He's still in here bugging out I see

No way I'm buying that you're intelligent enough to be in law school yet don't understand how stupid you sound comparing Jay-z to Malcolm.

Jumping from topic to topic trying desperately to hold it all under the umbrella of Jay is the best person in the world.

I genuinely hope you meet him and he acts like an *** just so you have to live in the real world with everyone else where homie is just a talented musician and not a super hero.
i havent listened to a jay album since american gangster

beyonce has some of the most annoying music

this whole thread is irrelevant to me
He's still in here bugging out I see

No way I'm buying that you're intelligent enough to be in law school yet don't understand how stupid you sound comparing Jay-z to Malcolm.

Jumping from topic to topic trying desperately to hold it all under the umbrella of Jay is the best person in the world.

I genuinely hope you meet him and he acts like an *** just so you have to live in the real world with everyone else where homie is just a talented musician and not a super hero.

woah wait fam is in law school?

Absolutely. 1.5 years left. I read...a lot. Honestly...I've never been the one to be like this...but I've read more of any of these philosophers/social leaders than most of you.

I currently hold a Ba on philosophy and Political science, numerous classes in black studies...I'm not talking out my *** when I say things about Malcom and Martin..READ SOME DAMN BOOKS and trust you'll feel a different way.

It's funny, I can name, damn near recite Malcom and Martin as well as Jay and Nas...yet I get ridiculed on a message board for saying the stuff Jay says is just as deep and complex as the things Malcom says...but most haven't read any of eithers works so I have no idea why I'm getting rustled...maybe it's the fact I am and have been doing pretty well listening to the people I listen to and take music/philosophy/politics/principles/oration/propaganda more serious than most people take living with their take mothers...but hey...No rapper can ever say something meaningful, especially when he drives a MayBach...only those who stay poor can effect the world, once someone dies they're never to be compared to anyone else.

I get what people are saying, Malcon x was a civil rights leader...but it's how people reacted that made the words so powerful not the words themselves...people choose how they respond to stimulus, I, being born in '88, raised on the eastcoast around drug culture, I respond to Jays words..some don't. But to say his words aren't profound...aren't deep...don't comment on social issues is crazy to me. I hear it, heard from twenty two twos, hear it on Oceans...holy grail. But you hear what you want.
No body is saying they don't have some meaningful lyrics. But at the end of the day fam these are not people trying to push a positive agenda. They are entertainers trying to make money backed by people trying to make even more money.

It's all good to take in their music and lyrics and trust me I feel you, I look at some of bad lyrics like dam this stuff is deep, profound , although it seems basic to a lot of people.

But then you pick up the Quran, and read true knowledge and realize these rappers ain't saying nothing valuable what so ever.

Show me one positive person in entertainment even... It does not exist.

So to compare a man like Malcolm who lost his life to bring forth a positive message, to a man like jay z who spent his life trying to make money, regardless if some songs are deep, of his message is a terrible comparison.
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Yea I think you're making all this up I'm calling duck tales on the law school, between the rambling, poor communication skills and the fact you actually think this makes sense there's now way you're in law school.

By the way what Great jayz "works" are we supposed to be reading exactly?
Read a solid portion of the Quran. This is what I mean...when Lupe Says 'I love The Lord, but sometimes is like that I love me more' is no different than the bible reading
Obadiah 1:3 (#9 of 10 Bible Verses about Pride and Arrogance)

3The pride of your heart has deceived you, you who live in the clefts of the rocks and make your home on the heights, you who say to yourself, 'Who can bring me down to the ground?'

Or Jay saying
'Hes having heaven on earth will his wings still fit him'

Or Ghandi saying
'Anger is the enemy of non violence, pride is the monster tha gobbles it up'

It's all about pride, all presented differently for different people. I know what these people are saying, I get it. But we hold it higher because its older, because we're told it's more meaningful, but the same message has been taught since the beginning if time, it's just different forms, and trust when all these people were delivering it, if there had been the interwebz it would have been the same as this.

'Just because he wears a kufi, don't mean that he's bright, you just don't understand all the ******** that we writes'

I try and discover truth, smwhere that comes from makes me no never mind, Klansman can have some good words about patience, but if u don't listen you'll never hear it.

I pride myself in remaining myself because how we view communication is such bs...if I use y'all instead if you all I'm somehow less intelligent? Nah b, I speak like I always have, it's the ideas that matter, not the presentation, I wish the world wasn't so blind and could see that. Plus, this is a forum which most of my posts are made from my phone....
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No body is saying they don't have some meaningful lyrics. But at the end of the day fam these are not people trying to push a positive agenda. They are entertainers trying to make money backed by people trying to make even more money.

It's all good to take in their music and lyrics and trust me I feel you, I look at some of bad lyrics like dam this stuff is deep, profound , although it seems basic to a lot of people.

But then you pick up the BIBLE, and read true knowledge and realize these rappers ain't saying nothing valuable what so ever.

Show me one positive person in entertainment even... It does not exist.

So to compare a man like MARTIN  who lost his life to bring forth a positive message, to a man like jay z who spent his life trying to make money, regardless if some songs are deep, of his message is a terrible comparison.
Great points fam, but as a Christian I had to make a few changes.  Not trying to get into a religious debate, but I feel what you said.  I look at someone like Solomon and after reading his accounts and perspective on money/material things/the world in general it really put life in a whole different perspective.  
from a business standpoint this just isnt true, its all presentation.

you dont need to have the best product, you just need a passable product while being the best at selling your product

the world has, does and will always work this way
I don't live in a business world...I mean I do but I'm more concerned with survival, being black, navigating a capitalist society.ive had some top not h jobs...and can proudly say ive never put on a 'white voice' if course I don't speak like I'm talking to my friends, but I don't speak that way to my moms, but on the phone, from tone to cadence, I'm always me.

..I've sat in church since I was a kid...but not one preacher ever said 'chains is cool to cop but more important is lawyer fees' I heard that when I was twelve, around dudes pushing, buying cars, getting sent for long wasn't til jay said that I was like...damn maybe I should try and be a lawyer, seems to be needed far more than drug dealers round here.

That's why I like Jay, almost everyone says the same thing, have been for an eternity, but jay always found a way to say it that I don't feel it cool, but don't tell me he's only one way or he doesn't give back...just seeing him, up there with mayor Bloomberg so unapologetically himself is a charity, every other black dude I've known had to change, he says 'I wear du rags to your so called awards' I'm a huge Lupe fan, 'wear my street clothes, disrespect the dress code while I'm in it, til they throwing a fit'
Theres no one who NT is more critical of than Jay Z
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I don't live in a business world...I mean I do but I'm more concerned with survival, being black, navigating a capitalist society.ive had some top not h jobs...and can proudly say ive never put on a 'white voice' if course I don't speak like I'm talking to my friends, but I don't speak that way to my moms, but on the phone, from tone to cadence, I'm always me.

..I've sat in church since I was a kid...but not one preacher ever said 'chains is cool to cop but more important is lawyer fees' I heard that when I was twelve, around dudes pushing, buying cars, getting sent for long wasn't til jay said that I was like...damn maybe I should try and be a lawyer, seems to be needed far more than drug dealers round here.

That's why I like Jay, almost everyone says the same thing, have been for an eternity, but jay always found a way to say it that I don't feel it cool, but don't tell me he's only one way or he doesn't give back...just seeing him, up there with mayor Bloomberg so unapologetically himself is a charity, every other black dude I've known had to change, he says 'I wear du rags to your so called awards' I'm a huge Lupe fan, 'wear my street clothes, disrespect the dress code while I'm in it, til they throwing a fit'
Explain this
Charity is someone giving something to someone else, something people don't have to do.

Jay, being a young black male with a sordid past and not shying away from it is the 'charity.' Can't name off top anyone ense that looks/acts like him. He could easily distance himself from from hip hop at this point, he has .5 billion, but seeing him up there, taking all the heat has laid out a path for hustlers.

Malcolm/Martin have pasted, but them even existing was a charity to the black community,

Seeing you can defy the status quo is charity, when you don't have too. All of these men made enough (not Malcolm but he woulda been good no matter) that they didn't have to take the heat they did, but they gave up a normal life as an example. End of the day they all wanted a better life for themselves and their families, but no man is an island so they sail the seas of fame so I don't have to feel like I can't become anything more than I am now.

'**** jay made it out, maybe I can too' just being able to point to someone from where I'm from, someone that went through the same things I went through is a gift to me, maybe not you, but to me the great people that existed and the legacy they left/wil leave is charity.
Let's not forget that Jay's charity is also all the charities he donates to, the foundations he started that are Brooklyn youth based, and the money he's put into youth centers and local businesses.
Charity is someone giving something to someone else, something people don't have to do.

Jay, being a young black male with a sordid past and not shying away from it is the 'charity.' Can't name off top anyone ense that looks/acts like him. He could easily distance himself from from hip hop at this point, he has .5 billion, but seeing him up there, taking all the heat has laid out a path for hustlers.

Malcolm/Martin have pasted, but them even existing was a charity to the black community,

Seeing you can defy the status quo is charity, when you don't have too. All of these men made enough (not Malcolm but he woulda been good no matter) that they didn't have to take the heat they did, but they gave up a normal life as an example. End of the day they all wanted a better life for themselves and their families, but no man is an island so they sail the seas of fame so I don't have to feel like I can't become anything more than I am now.

'**** jay made it out, maybe I can too' just being able to point to someone from where I'm from, someone that went through the same things I went through is a gift to me, maybe not you, but to me the great people that existed and the legacy they left/wil leave is charity.
Naw boss.  You and Jay got it all wrong.  Showing young black kids that they can make money buy being a drug dealer and or rapper does not separate J from any other drug dealer/rapper.  Jay Z can spend his money whatever way he chooses, but neither you nor him can tell me that his presence is charity.   As I have grown I have started to look more to what the Bible's stance is on things that go on in this world.  Not saying that this is the way everyone needs to think or that you or Jay need to be in line with what the what the Bible says.  I'm using this scripture (James 2:14-17) to show what real charity and giving does.

14 What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? 15 Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food.  16 If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?  17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

Basically these verses are saying that just cause Jay may show up to certain events where he has defied the status quo or spits a couple of motivational lines on a song, does nothing for those who are in need.  So, if he was really bout it his pockets would do the talking for him.....similar to a Bill Gates or a Warren Buffet.  Just saying don't piss on my head and tell me it's raining 
Charity is someone giving something to someone else, something people don't have to do.

Jay, being a young black male with a sordid past and not shying away from it is the 'charity.' Can't name off top anyone ense that looks/acts like him. He could easily distance himself from from hip hop at this point, he has .5 billion, but seeing him up there, taking all the heat has laid out a path for hustlers.

Malcolm/Martin have pasted, but them even existing was a charity to the black community,

Seeing you can defy the status quo is charity, when you don't have too. All of these men made enough (not Malcolm but he woulda been good no matter) that they didn't have to take the heat they did, but they gave up a normal life as an example. End of the day they all wanted a better life for themselves and their families, but no man is an island so they sail the seas of fame so I don't have to feel like I can't become anything more than I am now.

'**** jay made it out, maybe I can too' just being able to point to someone from where I'm from, someone that went through the same things I went through is a gift to me, maybe not you, but to me the great people that existed and the legacy they left/wil leave is charity.

There are so many holes in your argument. This is like swiss cheese.

1. You must not understand the definition of charity. You cannot just arbitrarily change the definition of words to fit your agenda.

2. What has Jay-Z sacrificed? How has Jay-Z "laid out a path for hustlers" as you state?

3. How did Jay-Z give up his life in a way that is comparable to Martin/Malcolm?

4. Let's not backtrack from your argument which was that Jay-Z has had as much of an impact on you(and perhaps our country) as Martin/Malcolm.

I could go on and on here but these are my starting points.
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