^yes and many fear those might get sold off or shipped accidentally from unknown sellers. "You got the infrareds in stock?.. Sure do. Nice bright color". Mint's account is pretty accurate from a general consensus pov. If they didnt know what the hell they had before, they sure as heck will now. 10 calls a day goes from an unknown product to maybe something the shop crew now wants. Maybe prices rise... It could be a slippery slope folks, and that's all on Nike..
white/indg navy-wlf gry-infrrd
Originally Posted by trethousandgt

Originally Posted by frazier10

Originally Posted by ekhunter1

good thing ALL THE LURKERS AND HYPEBEASTS are getting THEIRS!!! cause ppl like ME who have been in this thread from the beginning CANT score my size!!! THANKS GUYS!!!

preach on..and im sure ill see these on ebay for over $200 ......ive been buying nike since 1986 and they pull this QS *@*!++$$ on a shoe i have been waiting to retro forever..if i sound bitter.......i am
Yea I feel you, it seems pretty rough 
This.  Sadly, making these a QS equates to people who really want a pair having to contend with the flavor-of-the-month folks and resellers.  Personally, I don't have the time or energy to track down shoes anymore, so if it can happen with relatively little hassle and close to retail, then so be it.  If not, I'll still sleep at night.  
They look pretty good though, that's for sure.  Hope all you OG heads get yours.  
Originally Posted by DJ Proto J

thanx for the info back there, just grabbed a 13 in both colorways (no more 13's left now).

a dude tried them on for me in the store and said the toe is a lil' snug, so a 13 should be perfect.

i never know what size to get these days with nike cuz i'm a true 12.5, they don't usually make that size so i have to choose between a 12 and 13.

12 was already gone so it wasn't an option anyways.
pretty sure the 13 was a better choice. if i was forced to decide between them fitting big or fitting small, i'd say they are a little snug on wider feet.
Congrats to those that was able to get them, but I'm feeling like this not having access to them....
Originally Posted by ekhunter1

i was told from 2 very reputable people these are VERY limited, bay area has only 3 stores getting them and every store that got them only has gotten 12 pair in EACH colorway. the cat at district said 1k pairs BUT WHO REALLY KNOWS??? ebay prices will be 250+ i bet!

Not exactly true, while I'm not trying to say the info isn't legit or anything and I'm sure there isn't many to go around. I just know for a fact that my friends shop was offered/will be receiving 24 in each color. But he was only offered them today by Nike while a ton of shops have already received stock either some QS accts passed on the shoe and Nike is trying to get rid of whats left in the warehouse, or there is more of them out there then we think.
*%+ just happened? I'm in class and Protocol J came in here and ordered these???? Someone please tell me this is a joke.
^it seems as though the islands & west coast have received their shipments & some spots
released them & sold out over the past 48 hours
a place in kentucky also sold out already
Originally Posted by Stuntman Mike

Originally Posted by DJ Proto J

thanx for the info back there, just grabbed a 13 in both colorways (no more 13's left now).

a dude tried them on for me in the store and said the toe is a lil' snug, so a 13 should be perfect.

i never know what size to get these days with nike cuz i'm a true 12.5, they don't usually make that size so i have to choose between a 12 and 13.

12 was already gone so it wasn't an option anyways.
pretty sure the 13 was a better choice. if i was forced to decide between them fitting big or fitting small, i'd say they are a little snug on wider feet.

thanx. i actually do have a wide foot. i go up a width in my asics running/gym shoes.

between you and the guy who tried them on at district today, that's 2 reports of them being slightly snug, so that makes me feel better, cuz i woulda prolly grabbed the 12 if i had the chance. lots of recent nikes, especially jordan retro's, fit bigger these days so i've been grabbing 12's instead of 13's...

Originally Posted by Stuntman Mike

white/indg navy-wlf gry-infrrd

oh wow.
samples? i like the navy better!
Originally Posted by Weatherman

*%+ just happened? I'm in class and Protocol J came in here and ordered these???? Someone please tell me this is a joke.

sounds to me like you seem to consider yourself and others to be more of a "real sneakerhead" or something than i am, huh? you're one of those elitist types?

listen man, i had my first jordans in 1985 when i was a lil' kid. started collecting jordans and air max's in the 90's. you obviously think i'm some "hypebeast" or something, but that doesn't mean that i am.

no, i haven't been in this thread this whole time, i saw these posted in the WDYWT yesterday, like how they look (i really dig straps on shoes when done right), and got info on them.

sorry if you think it just can't be that simple anymore these days, but it is. i buy what i like. i don't buy shoes just because they're limited or hyped. i was actually hoping these were a GR so they'd be an easy cop. there's plenty of shoes that are extremely hyped and limited and if i'm not into them i don't buy them.

i genuinely like how these look, like the colorways, and picked them up. just because i wasn't up on the OG's of these back in the day, or been all up in this thread this whole time doesn't mean you some how deserve to have them b4 me.

that said, i hope the guys who have been pushing this thread, and likely part of the reason nike brought these back, do easily secure their pairs for retail or under. thanx for anything you had to do with it, cuz these are nifty looking shoes.
^OGs had indigo navy in their name, but never truly appeared to have a NAVY color to them.. Maybe 92% black ,8% blue? The QSs are also named with indigo navy in their name with likely very limited hints of navy

An OG c/w 2001 retro at III just ended up ebay the other day. This one was white/indigo navy and had true hints of dark navy. So you can never take what Nike say writes down on a shoe as the truth.

Since I never owned the originals, it may be more like a situational lighting thing. Where the photo by Stuntman could appear to have Navy in them. It could be seen only in really bright environments.. The OGs could have carried that same traight.

Or the OGs never had navy in them at all and Nike took the colorway literally and changed this infrared batch up to actually include a hint of navy. Or maybe it's just all in our minds and it's black, and only navy in writting?

That's the technical response to Indigo Navy.
Re: elitism
I would try not to take offense to anything anyone says in the next two weeks. In a trainer spectrum, and for some out there, they've been on their grind nightly trying to get the latest scoop or photos, or what have you. Many since the leaked photo in April. Some may take the afternoon off of all days and then see some others just jump in with no work needed... Hours upon hours of leg work. And then some catch a lucky break. It's a sense of bitterness but it's kind of to a point you say "damn im lucky". That's what Nike has created here. Not to say anyone is more deserving, but Nike has definitely created an atmosphere where the next few weeks could be alittle edgy.
^ yeah, from all the pix i've seen i thought it was black. so it's actually really navy tho? that's even better. i love the combo of navy/infrared. it's not done enough, it's always black with infrared.
Originally Posted by DJ Proto J

Originally Posted by Weatherman

*%+ just happened? I'm in class and Protocol J came in here and ordered these???? Someone please tell me this is a joke.

sounds to me like you seem to consider yourself and others to be more of a "real sneakerhead" or something than i am, huh? you're one of those elitist types?

listen man, i had my first jordans in 1985 when i was a lil' kid. started collecting jordans and air max's in the 90's. i know you think i'm some hypebeast or something, but that doesn't mean that i am.

no, i haven't been in this thread this whole time, i saw these posted in the WDYWT yesterday, like how they look (i really dig straps on shoes when done right), and got info on them.

sorry if you think it just can't be that simple anymore these days, but it is. i buy what i like. i don't buy shoes just because they're limited or hyped. i was actually hoping these were a GR so they'd be an easy cop. there's plenty of shoes that are extremely hyped and limited and if i'm not into them i don't buy them.

i genuinely like how these look, like the colorways, and picked them up. just because i wasn't up on the OG's of these back in the day, or been all up in this thread this whole time doesn't mean you some how deserve to have them b4 me.

that said, i hope the guys who have been pushing this thread, and likely part of the reason nike brought these back, do easily secure their pairs for retail or under. thanx for anything you had to do with it, cuz these are nifty looking shoes.
I don't think anyone thinks they deserve these more than you.  I know I certainly don't.  But this is why these being a QS sucks.  You, along with many, many other people will see these in WDYWT threads all over the internet and will jump on them.  And listen, I certainly understand why you'd jump on them--they're too dope.  But you sum up the issue a lot of people have with limited releases.  Folks have been waiting YEARS for these and now they have to contend with people in WDYWT threads.  Make them a GR and that problem goes away.  
Not to mention the fact that you have to be lucky to score a pair of these if there are no QS accounts in your area.  Like for dudes that work during the day (like myself), how the hell are you supposed to stay up on what shops got them in today and who is taking phone orders?  Again, it just sucks to have waited years for these, only to have people that just saw them scoop them up.  But I don't blame YOU...I blame NIKE.  
You can't even begin to understand Proto J. And the fact that you just strolled in here and are bragging about picking them up SAYS IT ALL. This is a disgrace.

This is the ONLY shoe I have concerned myself with for the last 8 months. To put in the amount of heart and time into digging for answers, info, anything, that I an others did, and then to have something like this go down, is a major slap in the face.
whatever man. it's a "disgrace" that i picked these up? 
these elitists are mad corny to me...

at some point you've seen a sneaker, had no idea about them, but like the way they look and picked them up. that's what i did. deal with it.

it is nike's fault they're limited. but they prolly felt like a GR wouldn't sell well. i dunno. but don't waste your time complaining, and being another old jaded corny elitist "sneakerhead". instead, be patient, do your homework, make some calls, and you'll prolly pick your pair up.

when i saw them i was hoping they were a GR and easily attainable. i went on ebay and google and no dice. checked out the thread and there was some info on a shop who got them. sue me.

a "disgrace"... 
Originally Posted by Weatherman

You can't even begin to understand Proto J. And the fact that you just strolled in here and are bragging about picking them up SAYS IT ALL. This is a disgrace.

This is the ONLY shoe I have concerned myself with for the last 8 months. To put in the amount of heart and time into digging for answers, info, anything, that I an others did, and then to have something like this go down, is a major slap in the face.

dude, you're being way too dramatical.

it was one shop who sold early that got name dropped in this thread. not the end of the world. there are others getting them. stop crying and PURSUE them.

i'll post in here if i hear about any other stores with them and taking phone or internet orders.
Fellas chill.  I am just as thirsty as the next guy when it comes to these, and while I did score my pairs, I feel you Weatherman.  I made a few calls today and while nothing is concrete, there are some positive signs. 

No need for back and forth here like children.  Lets keep above that B. S found on nearly every other thread here at one point or another and just work together as best we can.  Proto J is legit, and Weatherman- I KNOW you've been on this a LONG time.  Proto J means no disrespect clearly and Weatherman- am pretty sure we can get you pointed in the right direction.

Lets just skip all the tween and 20 something rah rah b.s and make sure fellow heads are taken care of once you secure your pair(s)-  POINT OF this whole exercise is to get pairs for those who want them- not for those who don't give a dam b.  If you can help, great.  If you can't, keep random musings to yourself and try to keep RANDOM drops to yourself or those within the community.  If you don't know who one or two or any of those people are, PM someone who looks like the MAY KNOW something.  Macgyver's timely post today was very helpful to many today including myself, so we should all be grateful if we scored pairs- However, my suggestion, for those who are in the know, and follow the thread daily/weekly/religiously is to keep it moving via PM.  Hypebeasts, trollers, and whatever other rif raf gets info on the quick typically don't go through multiple pages of the thread.  Usually just most recent few pages.  Hopefully some of this is clear.  Good luck everyone. Especially Wally, Weatherman, Trethousand, GreenRhino, Ek, etc... Sinner P you still there
i am super interested in seeing wallyhopp's post as he dissects these when he gets his pairs. it won't detract from how much i love mine but it will be educational to see his analysis of colors, materials and his comparisons to the originals.
Originally Posted by DJ Proto J

Originally Posted by Weatherman

You can't even begin to understand Proto J. And the fact that you just strolled in here and are bragging about picking them up SAYS IT ALL. This is a disgrace.

This is the ONLY shoe I have concerned myself with for the last 8 months. To put in the amount of heart and time into digging for answers, info, anything, that I an others did, and then to have something like this go down, is a major slap in the face.

dude, you're being way too DRAMATICAL.

it was one shop who sold early that got name dropped in this thread. not the end of the world. there are others getting them. stop crying and PURSUE them.

i'll post in here if i hear about any other stores with them and taking phone or internet orders.
dramatical tho? for real?
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