being 30 means hip hop not cool no mo?

Where you listening to him this entire time? Its ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT MATERIAL ITEMS. Shows who even listens to music

You must have misread bro. Where I am at now in my life, most hip hop music does not appeal to me. Ilook at life differently now. And you missed the word "anymore" in my over-materialism comment implying that it didn't bother me when I was listening to his music when I was younger.
Yeah Jay-Z is a rag to riches story but it aint a positive one. Why would anyone look up to this cat?

From jacking everyone lyrics to selling out Jaz-O & Dame Dash and BRAGGING that mafioso **** in every track. Its hard to respect this Camel. That new cologne from Barneys smells wack and Eminem & Nas kill this cat with every CD they come out with. :lol: 20 years in the rap game aint that impressive if your music has been a little above average your whole career.
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People brag all it time it's different ways of doing so, what person who's successful hasn't bragged about what they have in some type of way?
Cats don't like rappers rapping about what rappers rap about nowadays huh :lol:

So if people can pull up press clipping on top of press clipping showing Jay Z giving back and doing charitable work or having foundations, does that negate the "Hov doesn't give back" argument?
Cats act like Jay-z came to their house and killed their puppy. I feel like those that dislike Jay are so much more rustled than those that like Jay. How can you tell someone else who they should admire? Who they should look up to? Look at your life...look at their life...then decide. It's so funny, to me, all the people I know that are Jay fans are generally doing well in their life, whether they hated him at first, but then started to like him later, or they were with Jay from day one...while those that I know who hated Jay  are generally in the same position they were in....just an anectdotal observation on those in my life.

I really want to say it's a maturity thing....or  a mindset thing...either way I'm life will be ok and I will continue to listen to Jay and work toward the success I've already started achieving listening to him everyday like I did before.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a good life, I going to continue to look up to Jay-Z....I'll be ok...
No jay isn't materialistic you're just jealous

So what he constantly raps about uber luxury if you can't relate you're jealous

If you don't think Bey is one of the 5 best looking women in this whole country you're jealous

Not sure if you're being serious. Assuming you are then you got a different way of thinking bro. Just because I don't care for someones music or bragging doesn't mean I am jealous. I just choose not to listen anymore. He doesn't line up with where I am trying to go in my spiritual life. Since we don't line up anymore I I choose to listen to music that either glorifys love or God or not listen to music at all. Jay is and has always been very talented. I just ain't feeling his message anymore.
Yeah Jay-Z is a rag to riches story but it aint a positive one. Why would anyone look up to this cat?

From jacking everyone lyrics to selling out Jaz-O & Dame Dash and BRAGGING that mafioso **** in every track. Its hard to respect this Camel. That new cologne from Barneys smells wack and Eminem & Nas kill this cat with every CD they come out with. :lol: 20 years in the rap game aint that impressive if your music has been a little above average your whole career.

Since hip hop began lyrics have been "jacked" (recycled) that's nothing new
Many artists sample instrumentals thats pretty much jacking too Nas and Eminem killing him with every CD? I wouldn't say all of that
Here's the problem...when you dudes prop these rappers up, or put them on pedestals, you are setting YOURSELF up for disappointment when those rappers don't live up to YOUR expectations outside of what they were originally paid to do. Which is make music. No need to get your jimmies rustled over something or someone who doesn't have your best interest at hand. Take Jay-Z for what he is...a rapper.
Manet was not a real artist. He jacked so many concepts and ideas. Just look at his Olympia.

I feel where y'all are coming from.
The crazy thing to me is, when it's Jay he's just a rapper, but when it's Langston Hughes...who literally did the same thing, wrote poetry on paper, just didn't set it to a beat, it's somehow more than just a poem. But of course...we didn't live through that time period so it's romantic, he was more than he actually was, we didn't have twitter to see his misteps, we didn't have TMZ to expose all his faults.

People never recognize history when it happens, but history will tell you what matters.
Cats act like Jay-z came to their house and killed their puppy. I feel like those that dislike Jay are so much more rustled than those that like Jay. How can you tell someone else who they should admire? Who they should look up to? Look at your life...look at their life...then decide. It's so funny, to me, all the people I know that are Jay fans are generally doing well in their life, whether they hated him at first, but then started to like him later, or they were with Jay from day one...while those that I know who hated Jay  are generally in the same position they were in....just an anectdotal observation on those in my life.

I really want to say it's a maturity thing....or  a mindset thing...either way I'm life will be ok and I will continue to listen to Jay and work toward the success I've already started achieving listening to him everyday like I did before.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a good life, I going to continue to look up to Jay-Z....I'll be ok...

You really can't be serious

You really believe this stupid ****? Like somehow his music makes u successful? I know die hard fans of Jay who are deadbeat losers

And ofcourse people couldn't possibly dislike him because they don't like his music or things he does nope they're immature

You're a funny dude
See...thats why it's called anectdoctal, I don't know the people in your life, but I knwo the people in mine, a general statement of my personal experience, the people that I've met in my life that listen to Jay seem to be more successful than the people that don't. ...

I know for a fact Jay has had a profound impact on my life, about as much as Martin or Malcom or Socrates or Hume or Angelou or a bunch of other people you probably don't care about...people can dislike him for whatever reason they want, but people who constantly watch his career just to say "See he's not that great" are losers to me.

Leave it at his not liking his music, don't make up these personal things "He looks like a camel" thats what kids say on the playground. I don't think you guys read very well.

Then I spend all this time defending how I feel about Jay because you seem so bent that Jay can't/has never done any good in anyone's life...but I'm standing here telling you thats false...I'm pulling up articles about his charitble givings... when you sit and ignore blatant facts you sound like a hater.

I've known rivers:

I've known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins.

My soul has grown deep like the rivers.

I bathed in the Euphrates when dawns were young.

I built my hut near the Congo and it lulled me to sleep.

I looked upon the Nile and raised the pyramids above it.

I heard the singing of the Mississippi when Abe Lincoln went down to New Orleans, and I've seen its muddy bosom turn all golden in the sunset.

I've known rivers: Ancient, dusky rivers. My soul has grown deep like the rivers.

Let's take a trip down memory, lane at the cemetery
Rain grey skies, seems at the end of every
young black life is this line, "Damn - him already?
Such a good kid," got us pouring Henn' already
Liquor to the curb for my, ****** up above
When it, cracks through the pavement that's my way of sendin love
So, give Big a hug, tell Aa-liyah I said hi
'Til the next time I see her, on the other side
He was just some thug that, caught some slugs
And we loved him cause, in him we, saw some of us
He walked like us, talked like us
His back against the wall, ***** fought like us - damn
Poor Isis, that's his momma name
Momma ain't strong enough to raise no boy, what's his father name?
Shorty never knew him, though he had his blood in him
Hot temper, momma said he act just like her husband
Daddy never ****** with him, so the streets raised him
Isis blaming herself, she wish she could've saved him
Damn near impossible, only men can raise men...

Explain the difference outside one came during the Harlem Renisance and the other came during the drug era....
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If someone is hoping that Jay Z's music can make them successful, then I wish that person all the L's I'm the world cause that person is sitting around waiting for something and not getting it.

Now, listening to FUTW while running a few miles can be SUPER motivational for the rest of your day. Or blasting F Wit Me U Know I Got It I'm the whip when your on your way to a very important meeting is pretty fun and can take some pressure out of the situation and even smooth out some nerves.
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I think you can only exploit your demographic so much without giving back in a meaningful way before they turn on you. Hov's acquired wealth off of our culture, without really doing anything to better it. This dude should be building schools in Brooklyn or something.

When you've reached the heights he has reached off of the support of your people you have a duty to return and make things better than you had it. I don't think he's lived up to that duty, and the constant bragging about brands no one has even heard of, is just making the people spiteful.

agreed. i personally don't respect any person with vast wealth who do little to nothing to better society, especially when the economic disparities are increasing between rich and poor. NYC, the gap is the biggest and has been increasing every year.

being rich and not giving a **** about people is one thing. but if ur rich and repping a city all the time publicly, but don't do **** for that city, that commands little respect imo.

and im not even talking about buying new computers for a classroom n **** and getting some press coverage to better your public talking about real impact. like work with the city to create more after school programs, create a REAL scholarship program that helps kids study something meaningful (STEM field). a kid who graduates an engineer is the best ROI you could ever ask for.

dude is worth half a billion dollars, and prolly close to a billy with beyonce. and now that i think about it, he sort of has this yeezy mentality, where he just wants a seat at the table with those who have, and not give a **** about those who don't. that lowkey house negro mentality...

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nothing wrong with being rich. i support a capitalist economy although i don't have anything against a socialist one either, word to cuba. but there is only so much u can do with money to live it up. help a brotha out, word to warren buffet and his notion of too much money to spend.

[i have nothing against this


i have a problem with this

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See...thats why it's called anectdoctal, I don't know the people in your life, but I knwo the people in mine, a general statement of my personal experience, the people that I've met in my life that listen to Jay seem to be more successful than the people that don't. ...

I know for a fact Jay has had a profound impact on my life, about as much as Martin or Malcom or Socrates or Hume or Angelou or a bunch of other people you probably don't care about...people can dislike him for whatever reason they want, but people who constantly watch his career just to say "See he's not that great" are losers to me.

Leave it at his not liking his music, don't make up these personal things "He looks like a camel" thats what kids say on the playground. I don't think you guys read very well.

Then I spend all this time defending how I feel about Jay because you seem so bent that Jay can't/has never done any good in anyone's life...but I'm standing here telling you thats false...I'm pulling up articles about his charitble givings... when you sit and ignore blatant facts you sound like a hater.

When and where did I ever say he doesn't do any good in anyone's life?

You're making that up flat out you're having an argument with yourself and I'm just commenting on it my man

You just compared this man to Malcolm an Martin youre bugging out

Serious question was your dad in your life?

So if you make up things that were never said and compare a man who's done nothing for his people in comparison to Martin and Malcolm what exactly does that make you look like?
When and where did I ever say he doesn't do any good in anyone's life?

You're making that up flat out you're having an argument with yourself and I'm just commenting on it my man

You just compared this man to Malcolm an Martin youre bugging out

Serious question was your dad in your life?

So if you make up things that were never said and compare a man who's done nothing for his people in comparison to Martin and Malcolm what exactly does that make you look like?
My dad was there...kind of...But you know what I do now? I'm headed to being a lawyer, like two semesters away. I'll tell you...and anyone else who listens...Jay - z's music had a lot to do with that. I say it every two weeks when this thread comes up. I use to listen to Jay everyday on the bus to highschool, everyday walking to college no I listen to him everyday in law school. I also listen to the Ballot or the Bullet at least once a week, and have been for years....I also listen to "I have a dream" I also read Langston Hughes...I also read Maya Angelou...all these people have had a profound impact on my life, Jay probably had the biggest because his words are the most accessible, but I'll be damned if they all don't talk about the same talk...Different mediums, different platforms.

and as far as Jacking, I'll just drop this here...but none of you will read because ya'll ignore facts...but I'll drop it here anyway.... yeah, thats just the first article...there are more

I don't care what this man does with his free time or anything else outside of music.

He needs to hang it up though. He's tainting his career with this nonsense he spitting nowadays. wasn't a personal shot I was dead serious if I said some of this **** homies saying around my pops he might swing on me. what way are Jay and Maya or Martin talking the same talk?

Holmes is wilding out in here like Jay is something he's not and if I'm a hater for not letting it ride that this dude is being compared to people who gave their lives for the betterment of their people ill take that.
I've never fact I've said numerous times, if you don't like his music than thats fine...but when you say stuff like "he didn't do anything for black people" what the hell is he suppose to do? He gives back...I've posted articles...his words are pretty prophetic...some **** to live by

"Chains is cools to cop but more important is lawyer fees"

is just as important to this generations as

"Education is the responsibility of the individual, an Education is the responsibility of a Nation"  - Nicki Giovianni

How bout

I keep cash case cops harrass me, case kids kidnap me, kids can get back me...but you shall repent before you spend a red cent, if not you're somebody close to sin

just as important to me as

Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery - Malcom X

People are put on a pedastool because they are legends, we didn't live through their time, and in their time people didn't have nearly as much access to them as we do now, but if we look deeper into their lives, they probably did just as much dirt as any rapper etc. They were liars, cheats, they stole, they drank, they fornicated...but they also gave the world sentences as t his world has ever seen.

Honestly, they all talk that "empower yourself, empower your neighborhood"  Actually go listen to what they said instead of just saying stuff. I posted lyrics to both Langston Hughes and Jay z one has yet to break each down.

Messengers are human, the Message is divine, whether that message comes from an Adulterer (Martin) an ex con (Malcom) a drunk (Langston) a vagabond (Socrates) a general ******* (Hume) or a drug dealer (Jay -z ) the message is what matters, the message will live long after the trivialities of an individuals life...thats' how I view Jay, as a messenger, a messenger which, if you actually listen, is an eye opening critique of being black in a capitalist system.
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Come on man. One word, context. Context. You are really going to put the Malcolm X sentence in the same context as that Jay-Z lyric?


The white man do the same thing to you in the street, when he want [sic] to put knots on your head and take advantage of you and don't have to be afraid of your fighting back. To keep you from fighting back, he gets these old religious Uncle Toms to teach you and me, just like novocaine, suffer peacefully. Don't stop suffering -- just suffer peacefully. As Reverend Cleage pointed out, "Let your blood flow In the streets." This is a shame. And you know he's a Christian preacher. If it's a shame to him, you know what it is to me.

There's nothing in our book, the Quran -- you call it "Ko-ran" -- that teaches us to suffer peacefully. Our religion teaches us to be intelligent. Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery. That's a good religion. In fact, that's that old-time religion. That's the one that Ma and Pa used to talk about: an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, and a head for a head, and a life for a life: That's a good religion. And doesn't nobody resent that kind of religion being taught but a wolf, who intends to make you his meal.

This is the way it is with the white man in America. He's a wolf and you're sheep. Any time a shepherd, a pastor, teach [sic] you and me not to run from the white man and, at the same time, teach [sic] us not to fight the white man, he's a traitor to you and me. Don't lay down our life all by itself. No, preserve your life. it's the best thing you got. And if you got to give it up, let it be even-steven.

The slavemaster took Tom and dressed him well, and fed him well, and even gave him a little education -- a little education; gave him a long coat and a top hat and made all the other slaves look up to him. Then he used Tom to control them. The same strategy that was used in those days is used today, by the same white man. He takes a Negro, a so-called Negro, and make [sic] him prominent, build [sic] him up, publicize [sic] him, make [sic] him a celebrity. And then he becomes a spokesman for Negroes -- and a Negro leader.

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