came out The Honorable eligiah Muhammad was essentially enslaving young girls...but nah...Jay is a scumbag because something he was associated was I hate having to breakdown these dudes faults because that's not fair, nor is it what it is about..but you look at beliefs actually read history....actually learn...I feel like a damn crazy person because I know about these leaders (at least Malcom and Martin) and I see how crazy they were....but all anyone knows...hell I doubt if anyone knows anything about Malcom, but Martin is all "I have a dream" but behind closed doors my man was banging white hookers like it was going out of style...

@SneakerHeathen Thats why I call people a hater. Like, if you don't like the song, thats one thing, but to say the song has nothing to do with being a father? You're dense. it's cool though...i would just hate to think like you.
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He spawns a child, rejects him, later in life, after he gets out of jail, his son runs up on him and he's forced to kill his son..."*****'s be a father your'e killing your son"  by not being there, by not manning up and taking responsibility to raise your son, "you're kiling your son" I can't be the only one who sees I really can't, either I'm super smart, or people just like ignoring this stuff...

And as far as lil b goes, if he says something profound, then I'm on i said, I don't care who said it, I care about what that person said. Are all men not created equal because Thomas Jefferson had Slaves?

Blah blah blah. Song has absolutely nothing to do with being a father in any realistic application. Most fans get caught up in the glorification, the story-telling, they miss that oh so profound Malcom X-esque message you're claiming he's sending.

Yes, there is. Look at the Asians, Koreans, etc and the way many of them come over here and start business that are run by their family. Look at the Black culture in America before desegregation, Black Wall Street, etc.

K, but before they gave back, before they started donating to their alma-maters and setting up non-profits through their businesses they became billionaires first right?

And even then they still make a profit when you buy their product. The Cherngs for example, every time you buy some sesame chicken from Panda Express only a minute portion of that money paid turns into proceeds for hospitals and schools. Gotta cop that double entree plate first tho....

I mean Jin Soon and Do Won Chang made damn sure they got their money first before changing Forever 21 labor practices. Took a while before those sweat shops closed and they stopped exploiting people.

There are very few Patrick Soon-Shiongs in this world. Guys who would literally give the shirt off their back for their fellow man, regardless of color or creed.

Hopefully in our lifetimes we'll see quite a few black male American billionaires emerge. I'm not expecting Hov to be the one who changes the world though.
no one here knows the man and most people download his album for free anyways

so where in your lives do you have to trust jay z?

if your friends are untrustworthy thats a problem

if your girl is untrustworthy thats a problem

but if a rapper is untrustworthy it has no effect on you at all, unless of course you want to get worked up over it for no reason
Not even going to get into this nonsense..

I just hope when he donates it's more than just a tax write off
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