Here you's an old snapshot...I'm talking Pre Roc Nation snapshot...of his charitable givings.

Can we dead the "Jay-z doesn't doesn't give back" seriously...these are facts, with evidence....

We can debate whether or not you agree with his personal life, but his charity is something factual we don't have to debate.
That is you guys CHOICE to be altruistic. You guys slandering Hov because he wants to hold on to his bread. It's his. Let him enjoy it how he wants.

I don't even want to address the idea that Jay schemed his way to the top, one of the things I realized about you NTers is a lot of you guys think rich people became successful by doing negative things. I am convinced a lot of you dislike rich people.
Come on fam, are you THAT blind. I didn't even have to search hard for evidence. Jay is notorious for stea..."borrowing" ideas. You are aware that's how rich people get rich too, right? They steal, but they steal at the right times. Most of the stuff I ran across about Jay was unwarranted, I wasn't searching for it, I just happened to hear it. All I have to say is watch a few videos on youtube with a dude named choke no joke, He broke down why Beans is salty at Jay. I thought it was BS and hearing what went down, it has some validity. But I can't tell you anything. See what you want to see. It's ironic you have that POV about rich people, don't expect anything from them. Don't expect Jay to even respect you as a fan, just drop $20 in his Bently as he rolls by and don't ask no questions b. 
****** in here looking stupid tryna bring up sample size rather than talking about the actual topic :lol:

The average Gallup usually has a 1,000 person sample size

As far as the article I think it was spot on for the most part

I still think it's comedy how he tried to swoop in and make some money of the Occupy movement after he admitted he didn't even know what the movement was about :rofl:

Opportunist Hov :pimp:

favorite part of the thread so far.
That is you guys CHOICE to be altruistic. You guys slandering Hov because he wants to hold on to his bread. It's his. Let him enjoy it how he wants.

I don't even want to address the idea that Jay schemed his way to the top, one of the things I realized about you NTers is a lot of you guys think rich people became successful by doing negative things. I am convinced a lot of you dislike rich people.

I can tell you're not successful because you haven't been humbled yet. I make a couple hundred grand a year, which is pennies in a bucket compared to Hov's wealth, and considering where I emerged from, I feel an incredible sense of duty to give back to those whose present was my past. A derivative of success is the realization that you are nothing without the community that helped get you there.

Hov didnt make it by himself. He made it with the support of millions who helped him get there. He financed his route to wealth based upon emphasizing his humble beginnings as a means of connecting with the impoverished and gaining authenticity, such that they would entrust him with their support. You can't manipulate your demographic then abandon them when you've made it, and not expect a backlashing.

No one is saying give every penny you've earned but when a man is worth half a billion he can give back way more than he has to his community.
And I can't help the poor if I'm one of them
So I got rich and gave back
To me that's the win, win

That tells you all you need to know about Jay when it comes to giving back or whatever. I don't think he's this evil, cut throat dude some people try to make him out to be but I do think he's selfish to an extent. He cares about him and his family only and being a celebrity I can't really blame him. A lot of dudes fall for that "I feel guilty for my success" thing and they end up making mistakes.
And I can't help the poor if I'm one of them
So I got rich and gave back
To me that's the win, win

That tells you all you need to know about Jay when it comes to giving back or whatever. I don't think he's this evil, cut throat dude some people try to make him out to be but I do think he's selfish to an extent. He cares about him and his family only and being a celebrity I can't really blame him. A lot of dudes fall for that "I feel guilty for my success" thing and they end up making mistakes.
Not to pick on you, but if you have to point out a rap line to give an example of how he lives his life, you falling for the okey doke. He's SUPPOSED to sell you that. Yeah it's jives with what we see, but it's no different than a politician saying the right thing to get you to agree with him and vote for him for him to turn around and do what he wants once you already trusted him. 
Its funny because we had this discussion on NT several months back, and many of us came to the same conclusion as this poll.
Dude is 44 years old now, he's prolly laughing at the survey on a random island with beyonce getting ready to board a private jet to come back to more filled up arenas
I can tell you're not successful because you haven't been humbled yet. I make a couple hundred grand a year, which is pennies in a bucket compared to Hov's wealth, and considering where I emerged from, I feel an incredible sense of duty to give back to those whose present was my past. A derivative of success is the realization that you are nothing without the community that helped get you there.

Hov didnt make it by himself. He made it with the support of millions who helped him get there. He financed his route to wealth based upon emphasizing his humble beginnings as a means of connecting with the impoverished and gaining authenticity, such that they would entrust him with their support. You can't manipulate your demographic then abandon them when you've made it, and not expect a backlashing.

No one is saying give every penny you've earned but when a man is worth half a billion he can give back way more than he has to his community.

I'm not humble but you here telling me how much you taking in? Miss me with that.

Your whole post reminds me of Obama's epic "you didn't build that" gaffe. If all these people played a hand in helping these successful people become successful why aren't they at the top too?
He's still a great guy and he's really rich.

My friend said he throws really fun dinner parties and he said Jay is a really big art history buff.
I don't eem know what to make of that
Probably only owns a few Basquiat pieces, perhaps?
What I was getting at is this, why all of a sudden he's an art fan? This version of Jay is new to me. To me it's just another form of hypebeasting if you ask me. I knew about Basquiat way before Jay mentioned it. I laugh at him mentioning all these artists as if he was always into it. I'm not mad at his success, but in the manner he does it, his imgage was  the dude that was 'hood, sold drugs, didn't know about high class life, got some money, got new friends, they put him on to art, now he talks about it as if he was down with it from the beginning and now he feels he's doing something good by saying an artist's name in a rap and he's educatiing the youth about art? FOH, Those same kids can maybe do what I did, pick up a damn book, read and study artists and not wait for a rapper to give you a rap line out of context and pass it as education. It's lazy. 
I think you can only exploit your demographic so much without giving back in a meaningful way before they turn on you. Hov's acquired wealth off of our culture, without really doing anything to better it. This dude should be building schools in Brooklyn or something.

When you've reached the heights he has reached off of the support of your people you have a duty to return and make things better than you had it. I don't think he's lived up to that duty, and the constant bragging about brands no one has even heard of, is just making the people spiteful.
And I can't help the poor if I'm one of them

So I got rich and gave back

To me that's the win, win

That tells you all you need to know about Jay when it comes to giving back or whatever. I don't think he's this evil, cut throat dude some people try to make him out to be but I do think he's selfish to an extent. He cares about him and his family only and being a celebrity I can't really blame him. A lot of dudes fall for that "I feel guilty for my success" thing and they end up making mistakes.
Not to pick on you, but if you have to point out a rap line to give an example of how he lives his life, you falling for the okey doke. He's SUPPOSED to sell you that. Yeah it's jives with what we see, but it's no different than a politician saying the right thing to get you to agree with him and vote for him for him to turn around and do what he wants once you already trusted him. 

I didn't fall for nothing. I never even said I agreed with it but it's obvious that his mind is set on getting his and everything else is not his concern.
@WhatCanISay  where did I say I was better than Jay? Read a little more carefully. My gripe is with the overall message of these disenfranchised kids he claims to reach in mentioning "the good things in life" through his raps. Does he not do that? My thing is that you don't have to wait for him to say it for it to be motivation for you to read a book, study, want to be successful etc. That's what I was getting at. He conveniently dodges in and out of responsibility when it suits his needs. Some people need to recognize this, it's obvious some don't.
I'm done with this thread...I gotta figure out a way to block a whole thread because I'll get sucked back I do...every two weeks when this thread comes up.

Jay has to give back...

No one has to give back...

Jay does in fact give this is something we need to argue about, there are actual, public, facts and figures.

We can argue about other things... but can we please please please get off that "jay z doesn't give back" whether he has to or not...he does...he puts time and effort into giving back to the community and the world...

These are what we in the business call FACTS....I don't understand how you guys can continually ignore these...completely guys sound real republican with this little bubble ya'll live in.
Roc-a-wear still being rocked?  It's the only brand I'm familiar with that he's associated. 

You got it on? Not in here.  -Cam'ron
He's still a great guy and he's really rich.

My friend said he throws really fun dinner parties and he said Jay is a really big art history buff.
I don't eem know what to make of that

Probably only owns a few Basquiat pieces, perhaps?
What I was getting at is this, why all of a sudden he's an art fan? This version of Jay is new to me. To me it's just another form of hypebeasting if you ask me. I knew about Basquiat way before Jay mentioned it. I laugh at him mentioning all these artists as if he was always into it. I'm not mad at his success, but in the manner he does it, his imgage was  the dude that was 'hood, sold drugs, didn't know about high class life, got some money, got new friends, they put him on to art, now he talks about it as if he was down with it from the beginning and now he feels he's doing something good by saying an artist's name in a rap and he's educatiing the youth about art? FOH, Those same kids can maybe do what I did, pick up a damn book, read and study artists and not wait for a rapper to give you a rap line out of context and pass it as education. It's lazy. 

Nice. This means you are better than Jay-Z. Congrats.

I'm going to email him now and tell him to go back to selling drugs so he can please his non-fan base.


I can see what beh's point of view is though, and while I can agree I don't know who this current version of Hov is, I can at least respect that he's the middle man needed that can open these young kids minds. Sometimes you need that and unfortunately, rappers can be more influential than teachers. And who knows, this could really be something he really does like and I can't hate on anyone growing as a person. Hell, I remember thinking that was Jesus on his shirt during his Unplugged concert and then the Che bandwagon blew up. Who knows if it would've happened that way had he not worn that shirt?
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